MCU Global Genocide – Section 3 – Thanos (Death) COVID-19 Vaccines




The Official Story

(Marvel Cinematic Universe)


Thanos is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. He was created by writer-artist Jim Starlin, and made his first appearance in The Invincible Iron Man #55 (cover dated February 1973). An Eternal–Deviant warlord from the moon Titan, Thanos is regarded as one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe. He has clashed with many heroes including the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men.

While usually portrayed as an evil-bent villain, many stories have alternatively depicted Thanos as having a twisted moral compass and thinking of his actions as justified. The character’s perhaps best-known role came in the 1991 storyline The Infinity Gauntlet, the culmination of several previous story arcs, which saw him successfully assembling the six Infinity Gems into a single gauntlet and using them to kill half of the universe’s population, including many of its heroes, in an effort to earn the affection of Mistress Death, the living embodiment of death in the Marvel Universe. Although these events were later undone, the storyline has remained one of the most popular published by Marvel.

Debuting in the Bronze Age of comic books, the character has appeared in almost five decades of Marvel publications, as well as many media adaptations, including animated television series and video games. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thanos was portrayed by Damion Poitier in The Avengers (2012) and by Josh Brolin in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), and Avengers: Endgame (2019) through voice and motion capture.

Source: Wikipedia


(Marvel Cinematic Universe)


The Snap, also known as the Blip, was the moment Thanos snapped his fingers while using the Infinity Gauntlet during the Infinity War and caused the extermination of half of all life in the universe. Wanting to restore balance to the universe, by averting universal resource conflicts due to overpopulation, Thanos embarked on a quest to assemble all six Infinity Stones needed to achieve this goal. In 2018, during the Battle of Wakanda, Thanos activated the completed gauntlet and initiated the Snap, causing a universal genocide which eliminated fifty percent of all life, randomly disintegrating individuals into dust.

The Snap had devastating universal repercussions. On Earth, the Snap led to a five-year period in which the world fell into societal collapse and many countries followed a one-world government. Major cities across the world, such as San Francisco and New York City, fell victim to disenfranchisement. In 2023, the victims of the Snap were resurrected by the Avengers, after they went back in time to collect the Infinity Stones.


On Earth, there were at least 3,797,000,000 humans confirmed deceased or missing worldwide, according to a statistical report issued by the United Nations in conjunction with the World Bank. All types of life forms perished in the Snap, including the bacteria in the bodies of the Snap survivors.


Avengers: Infinity War (2018) – The Snap (Global Genocide)

(Greek Mythology)


In Greek mythology, Thanatos ( “Death”, from “(I) die, am dying”) was the personification of death. He was a minor figure in Greek mythology, often referred to but rarely appearing in person.

In myth and poetry

The Greek poet Hesiod established in his Theogony that Thánatos is a son of Nyx (Night) and Erebos (Darkness) and twin of Hypnos (Sleep).

The god’s character is established by Hesiod in the following passage of the Theogony:

And there the children of dark Night have their dwellings, Sleep and Death, awful gods. The glowing Sun never looks upon them with his beams, neither as he goes up into heaven, nor as he comes down from heaven. And the former of them roams peacefully over the earth and the sea’s broad back and is kindly to men; but the other has a heart of iron, and his spirit within him is pitiless as bronze: whomsoever of men he has once seized he holds fast: and he is hateful even to the deathless gods.

Thanatos was thus regarded as merciless and indiscriminate, hated by – and hateful towards — mortals and gods alike. But in myths which feature him, Thanatos could occasionally be outwitted, a feat that the sly King Sisyphus of Korinth twice accomplished. When it came time for Sisyphus to die, Zeus ordered Thanatos to chain Sisyphus up in Tartarus. Sisyphus cheated death by tricking Thanatos into his own shackles, thereby preventing the demise of any mortal while Thanatos was so enchained.

In psychology and medicine

According to Sigmund Freud, humans have a life instinct—which he named “Eros”—and a death drive, which is commonly called (though not by Freud himself) “Thanatos”. This postulated death drive allegedly compels humans to engage in risky and self-destructive acts that could lead to their own death. Behaviors such as thrill seeking and aggression are viewed as actions which stem from this Thanatos instinct.

Euthanasia, “good death” in Greek, is the act or practice of ending the life of an individual who would otherwise experience severe, incurable suffering or disability. It typically involves lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment. Doctor Jack Kevorkian named his euthanasia device the Thanatron.


COVID-19 Vaccines Lethal Injections


A COVID 19 vaccine is a vaccine intended to provide acquired immunity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV 2), the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19).

Prior to the COVID 19 pandemic, an established body of knowledge existed about the structure and function of coronaviruses causing diseases like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). This knowledge accelerated the development of various vaccine platforms during early 2020. The initial focus of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines was on preventing symptomatic, often severe illness. In January 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 genetic sequence data was shared through GISAID, and by March 2020, the global pharmaceutical industry announced a major commitment to address COVID 19. In 2020, the first COVID 19 vaccines were developed and made available to the public through emergency authorizations and conditional approvals. Initially, most COVID 19 vaccines were two-dose vaccines, with the sole exception being the single-dose Janssen COVID-19 vaccine. However, immunity from the vaccines has been found to wane over time, requiring people to get booster doses of the vaccine to maintain immunity against COVID 19.

The COVID 19 vaccines are widely credited for their role in reducing the spread of COVID 19 and reducing the severity and death caused by COVID 19. According to a June 2022 study, COVID 19 vaccines prevented an additional 14.4 to 19.8 million deaths in 185 countries and territories from 8 December 2020 to 8 December 2021. Many countries implemented phased distribution plans that prioritized those at highest risk of complications, such as the elderly, and those at high risk of exposure and transmission, such as healthcare workers.

Common side effects of COVID 19 vaccines include soreness, redness, rash, inflammation at the injection site, fatigue, headache, myalgia (muscle pain), and arthralgia (joint pain), which resolve without medical treatment within a few days. COVID-19 vaccination is safe for people who are breastfeeding.

As of 27 December 2022, 13.16 billion doses of COVID 19 vaccines have been administered worldwide based on official reports from national public health agencies. By December 2020, more than 10 billion vaccine doses had been preordered by countries, with about half of the doses purchased by high-income countries comprising 14% of the world’s population. Despite the extremely rapid development of effective mRNA and viral vector vaccines, worldwide vaccine equity has not been achieved. The development and use of whole inactivated virus (WIV) and protein-based vaccines have also been recommended, especially for use in developing countries. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now authorized bivalent vaccines to protect against the original COVID-19 strain and its Omicron variant.

Source: Wikipedia




Predictive Programming is the concept whereby conspirators plan a false flag operation, they hide references to it in the popular media before the atrocity takes place; when the event occurs, the public has softened up, and therefore passively accepts it rather than offering resistance or opposition.


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.


The mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–5. More than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, were murdered at concentration camps such as Auschwitz.



A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 83,579,767Confirmed cases: 660,513,619
Deaths: 1,820,923Deaths (reported): 6,690,459
Deaths (est.): 16.6–28.3 million

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:
(to January 1, 2023)
(69.11% of the population)

Click above to view the original archived page



Thanos Vaccines – 3.1 – CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Sticker [USA]



Vaccination Sticker

The Official Story



The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the national public health agency of the United States. It is a United States federal agency, under the Department of Health and Human Services, and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.

The agency’s main goal is the protection of public health and safety through the control and prevention of disease, injury, and disability in the US and worldwide. The CDC focuses national attention on developing and applying disease control and prevention. It especially focuses its attention on infectious disease, food borne pathogens, environmental health, occupational safety and health, health promotion, injury prevention and educational activities designed to improve the health of United States citizens. The CDC also conducts research and provides information on non-infectious diseases, such as obesity and diabetes, and is a founding member of the International Association of National Public Health Institutes.

The Director of the CDC is Rochelle Walensky (as of 2022). The Director reports to the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services. Since 2020, the CDC has faced scrutiny for its handing of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2022, following an internal examination, Walensky acknowledged “some pretty dramatic, pretty public mistakes, from testing to data to communications” and called for a reorganization of the CDC.

Recent history

On August 17, 2022, Dr. Walensky said the CDC would make drastic changes in the wake of mistakes during the COVID-19 pandemic. She outlined an overhaul of how the CDC would analyze and share data and how they would communicate information to the general public. In her statement to all CDC employees, she said: “For 75 years, CDC and public health have been preparing for COVID-19, and in our big moment, our performance did not reliably meet expectations.” Based on the findings of an internal report, Walensky concluded that “The C.D.C. must refocus itself on public health needs, respond much faster to emergencies and outbreaks of disease, and provide information in a way that ordinary people and state and local health authorities can understand and put to use” (as summarized by the New York Times).

Source: Wikipedia



Source: WebMD – December 15, 2020


The first person to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in the U.S. on Monday put a sticker on her scrubs afterward that said, “Crushing COVID-19, got my vaccine,” according to ABC News.

Sandra Lindsay, a critical care nurse at Northwell Health Hospital in New York, said she felt hopeful when she received the vaccine. The CDC hopes Americans will feel the same way — and that they’ll be willing to publicize coronavirus vaccines to others.

The CDC has released a template for health care facilities to create orange-and-white stickers and buttons that say, “I got my COVID-19 vaccine!” Doctors and nurses could hand out the “swag” after patients receive their shots, similar to “I Voted” stickers offered on Election Day.

“We’re very influenced by what we perceive people in our community to be doing, so if everybody else is doing something, it’s attractive to us,” Katherine Milkman, PhD, co-director of the Behavior Change for Good Initiative, told ABC News.

Public health officials and health care companies are looking for different ways to address vaccine hesitancy and remind people to get their second doses of the vaccine when it’s time. Milkman and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania, for instance, are studying ways to increase vaccine rates, including text reminders, reserved appointments, and other treats such as ice cream.

“We think ‘I got vaccinated’ could be the new ‘I voted’ — at least until the pandemic is over — and we’re exploring the ideas as one of many ways to encourage others to get vaccinated,” a CVS spokesperson told the news outlet.

The efforts may seem simplistic, but they’re a first step to remind people. Health care organizations also need to address more complex questions about vaccine safety, efficacy, and side effects.

On a personal level, health care providers will have to talk with patients to understand their concerns and discuss the pros and cons of taking a COVID-19 vaccine. As part of its vaccine communication toolkit, the CDC released posters, slide presentations, social media messages, and fact sheets to help health care staff talk to patients.

“When it comes to the specifics of vaccine concerns, you’re not going to address them effectively with mass media campaigns,” Dan Salmon, PhD, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, told ABC News.

“You have to make sure you don’t do more harm than good,” he said.


The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.


The mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–5. More than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, were murdered at concentration camps such as Auschwitz.

Global Genocide Foreshadowing:

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)


Predictive Programming is the concept whereby conspirators plan a false flag operation, they hide references to it in the popular media before the atrocity takes place; when the event occurs, the public has softened up, and therefore passively accepts it rather than offering resistance or opposition.



A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


Avengers: Infinity War (2018) – The Snap (Global Genocide)

COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 83,579,767Confirmed cases: 660,513,619
Deaths: 1,820,923Deaths (reported): 6,690,459
Deaths (est.): 16.6–28.3 million

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:
(to January 1, 2023)
(69.11% of the population)

Click above to view the original archived page



Thanos Vaccines – 3.2 – Rochelle Walensky (CDC Director, 2021+) [USA]



Rochelle Walensky

The Official Story

(Director of the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 2021+)


Rochelle Paula Walensky (born April 5, 1969) is an American physician-scientist who is the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the administrator of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Prior to her appointment at the CDC, she was the Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Walensky is an expert on HIV/AIDS.


In a paper published in Health Affairs in November 2020, Walensky and her co-authors showed that the effectiveness of a COVID-19 vaccine will be strongly affected by:

  • The speed with which the vaccine is produced and administered. Some of the potential vaccines have logistical challenges including the need for ultra-cold storage or requiring two doses.

  • The willingness of people to be vaccinated.

  • The pandemic’s severity when the vaccine is introduced.

CDC Director

President-elect Joe Biden announced Walensky’s presumptive appointment as CDC director on December 7, 2020, during the presidential transition. Doctors and public health experts widely praised the choice. As the position of director of the CDC does not require Senate confirmation to take office, Walensky’s tenure at the CDC began on January 20, 2021.

On August 3, 2021, Walensky instituted a 60-day extension of a federal COVID-related ban, which had just expired, on landlords evicting their tenants. The extended ban applied only to “counties experiencing substantial and high levels of community transmission levels”, but under the criteria of the ban this covered an area holding 90% of the U.S. population. On August 26, as was widely expected, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the extension as unconstitutional, ruling that only the U.S. Congress had the authority to issue such a moratorium.

As the pandemic entered the Omicron variant wave, Walensky acknowledged that officials on the CDC response team were burned out, and tried to reassign workers. Walensky and other top officials had a plan to dissolve large parts of the pandemic response team, which has more than 1,500 staffers, and reassign members to their original posts. Walensky shelved the plan with the emergence of Omicron as cases began to tick up across the U.S., bringing morale lower than ever at the CDC. However, Ashish Jha says, “Dr. Walensky inherited a really messy organization with some real strengths but also a lot of problems.”

In a January 18, 2022 interview with The Boston Globe Walensky responded to some of the criticisms of her first year in office.

Her critics told the Globe that she has confused the public on issues like quarantine guidance, school reopening, and mask-wearing. “What we’re seeing is policy failures, accompanied by poor messaging,” said Anne N. Sosin, a public health researcher at Dartmouth College, who added that the rest of the administration is also to blame. Critics said that the CDC was prioritizing the economy over public health. The American Medical Association criticized her December 27 guidance to shorten the COVID isolation period from ten to five days and to let people who contracted COVID leave isolation without a negative test. Former CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden commented on her messaging around the change in guidance, saying “I think the way they were released was very problematic.”

Walensky described her critics as “naysayers” who have helped sow the public confusion she has been accused of creating and pointing out that many Americans are still not following the most basic guidance on COVID-19 prevention. She also said, “We’re making decisions in imperfect times, sometimes without all the data that we would like to make them.” Walensky said she is working with a messaging coach and she is listening to her critics. She said that better communication is not always possible. “Some of this is not based on the messaging because, ‘Wear a mask’ is about as crystal clear as you could be. And still we have much of America not doing it. So some of the really easy stuff is not being followed, and some of the harder stuff is actually complicated science.”

During a January 26, 2022 news conference about the rise of the Omicron variant and high hospitalization rates, Dr. Walensky said the nation should not ease up on COVID-19 safety protocols, saying, “Milder does not mean mild and we cannot look past the strain on our health systems and substantial number of deaths.” She also said, “It’s important to remember we’re still facing a high overall burden of disease.”

In April 2022, Dr. Walensky announced CDC was undergoing an external review following its mishandling of the pandemic. On August 17, 2022, she delivered a sweeping rebuke of her agency’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, saying it had failed to respond quickly enough and needed to be overhauled.

In October 22, 2022, Dr. Walensky tested positive for COVID-19.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.



Global Genocide Foreshadowing:

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)


Predictive Programming is the concept whereby conspirators plan a false flag operation, they hide references to it in the popular media before the atrocity takes place; when the event occurs, the public has softened up, and therefore passively accepts it rather than offering resistance or opposition.



A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


Avengers: Infinity War (2018) – The Snap (Global Genocide)

COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 83,579,767Confirmed cases: 660,513,619
Deaths: 1,820,923Deaths (reported): 6,690,459
Deaths (est.): 16.6–28.3 million

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:
(to January 1, 2023)
(69.11% of the population)

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Thanos Vaccines – 3.3 – Anthony Fauci (Chief Medical Advisor to the President) [USA]



Anthony Fauci

The Official Story

(Chief Medical Advisor to the President, 2021-2022)


Anthony Stephen Fauci OMRI (born December 24, 1940) is an American physician-scientist and immunologist serving as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President.

As a physician with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Fauci has served the American public health sector in various capacities for more than fifty years and has acted as an advisor to every U.S. president since Ronald Reagan. He has been director of the NIAID since 1984 and has made contributions to HIV/AIDS research and other immunodeficiency diseases, both as a research scientist and as the head of the NIAID. From 1983 to 2002, Fauci was one of the world’s most frequently cited scientists across all scientific journals. In 2008, President George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States, for his work on the AIDS relief program PEPFAR.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, he served under President Donald Trump as one of the lead members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force. Fauci’s advice was frequently contradicted by Trump, and Trump’s supporters alleged that Fauci was trying to politically undermine Trump’s run for reelection. After Joe Biden took office, Fauci began serving as one of the lead members of the White House COVID-19 Response Team and as Biden’s chief medical advisor.

On August 22, 2022, Dr. Fauci announced he will be stepping down from government service in December.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.



Global Genocide Foreshadowing:

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)


Predictive Programming is the concept whereby conspirators plan a false flag operation, they hide references to it in the popular media before the atrocity takes place; when the event occurs, the public has softened up, and therefore passively accepts it rather than offering resistance or opposition.



A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


Avengers: Infinity War (2018) – The Snap (Global Genocide)

COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 83,579,767Confirmed cases: 660,513,619
Deaths: 1,820,923Deaths (reported): 6,690,459
Deaths (est.): 16.6–28.3 million

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:
(to January 1, 2023)
(69.11% of the population)

Click above to view the original archived page



Thanos Vaccines – 3.4 – Alex Azar (U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, 2018-2021) [USA]



Alex Azar

The Official Story

(U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, 2018-2021)


Alex Michael Azar II (born June 17, 1967) is an American attorney, businessman, lobbyist, and former pharmaceutical executive who served as the United States secretary of health and human services from 2018 to 2021. Azar was nominated to his post by President Donald Trump on November 13, 2017, and confirmed by the United States Senate on January 24, 2018. He was also chairman of the White House Coronavirus Task Force from its inception in January 2020 to February 2020, when he was replaced by Vice President Mike Pence.

Azar served as general counsel of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from 2001 to 2005. On July 22, 2005, he was confirmed as the deputy secretary of Health and Human Services; he served in that capacity until his January 2007 resignation.

From 2012 to 2017, Azar was president of the U.S. division of Eli Lilly and Company, a major drug company, and a member of the board of directors of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, a large pharmaceutical trade association.

In 2021, he was appointed a senior executive in residence at the Miami Herbert Business School at the University of Miami.

COVID-19 (Outbreak)

Azar learned about the coronavirus threat on January 3, 2020. Azar informed associates that he had alerted Trump on January 18, 2020, regarding the potential danger from COVID-19, but that the president thought he was being “alarmist” as Azar struggled to get Trump’s attention to focus on the issue. Despite Azar’s warnings, four days later, Trump announced, “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China.” On January 28, 2020, Azar stated that the Trump administration had no plan to declare a public health emergency as the COVID-19 virus spread in China. He asserted that the risk to Americans was minimal, but admitted that authorities in 30 states were monitoring potential cases and added that he would not “hesitate at all to invoke any authorities I need to, to ensure we’re taking all steps to protect the American people, but I’ll do it when it’s appropriate.” U.S. Senator Rick Scott and U.S. Representative Vern Buchanan, as well as other Republicans, demanded the declaration of a public health emergency as a means of budgeting necessary federal funding to deal with the potential pandemic. At the time, Azar said, there were just five confirmed cases in the U.S., there was no known person-to-person transmission, and every confirmed U.S. victim had traveled to Wuhan, China (the outbreak’s place of origin). “This is potentially a very serious public health threat, but at this time Americans should not worry about their own safety”, Azar said. At that point, the disease had killed at least 106 people in China, with more than 4,500 cases confirmed. On January 29, 2020, Azar told Trump that the COVID-19 epidemic was under control.

However, two days later, on January 31, 2020, Azar declared a public health emergency. The determination that a public health emergency exists due to COVID-19 was renewed in April, July, and October 2020, and in January 2021.

On February 27, U.S. Representative Jimmy Gomez of California revealed that he had been contacted by a whistleblower from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) who had been dispatched to deal with the arrivals of travelers exposed to the coronavirus. There were allegations made that those sent from the HHS to California quarantine sites lacked both sufficient protective clothing and the training necessary to prepare them to deal with the contagion, though they were working alongside CDC personnel who wore adequate protective gear. The whistleblower also said that professionals raising concerns about the unsafe practices were subjected to retaliation. Azar responded to the issues raised by Gomez by saying, “Urgency does not compensate for violating isolation and quarantine protocols” and adding, “I’d want to know the full facts and would take appropriate remedial measures.” Azar insisted that careful protocols were being observed by all CDC employees.

On February 28, 2020, United States Senate Finance Committee ranking member Ron Wyden wrote Azar to ask why employees of the HHS Administration for Children and Families were involuntarily dispatched to California to meet with quarantined travelers despite lacking expertise in the field and lacking proper information, equipment, and training. Wyden also asked why said employees were not cleared to ensure that they had not become carriers of the disease before they were returned to their home stations.

On April 25, 2020, multiple media outlets reported that the White House was weighing a plan to oust Azar due to frustrations over his response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The following day, President Trump tweeted that such reports were “Fake News” and that he has no plans to replace Azar.

Azar picked Brian Harrison, a 37-year old former Labradoodle breeder who had no formal education in public health or related fields, but who had worked in the HHS for six years, as HHS’s main coordinator for the government’s response to the coronavirus.

HHS purchase of 500,000 doses of remdesivir

On June 29, 2020, it was announced that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) had agreed to buy 500,000 remdesivir treatment courses. The announcement mentioned that each five-day course of remdesivir (for treatment of a patient with COVID-19) would cost at least $2,340. HHS Secretary Alex Azar was quoted, and had said (in a press release) that “To the extent possible, we want to ensure that any American patient who needs remdesivir can get it.”


Azar argued that the pharmaceutical industry was best poised to discover, manufacture, and market a vaccine for coronavirus. When asked about the cost of vaccines, Azar responded that the price might be high, but that an important vaccine would be created even if many Americans could not afford it.

On January 12, 2021, Azar announced that HHS would be releasing remaining stockpiles of vaccine to states; however, at the time of the announcement, all stockpiles had already been exhausted. This was met with confusion and anger from various governors.

COVID-19 Vaccine Liability

Several governments agreed to shield pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Moderna from negligence claims related to COVID 19 vaccines (and treatments), as in previous pandemics, when governments also took on liability for such claims.

In the US, these liability shields took effect on 4 February 2020, when the US Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar published a notice of declaration under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) for medical countermeasures against COVID 19, covering “any vaccine, used to treat, diagnose, cure, prevent, or mitigate COVID 19, or the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 or a virus mutating therefrom”. The declaration precludes “liability claims alleging negligence by a manufacturer in creating a vaccine, or negligence by a health care provider in prescribing the wrong dose, absent willful misconduct.” In other words, absent “willful misconduct”, these companies can not be sued for money damages for any injuries that occur between 2020 and 2024 from the administration of vaccines and treatments related to COVID 19. The declaration is effective in the United States through 1 October 2024.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.



Global Genocide Foreshadowing:

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)


Predictive Programming is the concept whereby conspirators plan a false flag operation, they hide references to it in the popular media before the atrocity takes place; when the event occurs, the public has softened up, and therefore passively accepts it rather than offering resistance or opposition.



A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


Avengers: Infinity War (2018) – The Snap (Global Genocide)

COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 83,579,767Confirmed cases: 660,513,619
Deaths: 1,820,923Deaths (reported): 6,690,459
Deaths (est.): 16.6–28.3 million

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:
(to January 1, 2023)
(69.11% of the population)

Click above to view the original archived page



Thanos Vaccines – 3.5 – Moncef Slaoui (Chief Advisor, Operation Warp Speed) [USA]



Moncef Slaoui

Operation Warp Speed (COVID-19 Vaccines)

The Official Story

(Chief Advisor, Operation Warp Speed, 2020-2021)


Moncef Mohamed Slaoui (born July 22, 1959) is a Moroccan-born Belgian-American researcher who served as the head of Operation Warp Speed (OPWASP) under President Donald Trump from 2020 to 2021.

Slaoui is the former head of the vaccines department at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). He worked at the company for thirty years, retiring in 2017. On May 15, 2020, President Donald Trump announced that Slaoui would manage the U.S. government’s development of a vaccine used to treat coronavirus disease in OPWASP; Slaoui resigned on January 12, 2021 after successfully having helped introduce a number of vaccines to the US and global markets. In March 2021, he was fired from the board of GSK subsidiary, Galvani Bioelectronics, over what GSK called “substantiated” sexual harassment allegations stemming from his time at the parent company.

COVID-19 pandemic and OPWASP

On May 15, 2020, President Donald Trump officially announced OPWASP, a project to develop and deliver 300 million doses of a vaccine for the coronavirus disease 2019 by January 2021. Slaoui was named to lead the project, working alongside chief operating officer and four-star general Gustave F. Perna. Other candidates for Slaoui’s position reportedly included Elias Zerhouni and Arthur Levinson. President Trump described Slaoui as “one of the most respected men in the world in the production and, really, on the formulation of vaccines”, while Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar praised him as “arguably the world’s most experienced and successful vaccine developer”.

To avoid a conflict of interest, Slaoui resigned from the board of the Massachusetts-based biotech firm Moderna, which had been developing a vaccine for the coronavirus. Slaoui faced criticism, particularly from Senator Elizabeth Warren, for continuing to have Moderna stock options worth over $10 million. On May 18, 2020, Slaoui resigned from the board of manufacturing firm Lonza, which Moderna had partnered with to develop a coronavirus vaccine. On May 19, after initially denying a conflict of interest, Slaoui divested his Moderna stock and donated the value it had gained from May 14 onwards to cancer research.

On May 20, The New York Times reported that Slaoui had also resigned as an adviser to Brii Biosciences, a firm with sizeable Chinese investments, and would be resigning from Artizan Biosciences and Clazado. According to Michael Caputo, Slaoui’s decision to retain his GSK stock, even after being announced as OPWASP’s chief adviser, was cleared by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Slaoui was scheduled to speak at the annual Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) conference on June 9, 2020, but ultimately pulled out, citing his failure to brief Congress beforehand.

On October 9, 2020 the Wall Street Journal quoted Slaoui as saying that the COVID-19 vaccines would be accompanied by a tracking mechanism provided jointly by McKesson, Google and Oracle. The tracking is capable of monitoring vaccine series uptake, as well as side effects.

Slaoui resigned from OPWASP on January 12, 2021.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.



Global Genocide Foreshadowing:

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)


Predictive Programming is the concept whereby conspirators plan a false flag operation, they hide references to it in the popular media before the atrocity takes place; when the event occurs, the public has softened up, and therefore passively accepts it rather than offering resistance or opposition.



A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


Avengers: Infinity War (2018) – The Snap (Global Genocide)

COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 83,579,767Confirmed cases: 660,513,619
Deaths: 1,820,923Deaths (reported): 6,690,459
Deaths (est.): 16.6–28.3 million

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:
(to January 1, 2023)
(69.11% of the population)

Click above to view the original archived page



Thanos Vaccines – 3.10 – Sinovac COVID-19 Vaccine [CHINA]



Yin Weidong

Sinovac COVID-19 Vaccine

The Official Story

(Chairman, President & CEO Sinovac Biotech)


Dr. Weidong Yin has served as the chairman, president and chief executive officer  of Sinovac Biotech Ltd. since September 2003. Dr. Yin is also the Company’s general manager and secretary as well as the chairman of Sinovac Hong Kong, Tangshan Yian and Sinovac Dalian. Before joining Sinovac, Dr. Yin served as the general manager of Tangshan Yian Bioengineering Co., Ltd. Prior to that, he worked as an infectious disease specialist at the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention inTangshan City, Hebei Province. Dr. Yin has been dedicated to hepatitis research for over 20 years and was instrumental in the development of the Company’s Healive vaccine. In addition, Dr. Yin has been appointed principal investigator by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology for many key government R&D programs for vaccines such as inactivated hepatitis A vaccine, inactivated SARS vaccine and H5N1 vaccine. Dr. Yin obtained his MBA from the National University of Singapore and his medical degree from Tangshan Medical School.


The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.



Global Genocide Foreshadowing:

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)


Predictive Programming is the concept whereby conspirators plan a false flag operation, they hide references to it in the popular media before the atrocity takes place; when the event occurs, the public has softened up, and therefore passively accepts it rather than offering resistance or opposition.



A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

(Sinovac Biotech, CHINA)


CoronaVac, also known as the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, is a whole inactivated virus COVID-19 vaccine developed by the Chinese company Sinovac Biotech. It was Phase III clinical trialled in Brazil, Chile, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Turkey and relies on traditional technology similar to other inactivated-virus COVID-19 vaccines, such as the Sinopharm BIBP vaccine, another Chinese vaccine, and Covaxin, an Indian vaccine. CoronaVac does not need to be frozen and both the final product and the raw material for formulating CoronaVac can be transported refrigerated at 2–8 °C (36–46 °F), temperatures at which flu vaccines are kept.

A real-world study of tens of millions of Chileans who received CoronaVac found it 66% effective against symptomatic COVID-19, 88% against hospitalization, 90% against ICU admissions, and 86% against deaths. In Brazil, after 75% of the population in Serrana, São Paulo, received CoronaVac, preliminary results show deaths fell by 95%, hospitalizations by 86%, and symptomatic cases by 80%. In Indonesia, real world data from 128,290 healthcare workers showed 94% protection against symptomatic infection by the vaccine, beating results in clinical trials.

Phase III results from Turkey published in The Lancet showed an efficacy of 84% based on 10,218 participants in the trials. Phase III results from Brazil previously showed 50.7% efficacy at preventing symptomatic infections and 83.7% effective in preventing mild cases needing treatment. Efficacy against symptomatic infections increased to 62.3% with an interval of 21 days or more between the doses.

CoronaVac is being used in vaccination campaigns in various countries in Asia, South America, Central America, and Eastern Europe. By April 2021, Sinovac had a production capacity of 2 billion doses a year. It is currently being manufactured at several facilities in China, with planned overseas manufacture in Brazil in September 2021 and eventually in Egypt and Hungary.

On 1 June 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) validated the vaccine for emergency use. Sinovac has signed purchase agreements for 380 million doses from COVAX. As of July 2021, CoronaVac was the most widely used COVID-19 vaccine in the world, with 943 million doses delivered.

As of 14 October 2021, CoronaVac is the COVID-19 vaccine with most doses administered worldwide.

A recent study jointly conducted by the LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) and the Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CU Medicine) showed that a third dose of Comirnaty vaccine given to those who received two doses of either Comirnaty or CoronaVac provides protective levels of measured antibodies against the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2. Three doses of CoronaVac however did not provide adequate levels of protective antibodies by the same measure, in direct contradiction to claims made by the vaccine manufacturer.


The World Health Organization (WHO) validated the Sinovac-CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use on 1 June 2021. The recommendation was given with limited evidence at the time of approval for groups other than healthy adults. The WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts expressed high level of confidence in the efficacy of the vaccine for adults, moderate confidence in the efficacy for older adults and individuals with comorbidities, moderate confidence in its safety for adults and low confidence in its safety for the elderly and individuals with comorbidities.

In late August 2020, China approved CoronaVac for emergency use to vaccinate high-risk groups such as medical staff. In early February, China approved CoronaVac for general use. On 5 June 2021, China approved CoronaVac for emergency use with children and adolescents for 3–17 years old.

In January 2021, Bolivia authorized use of CoronaVac.

In April, Panama approved emergency use of Coronavac.

On 4 May, the EMA’s human medicines committee (CHMP) started a rolling review of CoronaVac.

In June, Bangladesh approved Coronavac for emergency use.

Source: Wikipedia

Worldwide Authorizations

(Click Links Below)

Full (1)

  1. China

Emergency (79)

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Albania
  3. Algeria
  4. Argentina
  5. Armenia
  6. Azerbaijan
  7. Bangladesh
  8. Benin
  9. Bolivia
  10. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  11. Botswana
  12. Brazil
  13. Cambodia
  14. Chile
  15. Colombia
  16. Djibouti
  17. Dominica
  18. Dominican Republic
  19. East Timor
  20. Ecuador
  21. Egypt
  22. El Salvador
  23. Equatorial Guinea
  24. Fiji
  25. Gabon
  26. Georgia
  27. Guinea
  28. Guyana
  29. Hungary
  30. Indonesia
  31. Iraq
  32. Jordan
  33. Kazakhstan
  34. Kuwait
  35. Laos
  36. Lebanon
  37. Libya
  38. Malawi
  39. Malaysia
  40. Maldives
  41. Mexico
  42. Moldova
  43. Morocco
  44. Myanmar
  45. Nepal
  46. North Macedonia
  47. Oman
  48. Pakistan
  49. Palestine
  50. Panama
  51. Paraguay
  52. Philippines
  53. Portugal
  54. Qatar
  55. Rwanda
  56. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  57. Saudi Arabia
  58. Singapore
  59. Somalia
  60. South Africa
  61. Sri Lanka
  62. Sudan
  63. Syria
  64. Tajikistan
  65. Tanzania
  66. Thailand
  67. Togo
  68. Trinidad and Tobago
  69. Tunisia
  70. Turkey
  71. Turkmenistan
  72. Uganda
  73. Ukraine
  74. United Arab Emirates
  75. Uruguay
  76. Uzbekistan
  77. Venezuela
  78. Yemen
  79. Zimbabwe

Non-country entities

  • Hong Kong
  • Northern Cyprus
  • World Health Organization



COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 83,579,767Confirmed cases: 660,513,619
Deaths: 1,820,923Deaths (reported): 6,690,459
Deaths (est.): 16.6–28.3 million

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:
(to January 1, 2023)
(69.11% of the population)

Click above to view the original archived page



Thanos Vaccines – 3.11 – Sinopharm COVID-19 Vaccine [CHINA]



Liu Jingzhen

Sinopharm COVID-19 Vaccine

The Official Story

(Chairman of Sinopharm &
Chinese Communist Party Committee Secretary)



Source: The Peninsula – June 2, 2021


China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm) has the capacity to provide more than 1 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses to the world beyond China in the second half of this year, the firm’s chairman Liu Jingzhen said late on Wednesday.

That level of supply capability assumes vaccination demand in China is being met, Liu said at a panel of the Global Health Forum of the Boao Forum for Asia.

“Our annual production capacity exceeds 5 billion doses,” Liu said, “This is our own capacity.”

He declined to disclose how many shots the state-backed drugmaker has agreed to give to the global COVAX programme for sharing doses, mainly with poor countries.

Two vaccines from Sinopharm are being used in China, one of which has gained emergency use approval from the World Health Organization, a prerequisite for a vaccine to be included in the COVAX initiative.
Liu said Sinopharm has also planned a manufacturing facility for a third shot, which is being tested in an early-stage clinical trial.

The GAVI vaccine alliance is in talks with Sinovac Biotech , another major COVID-19 vaccine provider from China, to expand the COVAX portfolio, a GAVI spokesperson said on Wednesday.
China promised in February to provide 10 million doses to COVAX.


The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.



Global Genocide Foreshadowing:

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)


Predictive Programming is the concept whereby conspirators plan a false flag operation, they hide references to it in the popular media before the atrocity takes place; when the event occurs, the public has softened up, and therefore passively accepts it rather than offering resistance or opposition.



A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

(Sinopharm, CHINA)


The Sinopharm BIBP COVID-19 vaccine, also known as BBIBP-CorV, the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine, or BIBP vaccine, is one of two whole inactivated virus COVID-19 vaccines developed by Sinopharm’s Beijing Institute of Biological Products (sometimes written as Beijing Bio-Institute of Biological Products, resulting in the two different acronyms BBIBP and BIBP for the same vaccine). It completed Phase III trials in Argentina, Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco, Pakistan, Peru, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with over 60,000 participants. BBIBP-CorV shares similar technology with CoronaVac and Covaxin, other inactivated virus vaccines for COVID-19. Its product name is SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (Vero Cell), not to be confused with the similar product name of CoronaVac.

Peer-reviewed results published in JAMA of Phase III trials in United Arab Emirates and Bahrain showed that the vaccine is 78.1% effective against symptomatic cases and 100% against severe cases (21 cases in vaccinated group vs. 95 cases in placebo group). In December 2020, the UAE previously announced interim results showing 86% efficacy.

While mRNA vaccines like the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine showed higher efficacy of over 90%, those present distribution challenges for some nations as they require deep-freeze facilities and trucks. The BIBP vaccine could be transported and stored at normal refrigerated temperatures.

The vaccine is being used in vaccination campaigns by certain countries in Asia, Africa, South America, and Europe. Sinopharm expects to produce one billion doses of the vaccine in 2021. By May, Sinopharm had supplied 200 million doses.

On 7 May 2021, the World Health Organization approved the BIBP vaccine for use in COVAX. Sinopharm has signed purchase agreements for 170 million doses from COVAX.

The similarly named Sinopharm WIBP COVID-19 vaccine is also an inactivated virus vaccine.


In China, Sinopharm obtained an EUA in July 2020. On 30 December 2020, China’s National Medical Products Administration approved the BIBP vaccine for general use. In July 2021, China approved the EUA for children and adolescents aged 3–17.

In September 2020, UAE approved for emergency use authorization. In December 2020, UAE approved for full authorization. In August 2021, UAE approved the EUA for children and adolescents aged 3–17.

On 3 November 2020, Bahrain granted emergency use authorization for frontline workers. In December 2020, Bahrain approved the vaccine.

On 7 May 2021, the World Health Organization added the vaccine to the list of vaccines authorized for emergency use for COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX).

In May 2021, Zambia approved use of the vaccine.

In June 2021, Philippines approved the BIBP vaccine for emergency use.

On 5 May 2021, EMA’s human medicines committee (CHMP) has started a rolling review of the vaccine. The EU applicant for this medicine is the Italian company Life’On S.r.l.

Source: Wikipedia

Worldwide Authorizations

(Click Links Below)

Full (4)

  1. Bahrain
  2. China
  3. Seychelles
  4. United Arab Emirates

Emergency (111)

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Algeria
  3. Angola
  4. Argentina
  5. Armenia
  6. Bangladesh
  7. Belarus
  8. Bhutan
  9. Bolivia
  10. Bosnia and Herzegovina
  11. Brazil
  12. Brunei
  13. Burkina Faso
  14. Burundi
  15. Cambodia
  16. Cameroon
  17. Cape Verde
  18. Chad
  19. Comoros
  20. Congo-Brazzaville
  21. Cuba
  22. Djibouti
  23. Dominican Republic
  24. Egypt
  25. El Salvador
  26. Equatorial Guinea
  27. Ethiopia
  28. Gabon
  29. Gambia
  30. Georgia
  31. Guinea
  32. Guinea-Bissau
  33. Hungary
  34. Indonesia
  35. Iran
  36. Iraq
  37. Ivory Coast
  38. Jordan
  39. Kazakhstan
  40. Kenya
  41. Kiribati
  42. Kuwait
  43. Kyrgyzstan
  44. Laos
  45. Lebanon
  46. Lesotho
  47. Libya
  48. Madagascar
  49. Malawi
  50. Malaysia
  51. Maldives
  52. Mauritania
  53. Mauritius
  54. Mexico
  55. Moldova
  56. Mongolia
  57. Montenegro
  58. Morocco
  59. Mozambique
  60. Myanmar
  61. Namibia
  62. Nepal
  63. Nicaragua
  64. Niger
  65. Nigeria
  66. North Korea
  67. North Macedonia
  68. Oman
  69. Pakistan
  70. Palestine
  71. Papua New Guinea
  72. Paraguay
  73. Peru
  74. Philippines
  75. Portugal
  76. Qatar
  77. Rwanda
  78. Senegal
  79. Serbia
  80. Sierra Leone
  81. Singapore
  82. Solomon Islands
  83. Somalia
  84. South Sudan
  85. Sri Lanka
  86. Sudan
  87. Syria
  88. Tanzania
  89. Thailand
  90. Tunisia
  91. Turkmenistan
  92. Vanuatu
  93. Venezuela
  94. Vietnam
  95. Yemen
  96. Zambia
  97. Zimbabwe

Emergency (CARPHA countries)

  1. Antigua and Barbuda
  2. Bahamas
  3. Barbados
  4. Belize
  5. Dominica
  6. Grenada
  7. Guyana
  8. Haiti
  9. Jamaica
  10. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  11. St. Lucia
  12. St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  13. Suriname
  14. Trinidad and Tobago

Non-country entities

  • Anguilla
  • Aruba
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Bermuda
  • Caribbean Netherlands
  • Cayman Islands
  • Curaçao
  • Macau
  • Montserrat
  • Sint Maarten
  • Turks and Caicos Islands
  • World Health Organization



COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 83,579,767Confirmed cases: 660,513,619
Deaths: 1,820,923Deaths (reported): 6,690,459
Deaths (est.): 16.6–28.3 million

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:
(to January 1, 2023)
(69.11% of the population)

Click above to view the original archived page



Thanos Vaccines – 3.12 – CanSinoBio COVID-19 Vaccine [CHINA]



Yu Xuefeng

Convidecia COVID-19 Vaccine

The Official Story

(CEO of CanSinoBio)



Source: South China Morning Post – May 21, 2022


  • China has yet to approve any mRNA vaccines, which have a much higher efficacy rate than ones made using older forms of technology

  • CanSino Biologics has started a clinical trial in Beijing, and the World Health Organization has approved its viral vector vaccine for emergency use

An mRNA Covid-19 vaccine would be a valuable addition to China’s fight against the coronavirus, Chinese vaccine producer CanSino Biologics CEO Yu Xuefeng told the Post.

The company has started a clinical trial in Beijing on its mRNA vaccine after it was cleared for trial in early April, but possible Covid-19 outbreaks could delay the recruiting of participants, Yu said. “China, as a big country, they really need to prepare themselves for any technologies, any challenges to protect people there,” he said.

He added that the mRNA technology, which his company started working on four years ago, “certainly provides its value”.

“When we faced the Covid-19 pandemic, we felt the viral vector is much more mature, that’s why we chose [to base our vaccine on it].”

The World Health Organization approved the company’s viral vector vaccine for emergency use on Thursday, making it the third such Chinese product and 11th overall to be approved for the global market.

The single-dose vaccine, recommended for people older than 18, is 64 per cent effective against symptomatic disease and 92 per cent effective against severe cases, according to the WHO.

The UN agency listed two Chinese inactivated vaccines by Sinopharm and Sinovac for emergency use last year. Inactivated vaccines use dead material from the virus to jump-start the immune system, while those like CanSino’s use an adenoviral vector to deliver a virus antigen and trigger an immune response.

Meanwhile, mRNA vaccines – which use messenger RNA to teach the body to generate a protein that will trigger an immune response – have a much higher efficacy rate than ones made using older forms of technology.

China has yet to approve any mRNA vaccines, even though Fosun Pharmaceuticals has a commercial deal to distribute 100 million doses of Pfizer-BioNTech’s vaccine.

In April, the country approved clinical trials of two Covid-19 vaccines that use mRNA, while another mRNA vaccine – developed by the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Suzhou Abogen Biosciences and Walvax Biotechnology – is already in the final stages of global human trials.

CanSino’s Yu said the company has been in talks with the Covax Facility – the WHO’s fair distribution plan – along with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, about supplying the approved vaccine worldwide.

He said the company’s two production plants in Shanghai and Tianjin, which combined can produce 400 million to 500 million doses annually at full speed, would be sufficient to meet current demand.

If the inhaled version is approved for use, the annual output can reach more than 2 billion doses because it takes only one-fifth of the amount of the injectable version, he said.

“We are working on the delivery route and seeking clinical evidence to get approval by regulatory agencies as soon as we can. Also, I’ve already communicated with the WHO on whether mucosal immunisation [the inhaled vaccine] would provide better protection, which I’m very confident about.”

China approved CanSino’s viral vector-based vaccine in February as a mixed booster shot for its population. The country’s mass vaccination campaign has relied heavily on the inactivated shots.

Adults who have completed a six-month vaccination schedule using inactivated vaccines by Sinopharm and Sinovac can opt for a protein vaccine by Anhui Zhifei or a vectored vaccine by CanSino.

As of May 12, more than 760 million people have received a booster, of which 33 million were boosted with a vaccine of different technology, according to the National Health Commission.

Yu said the company was working to promote mixing vaccines as a booster, which has been shown to be safe and effective, adding that it is possible that a Covid-19 vaccine might be needed annually, like a flu shot.

“In China, [a mixed booster] was only approved in February. Regulatory agencies and the scientific community recognise the value of the new approach. But we came late, so these messages need to be broadly broadcast so that people are aware,” he said.

“This is a new concept, relatively, to most of the people. But [the cause of Covid-19] is a very different virus. For all vaccines, no matter mRNA, viral vector or inactivated, the immune response cannot last that long.

“If you repeat the same vaccine, it may not really provide a better protection, so heterologous boosting has been a practice worldwide … to improve immune response and protection.”

He said the company was ready to update its viral vector vaccine to adapt to variants, including current work on Omicron, and new ones that may become of concern, although clinical trials would still be needed.

“We’re in only the third year of the pandemic, we have so many variants already,” he said. “You never know, someday further mutations will give us a surprise and it’s really something you have to be prepared for. You can’t really put the guard down.”


The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.



Global Genocide Foreshadowing:

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)


Predictive Programming is the concept whereby conspirators plan a false flag operation, they hide references to it in the popular media before the atrocity takes place; when the event occurs, the public has softened up, and therefore passively accepts it rather than offering resistance or opposition.



A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

(CanSino Biologics, CHINA)


AD5-nCOV, trade-named Convidecia, is a single-dose viral vector vaccine for COVID-19 developed by CanSino Biologics. It conducted its Phase III trials in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia, and Saudi Arabia with 40,000 participants.

In February 2021, global data from Phase III trials and 101 COVID cases showed that the vaccine had a 65.7% efficacy in preventing moderate symptoms of COVID-19, and 91% efficacy in preventing severe disease. It has similar efficacy to the Janssen vaccine, another one-shot adenovirus vector vaccine with 66% efficacy in a global trial. Convidecia is similar to other viral vector vaccines like AZD1222, Gam-COVID-Vac, and Ad26.COV2.S. Its single-dose regimen and normal refrigerator storage requirement (2° to 8 °C) could make it a favorable vaccine option for many countries. It is currently under evaluation for emergency use listing by the WHO. On May 19 2022, WHO issued EUL for the vaccine.

A Phase I study published in The Lancet showed two doses of a nasal-spray version of Convidecia resulted in neutralising antibody responses similar to the existing one-dose injection.

Convidecia and the Pakistani version called Pakvac are approved for use by some countries in Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Production capacity for Ad5-NCov should reach 500 million doses in 2021. Manufacturing will take place in China, with filling and finishing of the vaccine additionally also taking place in Malaysia, Mexico, and Pakistan.


Convidecia is a viral vector vaccine similar to AstraZeneca’s AZD1222 and Gamaleya’s Gam-COVID-Vac.


On 25 June 2020, China approved the vaccine for limited use by the military. In February 2021, China approved the vaccine for general use.

In February 2021, Mexico approved the vaccine for emergency use.

In February 2021, Pakistan approved the vaccine for emergency use.

In March, Hungary approved the vaccine for emergency use.

In March, Moldova authorized use of the vaccine.

On 15 June 2021, Malaysia’s National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) has issued conditional registration for emergency use of the vaccine.

On 7 September 2021, National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) has issued emergency use authorization in Indonesia.

On 4 September 2022, China’s National Medical Products Administration granted approval for the Convidecia Air, an inhaled version of the Convidecia vaccine, to be used as a booster dose.

Source: Wikipedia

Worldwide Authorizations

(Click Links Below)

Non-country entities

  • World Health Organization



COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 83,579,767Confirmed cases: 660,513,619
Deaths: 1,820,923Deaths (reported): 6,690,459
Deaths (est.): 16.6–28.3 million

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:
(to January 1, 2023)
(69.11% of the population)

Click above to view the original archived page



New World Order – Group 5 – Asia



The Official Story



Asia is one of the world’s most notable geographical regions, which is either considered a continent in its own right or a subcontinent of Eurasia, which shares the continental landmass of Afro-Eurasia with Africa. Asia covers an area of 44,579,000 square kilometres (17,212,000 sq mi), about 30% of Earth’s total land area and 8.7% of Earth’s total surface area. The continent, which has long been home to the majority of the human population, was the site of many of the first civilizations. Its 4.7 billion people constitute roughly 60% of the world’s population.

In general terms, Asia is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Indian Ocean, and on the north by the Arctic Ocean. The border of Asia with Europe is a historical and cultural construct, as there is no clear physical and geographical separation between them. It is somewhat arbitrary and has moved since its first conception in classical antiquity. The division of Eurasia into two continents reflects East–West cultural, linguistic, and ethnic differences, some of which vary on a spectrum rather than with a sharp dividing line. A commonly accepted division places Asia to the east of the Suez Canal separating it from Africa; and to the east of the Turkish Straits, the Ural Mountains and Ural River, and to the south of the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian and Black seas, separating it from Europe.

China and India alternated in being the largest economies in the world from 1 to 1,800 CE. China was a major economic power and attracted many to the east, and for many the legendary wealth and prosperity of the ancient culture of India personified Asia, attracting European commerce, exploration and colonialism. The accidental discovery of a trans-Atlantic route from Europe to America by Columbus while in search for a route to India demonstrates this deep fascination. The Silk Road became the main east–west trading route in the Asian hinterlands while the Straits of Malacca stood as a major sea route. Asia has exhibited economic dynamism (particularly East Asia) as well as robust population growth during the 20th century, but overall population growth has since fallen. Asia was the birthplace of most of the world’s mainstream religions including Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, as well as many other religions.

Given its size and diversity, the concept of Asia—a name dating back to classical antiquity—may actually have more to do with human geography than physical geography. Asia varies greatly across and within its regions with regard to ethnic groups, cultures, environments, economics, historical ties and government systems. It also has a mix of many different climates ranging from the equatorial south via the hot desert in the Middle East, temperate areas in the east and the continental centre to vast subarctic and polar areas in Siberia.

COVID-19 pandemic in Asia

The COVID-19 pandemic began in Asia in Wuhan, Hubei, China, and has spread widely through the continent. As of 14 October 2022, at least one case of COVID-19 had been reported in every country in Asia except Turkmenistan.

The Asian countries with the highest numbers of confirmed coronavirus cases are India, South Korea, Turkey, Vietnam, and Iran. Despite being the first area of the world hit by the outbreak, the early wide-scale response of some Asian states, particularly Bhutan, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam has allowed them to fare comparatively well. China was criticised for initially minimising the severity of the outbreak, but its wide-scale response has largely contained the disease since March 2020.

As of July 2021, the highest numbers of deaths are recorded in India, Indonesia, Iran, and Turkey, each with more than 90,000 deaths and more than 900,000 deaths combined. However, the death toll in Iran and Indonesia are claimed to be much higher than the official figures. Per capita, the highest deaths have been disproportionally in several Western Asian states, with Georgia having the highest figure closely followed by Armenia, and Iran in third, whereas China had the lowest.

Source: Wikipedia




The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.

(Official US definition)

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.”

Any US official has sworn to uphold and defend, never to subvert, the Constitution of the United States, and this is defining the US, itself, as being the continued functioning of the US Constitution. Treason is thus the supremely illegal act under US law, the act that violates any US official’s oath of office. (When treason is perpetrated by someone who is not a US official, it is still a severe crime, but less severe than it is for any US official.) The phrase “levies war against them” means war against the functioning of the Constitution that is their supreme law. “Or” means alternatively, and “adheres to their enemies” means is a follower of any person or other entity that seeks to impose a different constitution. “Enemies” is not defined — it need not be a foreign opponent; it may be a domestic opponent of the US Constitution. Thus, an American can be an enemy of the United States of America. In fact, the official definition explicitly refers ONLY to an entity “owing allegiance to the United States.” (Obviously, that especially refers to any US official.) This is how a “traitor” is understood, in US law. Obviously, the worst traitor would be one who committed the treasonous act(s) while a US official.




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Asia – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 17,725,946Confirmed cases: 201,938,760
Deaths: 304,660Deaths: 1,858,735


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023


↑ 4,751,819,588


Click above to view the original archived page



New World Order – Section 63 – China



The Official Story

(Region C – Asia)


Estimated Population (2022): 1,425,866,000

China, officially the People’s Republic of China (PRC), is a country in East Asia. It is the world’s most populous country with a population exceeding 1.4 billion people. China spans five geographical time zones and borders fourteen countries by land, the most of any country in the world, tied with Russia. China also has a narrow maritime boundary with the disputed Taiwan. Covering an area of approximately 9.6 million square kilometers (3,700,000 sq mi), it is the world’s third or fourth largest country. The country consists of 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four municipalities, and two Special Administrative Regions (Hong Kong and Macau). The national capital is Beijing, and the most populous city and financial center is Shanghai.

Modern Chinese trace their origins to a cradle of civilization in the fertile basin of the Yellow River in the North China Plain. The semi-legendary Xia dynasty in the 21st century BCE and the well-attested Shang and Zhou dynasties developed a bureaucratic political system to serve hereditary monarchies, or dynasties. Chinese writing, Chinese classic literature, and the Hundred Schools of Thought emerged during this period and influenced China and its neighbors for centuries to come. In the third century BCE, Qin’s wars of unification created the first Chinese empire, the short-lived Qin dynasty. The Qin was followed by the more stable Han dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE), which established a model for nearly two millennia in which the Chinese empire was one of the world’s foremost economic powers. The empire expanded, fractured and re-unified, was conquered and reestablished, absorbed foreign religions and ideas, and made world-leading scientific advances, such as the Four Great Inventions: gunpowder, paper, the compass, and printing. After centuries of disunion following the fall of the Han, the Sui (581–618) and Tang (618–907) dynasties reunified the empire. The multi-ethnic Tang welcomed foreign trade and culture that came over the Silk Road and adapted Buddhism to Chinese needs. The early modern Song dynasty (960–1279) became increasingly urban and commercial. The civilian scholar-official or literati used the examination system and the doctrines of Neo-Confucianism to replace the military aristocrats of earlier dynasties. The Mongol invasion established the Yuan dynasty in 1279, but the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) re-established Han Chinese control. The Manchu-led Qing dynasty nearly doubled the empire’s territory and established a multi-ethnic state that was the basis of the modern Chinese nation, but suffered heavy losses to foreign imperialism in the 19th century.

The Chinese monarchy collapsed in 1912 with the Xinhai Revolution, when the Republic of China (ROC) replaced the Qing dynasty. In its early years of the Republic, the country became unstable known as the Warlord Era before reunifying the nation in 1928 under the nationalist government while the alliance between the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had fallen apart that led to a civil war that lasted two decades. Japan invaded China in 1937, starting the Second Sino-Japanese War and temporarily halting the civil war. The surrender and expulsion of Japanese forces from China in 1945 left a power vacuum in the country, which led to renewed fighting between the CCP and the Kuomintang. The civil war ended in 1949 with the division of Chinese territory; the CCP established the People’s Republic of China on the mainland while the Kuomintang-led ROC government retreated to the island of Taiwan. Both claim to be the sole legitimate government of China, although the United Nations has recognized the PRC as the sole representation since 1971. From 1959 to 1961, the PRC implemented an economic and social campaign called the Great Leap Forward that resulted in an estimated 15 to 55 million deaths, mostly through famine. Since then, the Chinese government has rebuked some of the earlier policies, conducting a series of political and economic reforms since 1978, which has greatly raised Chinese standards of living, eliminated absolute poverty and increased life expectancies.

China is currently governed as a unitary one-party socialist republic by the CCP. China is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and a founding member of several multilateral and regional cooperation organizations such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Silk Road Fund, the New Development Bank, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, and the RCEP, and is a member of the BRICS, the G8+5, the G20, the APEC, and the East Asia Summit. It ranks among the lowest in largely Western measurements of civil liberties, government transparency, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and ethnic minorities. The Chinese authorities have been criticized by Western governments and non-governmental organizations for alleged human rights abuses, including political repression, mass censorship, mass surveillance of their citizens, and violent suppression of protests.

China is the world’s largest economy by GDP by purchasing power parity, the second-largest economy by nominal GDP, and the second-wealthiest country. The country is one of the fastest growing major economies and is the world’s largest manufacturer and exporter. China is a recognized nuclear-weapon state with the world’s largest standing army by military personnel and second-largest defense budget. China is considered to be a potential superpower due to its large markets, growing military strength, economic potential, and influence in international affairs.


The Chinese constitution states that the People’s Republic of China “is a socialist state governed by a people’s democratic dictatorship that is led by the working class and based on an alliance of workers and peasants,” and that the state institutions “shall practice the principle of democratic centralism.” The PRC is one of the world’s only socialist states governed by a communist party. The Chinese government has been variously described as communist and socialist, but also as authoritarian and corporatist, with heavy restrictions in many areas, most notably against free access to the Internet, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, the right to have children, free formation of social organizations and freedom of religion.

Although the Chinese Communist Party describes China as a “socialist consultative democracy”, the country is commonly described as an authoritarian one-party surveillance state and a dictatorship. Its current political, ideological and economic system has been termed by its leaders as a “consultative democracy” “people’s democratic dictatorship”, “socialism with Chinese characteristics” (which is Marxism adapted to Chinese circumstances) and the “socialist market economy” respectively.

Communist Party

Since 2018, the main body of the Chinese constitution declares that “the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).” The 2018 amendments constitutionalized the de facto one-party state status of China, wherein the CCP General Secretary (party leader) holds ultimate power and authority over state and government and serves as the informal Paramount leader. The current General Secretary is Xi Jinping, who took office on 15 November 2012, and was re-elected on 25 October 2017. The electoral system is pyramidal. Local People’s Congresses are directly elected, and higher levels of People’s Congresses up to the National People’s Congress (NPC) are indirectly elected by the People’s Congress of the level immediately below. Another eight political parties, have representatives in the NPC and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). China supports the Leninist principle of “democratic centralism”, but critics describe the elected National People’s Congress as a “rubber stamp” body.

Since both the CCP and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) promote according to seniority, it is possible to discern distinct generations of Chinese leadership. In official discourse, each group of leadership is identified with a distinct extension of the ideology of the party. Historians have studied various periods in the development of the government of the People’s Republic of China by reference to these “generations”.


China is a one-party state led by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The National People’s Congress in 2018 altered the country’s constitution to remove the two-term limit on holding the Presidency of China, permitting the current leader, Xi Jinping, to remain president of China (and general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party) for an unlimited time, earning criticism for creating dictatorial governance. The president is the titular head of state, elected by the National People’s Congress. The premier is the head of government, presiding over the State Council composed of four vice premiers and the heads of ministries and commissions. The incumbent president is Xi Jinping, who is also the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and the chairman of the Central Military Commission, making him China’s paramount leader. The incumbent premier is Li Keqiang, who is also a senior member of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee, China’s de facto top decision-making body.

Political concerns in China include the growing gap between rich and poor and government corruption. Nonetheless, the level of public support for the government and its management of the nation is high, with 80–95% of Chinese citizens expressing satisfaction with the central government, according to a 2011 survey. A 2020 survey from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research also had most Chinese expressing satisfaction with the government on information dissemination and delivery of daily necessities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: Wikipedia




The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

China – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 86,338Confirmed cases: 11,088,646
Deaths: 4,634Deaths: 34,739

China – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:1,310,189,000
(91.89% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




Click above to view the original archived page



NWO China – 63.1 – Xi Jinping (CCP General Secretary & President, 2012+)



Xi Jinping

The Official Story

(CCP General Secretary and President, 2012+)


Xi Jinping (born 15 June 1953) is a Chinese politician who has been serving as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) since 2012, and president of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) since 2013. Xi has been the paramount leader of China, the most prominent political leader in the country, since 2012.

The son of Chinese Communist veteran Xi Zhongxun, Xi was exiled to rural Yanchuan County as a teenager following his father’s purge during the Cultural Revolution. He lived in a yaodong in the village of Liangjiahe, where he joined the CCP after several failed attempts and worked as the local party secretary. After studying chemical engineering at Tsinghua University as a worker-peasant-soldier student, Xi rose through the ranks politically in China’s coastal provinces. Xi was governor of Fujian from 1999 to 2002, before becoming governor and party secretary of neighboring Zhejiang from 2002 to 2007. Following dismissal of the party secretary of Shanghai, Chen Liangyu, Xi was transferred to replace him for a brief period in 2007. He subsequently joined the Politburo Standing Committee (PSC) of the CCP the same year and served as first secretary of the Central Secretariat in October 2007. In 2008, he was designated as Hu Jintao’s presumed successor as paramount leader; to that end, Xi was appointed vice president of the PRC and vice chairman of the CMC. He officially received the title of leadership core from the CCP in 2016.

Xi is the first CCP general secretary born after the establishment of the PRC. Since assuming power, Xi has introduced far-ranging measures to enforce party discipline and to impose internal unity. His anti-corruption campaign led to the downfall of prominent incumbent and retired CCP officials, including a former member of the PSC. He has also enacted or promoted a more aggressive foreign policy, particularly with regard to China’s relations with the U.S., the nine-dash line in the South China Sea, the Sino-Indian border dispute, and the political status of Taiwan. He has sought to expand China’s African and Eurasian influence through the Belt and Road Initiative. Economically, he has expanded support for state-owned enterprises (SOEs), advanced military-civil fusion, overseen targeted poverty alleviation programs, and has attempted to reform the property sector. He has also promoted “common prosperity”, a series of policies designed with stated goal to increase equality, and used the term to justify a broad crackdown and major slew of regulations against the tech and tutoring sectors in 2021. He met with Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou in 2015, the first time PRC and Republic of China leaders met, though relations deteriorated after the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) won the presidential elections in 2016. He has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in mainland China with a zero-COVID approach and has overseen the passage of a national security law in Hong Kong, dramatically increasing the clampdown on the opposition in the city.

Often described as an authoritarian leader by political and academic observers, Xi’s tenure has seen an increase of censorship and mass surveillance, a deterioration in human rights including the internment of one million Uyghurs in Xinjiang, a cult of personality developing around him, and the removal of term limits for the presidency in 2018. Xi’s political thoughts have been incorporated into the party and national constitutions, and he has emphasized the importance of national security and the need for CCP leadership over the country. As the central figure of the fifth generation of leadership of the PRC, Xi has significantly centralized institutional power by taking on a wide range of leadership positions, including chairing the National Security Commission, as well as new steering committees on economic and social reforms, military restructuring and modernization, and the Internet. He and the CCP Central Committee additionally passed a “historical resolution” in November 2021, the third such resolution after Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, further consolidating his power.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

China – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 86,338Confirmed cases: 11,088,646
Deaths: 4,634Deaths: 34,739

China – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:1,310,189,000
(91.89% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




Click above to view the original archived page



NWO China – 63.2 – Li Keqiang (Premier, 2013+)



Li Keqiang

The Official Story

(Premier of the People’s Republic of China, 2013+)


Li Keqiang (born 1 July 1955), also spelled as Li Ko-chiang, is a Chinese politician. He became premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, China’s head of government on 15 March 2013.

An economist by profession, Li is head of China’s executive branch as well as one of the leading figures behind China’s Financial and Economic Affairs, Foreign Affairs, National Security and Deepening Reforms. He is also the second-ranked member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the de facto top decision-making body of the country. Li is a major part of the “fifth generation of Chinese leadership” along with Xi Jinping, the CCP general secretary.

Li rose through the ranks through his involvement in the Communist Youth League. From 1998 to 2004, Li served as the governor of Henan and the province’s party secretary. From 2004 to 2007 he served as the Party Secretary of Liaoning, the top political office in the province. From 2008 to 2013, Li served as the first-ranked vice premier[note 1] under then-premier Wen Jiabao, overseeing a broad portfolio which included economic development, price controls, finance, climate change, and macroeconomic management.

Given his Youth League experience, Li has generally been considered a political ally of former leader Hu Jintao. Initially seen as a candidate for becoming the paramount leader, Li instead assumed the post of premier in 2013, and has facilitated the Chinese government’s shifting of priorities from export-led growth to a greater focus on internal consumption. Additionally, Li and his cabinet initiated the Made in China 2025 strategic plan in May 2015.

Economically seen as advocating liberalization, Li has been described as representing the more pragmatic and technocratic side of China’s leadership. Due to the consolidation of power by Xi Jinping, Li has been seen as being sidelined.

Premiership (2013–present)

On 15 March 2013, Li Keqiang was, as expected, elected by the 12th National People’s Congress as premier. At the same Congress, Party general secretary Xi Jinping was elected President. Li replaced Wen Jiabao, who retired after serving two terms as premier. Of the nearly 3,000 legislators assembled at the Congress, 2,940 voted for him, three against, and six abstained. He was elected for a five-year term, but was expected to serve two terms like his predecessor Wen.

On 16 March, the Congress selected Zhang Gaoli, Liu Yandong, Wang Yang, and Ma Kai as vice premiers following their respective nominations from Li Keqiang. He gave his first major speech 17 March at the conclusion of the National People’s Congress, calling for frugality in government, a fairer distribution of income and continued economic reform. Li has focused his attention on China to move towards a consumption based economy instead of relying on export led growth. Li was ranked 14th of the 2013 Forbes Magazine’s List of The World’s Most Powerful People, after taking the office of Chinese premier.

Li is expected to remain in his position until March 2023.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

China – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 86,338Confirmed cases: 11,088,646
Deaths: 4,634Deaths: 34,739

China – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:1,310,189,000
(91.89% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




Click above to view the original archived page



NWO China – 63.3 – Great Hall of the People (Beijing)



Great Hall of the People

The Official Story



The National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China, often referred to as the National People’s Congress (NPC), is the highest organ of state power and the national legislature of the People’s Republic of China. With 2,980 members in 2018, it is the largest legislative body in the world. The National People’s Congress meets in full session for roughly two weeks each year and votes on important pieces of legislation and personnel assignments among other things, and due to the temporary nature of the plenary sessions, most of NPC’s power is delegated to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPCSC), which consists of about 170 legislators and meets in continuous bi-monthly sessions, when its parent NPC is not in session.

China is an authoritarian state. The NPC has alternatively been characterized as a rubber stamp for the Chinese regime or as only being able to affect issues of low sensitivity and salience to the Chinese regime. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controls nomination and election processes at every level in the people’s congress system.

Membership to the congress is part-time in nature and carries no pay. Members of the National People’s Congress are allowed to simultaneously hold seats in other bodies of government and the party and the NPC typically includes all of the senior officials in Chinese politics. However, membership of the Standing Committee is often full-time and carries a salary, and Standing Committee members are not allowed to simultaneously hold positions in executive, judicial, prosecutorial or supervisory posts. Under China’s Constitution, the NPC is structured as a unicameral legislature, with the power to legislate and oversee the operations of the government, the supreme court, special committees, the supreme procuratorate, the central military commission and elect the major officers of state.

The NPC is elected for a term of five years. It holds annual sessions every spring, usually lasting from 10 to 14 days, in the Great Hall of the People on the west side of Tiananmen Square in Beijing. The NPC’s sessions are usually timed to occur with the meetings of the National Committee of the People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), a consultative body whose members represent various social groups. As the NPC and the CPPCC are the main deliberative bodies of China, they are often referred to as the Lianghui (Two Sessions). According to the NPC, its annual meetings provide an opportunity for the officers of state to review past policies and to present future plans to the nation.

Great Hall of the People

The Great Hall of the People is a state building located at the western edge of Tiananmen Square in Beijing. It is used for legislative and ceremonial activities by the government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the ruling Chinese Communist Party. The People’s Great Hall functions as the meeting place for the full sessions of the National People’s Congress (NPC), the Chinese legislature, which occurs every year during March along with the national session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), a political advisory body. It is also the meeting place of the National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, which, since 12th conference in 1982, has occurred once every five years and the party’s Central Committee which meets approximately once a year.

The Hall is also used for many special events, including national level meetings of various social and political organizations, large anniversary celebrations, as well as the memorial services for former leaders. The Great Hall of the People is also a popular attraction in the city frequented by tourists visiting the capital.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

China – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 86,338Confirmed cases: 11,088,646
Deaths: 4,634Deaths: 34,739

China – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:1,310,189,000
(91.89% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




Click above to view the original archived page



NWO China – 63.4 – Ma Xiaowei (National Health Commission Minister, 2018+)



Ma Xiaowei

The Official Story

(Minister of the National Health Commission, 2018+)


Ma Xiaowei (born December 1959) is a Chinese physician and politician who has served as the inaugural minister in charge of the National Health Commission since March 2018. Ma is also President of the Chinese Medical Association and Vice President of the Red Cross Society of China.


Ma was born in Wutai County, Shanxi in December 1959. He is part of the Han ethnic group.

In April 1978, he was accepted to China Medical University. Upon graduation in December 1982, he was assigned to work at the Ministry of Health. He joined the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 1982. He became a cadre at the then Ministry of Health before working for China Medical University where he later served as hospital administrator and party secretary. He also became the director of Liaoning Provincial Health Department.

In October 2001 he was appointed Vice Minister of Health. When the ministry was reorganized into the National Health and Family Planning Commission, he continued to serve as deputy director. In May 2015 he concurrently served as vice-president of the Red Cross Society of China. On December 15, 2015, he was appointed president of Chinese Medical Association, replacing Chen Zhu. On 19 March 2018, Ma was appointed director of National Health Commission at the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress. Ma has been leading efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic as well as communication around it.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

China – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 86,338Confirmed cases: 11,088,646
Deaths: 4,634Deaths: 34,739

China – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:1,310,189,000
(91.89% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




Click above to view the original archived page



NWO China – 63.5 – Health Code (COVID-19 Smartphone App)



Health Code

The Official Story

(COVID-19 Smartphone App)


Health Code is a type of applications used during COVID-19 in mainland China. It is used as an e-passport that reports the real-time health condition. An applicant provides information such as travel history, residence, and medical records. The application will then generate a QR code that identifies the individual’s risk level as red, yellow, or green. As of April 2020, over 200 cities and 20 provinces employed health code supported by Alipay. There are a wide range of health codes run by different localities.


On February 7, 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak was reignited when the winter break was over. Zhou Jiangyong, a government officer in Hangzhou, suggested the issuance of Health Code. On February 9, Shenzhen was the first city to promote Health Code.

On February 11, Alibaba cooperated with Hangzhou city government with devising the application. As of February 15, the coverage enlarged to Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Shaoxing, Jinhua, and other cities in the province.

On May 22, the Hangzhou Municipal Health Commission held a special meeting to promote the normalized use of health codes. It was formulated in the originally collected health codes to integrate electronic medical records, health checkups, and lifestyle management data to compare users’ health indicators with the health code colors to build a personal health index ranking.


Application materials and collection

Individuals can choose Alipay, WeChat, provincial government service clients or mini programs to declare personal data and receive health codes. Whether they are mainland residents, Hong Kong and Macao residents, Taiwan residents and foreigners, they can complete real-name authentication. Apply for the epidemic prevention health code in Alipay and WeChat, and the data will be connected to the national government platform. After entering the prefecture-level option, the individual will be required to authorize the national government platform to obtain the individual’s name, ID number, mobile phone number, and location information. After filling in personal information, health status, travel history, place of residence, and contact with suspected or confirmed pneumonia patients, the program will automatically generate a QR code. In order to facilitate the application of foreigners, some local governments have also introduced the English version of the health code.

Considering that some elderly and children cannot apply for a health code without a smart phone, some places have launched a service to apply for a health code on an agency. According to the local situation, the agent can use the citizen card (a variation of the social security card), printed paper, etc. to verify the code in the relevant scenes, or be presented by the peers. For areas where there is no provision for collection, if special persons need to enter a specific place, they can present an ID card, a paper health certificate, etc. instead of a health code. In addition, in response to the situation that students cannot bring their mobile phones into the school, some areas have developed cards such as “smart education cards”. When students enter the school, they can read the card on the machine to determine the health code status.

Data process and code color

Health codes in various parts of mainland China are led by local governments, and their data comes from the information declared by local big data centers and users themselves, and they are run by algorithms and rules formulated by the government.

The data of personal health code mainly comes from big data; coupled with the function of roaming and positioning across provinces and cities, it can clearly confirm the personal track within 14 days. Personal data includes traffic data, operator data, financial institution payment data, etc., to achieve accurate and traceable epidemic prevention and control, so the health code is divided into three-color dynamic management of “green code, yellow code, and red code” . However, due to differences in the epidemic situation and prevention and control requirements in various regions, the meanings of the three colors are also different. From a national perspective, green generally means that the person has no abnormalities, is in a healthy state, and can pass normally. Yellow and red indicate that the person is a close contact who needs isolation or medical observation, or is a person from a key country or region of the epidemic and who has been in the corresponding health code for less than 14 days, or a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia who has not recovered, for which a suspected case has not been ruled out. Patients, patients with fever, and those with asymptomatic infections are not allowed to pass normally. However, some cities require people who have been given red and yellow codes to complete the health check-in continuously before they can be converted to green codes.For example, in Shanghai, anyone who has no evidence of a negative COVID-19 test before March 16 will have a yellow code, and in Beijing, travellers from areas with COVID-19 cases will get a yellow code.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

China – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 86,338Confirmed cases: 11,088,646
Deaths: 4,634Deaths: 34,739

China – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:1,310,189,000
(91.89% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




Click above to view the original archived page



Global Genocide 2025 – Black Sun Bio-Weapons (COVID-19 Vaccines)



The Official Story



A COVID 19 vaccine is a vaccine intended to provide acquired immunity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV 2), the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19).

Prior to the COVID 19 pandemic, an established body of knowledge existed about the structure and function of coronaviruses causing diseases like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). This knowledge accelerated the development of various vaccine platforms during early 2020. The initial focus of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines was on preventing symptomatic, often severe illness. In January 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 genetic sequence data was shared through GISAID, and by March 2020, the global pharmaceutical industry announced a major commitment to address COVID 19. In 2020, the first COVID 19 vaccines were developed and made available to the public through emergency authorizations and conditional approvals. Initially, most COVID 19 vaccines were two-dose vaccines, with the sole exception being the single-dose Janssen COVID-19 vaccine. However, immunity from the vaccines has been found to wane over time, requiring people to get booster doses of the vaccine to maintain immunity against COVID 19.

The COVID 19 vaccines are widely credited for their role in reducing the spread of COVID 19 and reducing the severity and death caused by COVID 19. According to a June 2022 study, COVID 19 vaccines prevented an additional 14.4 to 19.8 million deaths in 185 countries and territories from 8 December 2020 to 8 December 2021. Many countries implemented phased distribution plans that prioritized those at highest risk of complications, such as the elderly, and those at high risk of exposure and transmission, such as healthcare workers.

Common side effects of COVID 19 vaccines include soreness, redness, rash, inflammation at the injection site, fatigue, headache, myalgia (muscle pain), and arthralgia (joint pain), which resolve without medical treatment within a few days. COVID-19 vaccination is safe for people who are breastfeeding.

As of 22 September 2022, 12.7 billion doses of COVID 19 vaccines have been administered worldwide based on official reports from national public health agencies. By December 2020, more than 10 billion vaccine doses had been preordered by countries, with about half of the doses purchased by high-income countries comprising 14% of the world’s population. Despite the extremely rapid development of effective mRNA and viral vector vaccines, worldwide vaccine equity has not been achieved. The development and use of whole inactivated virus (WIV) and protein-based vaccines have also been recommended, especially for use in developing countries. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now authorized bivalent vaccines to protect against the original COVID-19 strain and its Omicron variant.


Several governments agreed to shield pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Moderna from negligence claims related to COVID 19 vaccines (and treatments), as in previous pandemics, when governments also took on liability for such claims.

In the US, these liability shields took effect on 4 February 2020, when the US Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar published a notice of declaration under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) for medical countermeasures against COVID 19, covering “any vaccine, used to treat, diagnose, cure, prevent, or mitigate COVID 19, or the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 or a virus mutating therefrom”. The declaration precludes “liability claims alleging negligence by a manufacturer in creating a vaccine, or negligence by a health care provider in prescribing the wrong dose, absent willful misconduct.” In other words, absent “willful misconduct”, these companies can not be sued for money damages for any injuries that occur between 2020 and 2024 from the administration of vaccines and treatments related to COVID 19. The declaration is effective in the United States through 1 October 2024.

In December 2020, the UK government granted Pfizer legal indemnity for its COVID 19 vaccine.

In the European Union, the COVID 19 vaccines were granted a conditional marketing authorization which does not exempt manufacturers from civil and administrative liability claims. The EU conditional marketing authorizations were changed to standard authorizations in September 2022. While the purchasing contracts with vaccine manufacturers remain secret, they do not contain liability exemptions even for side-effects not known at the time of licensure.

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, a nonprofit news organization, reported in an investigation that unnamed officials in some countries, such as Argentina and Brazil, said that Pfizer demanded guarantees against costs of legal cases due to adverse effects in the form of liability waivers and sovereign assets such as federal bank reserves, embassy buildings or military bases, going beyond the expected from other countries such as the US. During the pandemic parliamentary inquiry in Brazil, Pfizer’s representative said that its terms for Brazil are the same as for all other countries with which it has signed deals.

COVID-19 vaccine authorizations

National regulatory authorities have granted emergency use authorizations for 34 COVID-19 vaccines.

Nine vaccines have been approved for emergency or full use by at least one stringent regulatory authority recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO): Pfizer–BioNTech, Oxford–AstraZeneca, Sinopharm BIBP, Moderna, Janssen, CoronaVac, Covaxin, Novavax, and Convidecia. Eight others are under assessment by the WHO: Sputnik V, Sinopharm WIBP, Abdala, Zifivax, Corbevax, COVIran Barekat, Sanofi–GSK, and SCB-2019.

Of the 34 vaccines, 11 have a full or emergency authorization in only one country, 12 in ten or fewer countries, and 11 in more than ten countries.

Note that in some countries, vaccines may be authorized solely for travel purposes. They may not be approved for the general population. For example, the CoronaVac, Covishield, BBIBP-CorV and Covaxin vaccines are not part of Australia’s national vaccination program; however, they are recognized for the purpose of travel to Australia.

Source: Wikipedia


(Star Trek: First Contact, 1996)


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Worldwide – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to October 2022:
Confirmed cases: 83,579,767Confirmed cases: 624,416,995
Deaths: 1,820,923Deaths (reported): 6,566,838
Deaths (est.): 15.8–27.2 million




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.

Click above to view the original archived page


What is this?





The mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–5. More than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, were murdered at concentration camps such as Auschwitz.



Black Sun Bio-Weapons – 6 – Sinopharm COVID-19 Vaccine [CHINA]



COVID-19 Vaccine

The Official Story

(Sinopharm, CHINA)


The Sinopharm BIBP COVID-19 vaccine, also known as BBIBP-CorV, the Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine, or BIBP vaccine, is one of two whole inactivated virus COVID-19 vaccines developed by Sinopharm’s Beijing Institute of Biological Products (sometimes written as Beijing Bio-Institute of Biological Products, resulting in the two different acronyms BBIBP and BIBP for the same vaccine). It completed Phase III trials in Argentina, Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco, Pakistan, Peru, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with over 60,000 participants. BBIBP-CorV shares similar technology with CoronaVac and Covaxin, other inactivated virus vaccines for COVID-19. Its product name is SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine (Vero Cell), not to be confused with the similar product name of CoronaVac.

Peer-reviewed results published in JAMA of Phase III trials in United Arab Emirates and Bahrain showed that the vaccine is 78.1% effective against symptomatic cases and 100% against severe cases (21 cases in vaccinated group vs. 95 cases in placebo group). In December 2020, the UAE previously announced interim results showing 86% efficacy.

While mRNA vaccines like the Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and Moderna COVID-19 vaccine showed higher efficacy of over 90%, those present distribution challenges for some nations as they require deep-freeze facilities and trucks. The BIBP vaccine could be transported and stored at normal refrigerated temperatures.

The vaccine is being used in vaccination campaigns by certain countries in Asia, Africa, South America, and Europe. Sinopharm expects to produce one billion doses of the vaccine in 2021. By May, Sinopharm had supplied 200 million doses.

On 7 May 2021, the World Health Organization approved the BIBP vaccine for use in COVAX. Sinopharm has signed purchase agreements for 170 million doses from COVAX.

The similarly named Sinopharm WIBP COVID-19 vaccine is also an inactivated virus vaccine.


In China, Sinopharm obtained an EUA in July 2020. On 30 December 2020, China’s National Medical Products Administration approved the BIBP vaccine for general use. In July 2021, China approved the EUA for children and adolescents aged 3–17.

In September 2020, UAE approved for emergency use authorization. In December 2020, UAE approved for full authorization. In August 2021, UAE approved the EUA for children and adolescents aged 3–17.

On 3 November 2020, Bahrain granted emergency use authorization for frontline workers. In December 2020, Bahrain approved the vaccine.

On 7 May 2021, the World Health Organization added the vaccine to the list of vaccines authorized for emergency use for COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access (COVAX).

In May 2021, Zambia approved use of the vaccine.

In June 2021, Philippines approved the BIBP vaccine for emergency use.

On 5 May 2021, EMA’s human medicines committee (CHMP) has started a rolling review of the vaccine. The EU applicant for this medicine is the Italian company Life’On S.r.l.

Source: Wikipedia


(Star Trek: First Contact, 1996)


Sinopharm BIBP COVID-19 Vaccine

The Sinopharm BIBP COVID-19 vaccine is an inactivated virus vaccine produced by the China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm) and its Beijing Institute of Biological Products.

Sinopharm BIBP Worldwide Authorizations

GLOBAL GENOCIDE 2025 (Click Links Below)

Emergency (CARPHA countries)

  1. Antigua and Barbuda
  2. Bahamas
  3. Barbados
  4. Belize
  5. Dominica
  6. Grenada
  7. Guyana
  8. Haiti
  9. Jamaica
  10. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  11. St. Lucia
  12. St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  13. Suriname
  14. Trinidad and Tobago

Non-country entities

  • Anguilla
  • Aruba
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Bermuda
  • Caribbean Netherlands
  • Cayman Islands
  • Curaçao
  • Macau
  • Montserrat
  • Sint Maarten
  • Turks and Caicos Islands
  • World Health Organization



The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





The mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–5. More than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, were murdered at concentration camps such as Auschwitz.



Black Sun Bio-Weapons – 7 – Sinovac COVID-19 Vaccine [CHINA]



COVID-19 Vaccine

The Official Story

(Sinovac Biotech, CHINA)


CoronaVac, also known as the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine, is a whole inactivated virus COVID-19 vaccine developed by the Chinese company Sinovac Biotech. It was Phase III clinical trialled in Brazil, Chile, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Turkey and relies on traditional technology similar to other inactivated-virus COVID-19 vaccines, such as the Sinopharm BIBP vaccine, another Chinese vaccine, and Covaxin, an Indian vaccine. CoronaVac does not need to be frozen and both the final product and the raw material for formulating CoronaVac can be transported refrigerated at 2–8 °C (36–46 °F), temperatures at which flu vaccines are kept.

A real-world study of tens of millions of Chileans who received CoronaVac found it 66% effective against symptomatic COVID-19, 88% against hospitalization, 90% against ICU admissions, and 86% against deaths. In Brazil, after 75% of the population in Serrana, São Paulo, received CoronaVac, preliminary results show deaths fell by 95%, hospitalizations by 86%, and symptomatic cases by 80%. In Indonesia, real world data from 128,290 healthcare workers showed 94% protection against symptomatic infection by the vaccine, beating results in clinical trials.

Phase III results from Turkey published in The Lancet showed an efficacy of 84% based on 10,218 participants in the trials. Phase III results from Brazil previously showed 50.7% efficacy at preventing symptomatic infections and 83.7% effective in preventing mild cases needing treatment. Efficacy against symptomatic infections increased to 62.3% with an interval of 21 days or more between the doses.

CoronaVac is being used in vaccination campaigns in various countries in Asia, South America, Central America, and Eastern Europe. By April 2021, Sinovac had a production capacity of 2 billion doses a year. It is currently being manufactured at several facilities in China, with planned overseas manufacture in Brazil in September 2021 and eventually in Egypt and Hungary.

On 1 June 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) validated the vaccine for emergency use. Sinovac has signed purchase agreements for 380 million doses from COVAX. As of July 2021, CoronaVac was the most widely used COVID-19 vaccine in the world, with 943 million doses delivered.

As of 14 October 2021, CoronaVac is the COVID-19 vaccine with most doses administered worldwide.

A recent study jointly conducted by the LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed) and the Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CU Medicine) showed that a third dose of Comirnaty vaccine given to those who received two doses of either Comirnaty or CoronaVac provides protective levels of measured antibodies against the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2. Three doses of CoronaVac however did not provide adequate levels of protective antibodies by the same measure, in direct contradiction to claims made by the vaccine manufacturer.


The World Health Organization (WHO) validated the Sinovac-CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use on 1 June 2021. The recommendation was given with limited evidence at the time of approval for groups other than healthy adults. The WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts expressed high level of confidence in the efficacy of the vaccine for adults, moderate confidence in the efficacy for older adults and individuals with comorbidities, moderate confidence in its safety for adults and low confidence in its safety for the elderly and individuals with comorbidities.

In late August 2020, China approved CoronaVac for emergency use to vaccinate high-risk groups such as medical staff. In early February, China approved CoronaVac for general use. On 5 June 2021, China approved CoronaVac for emergency use with children and adolescents for 3–17 years old.

In January 2021, Bolivia authorized use of CoronaVac.

In April, Panama approved emergency use of Coronavac.

On 4 May, the EMA’s human medicines committee (CHMP) started a rolling review of CoronaVac.

In June, Bangladesh approved Coronavac for emergency use.

Source: Wikipedia


(Star Trek: First Contact, 1996)


CoronaVac COVID-19 Vaccine

The CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine is an inactivated virus vaccine produced by the Chinese company Sinovac Biotech.

CoronaVac Worldwide Authorizations

GLOBAL GENOCIDE 2025 (Click Links Below)

Non-country entities

  • Hong Kong
  • Northern Cyprus
  • World Health Organization



The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





The mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–5. More than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, were murdered at concentration camps such as Auschwitz.



Black Sun Bio-Weapons – 8 – CanSinoBio COVID-19 Vaccine [CHINA]



COVID-19 Vaccine

The Official Story

(CanSino Biologics, CHINA)


AD5-nCOV, trade-named Convidecia, is a single-dose viral vector vaccine for COVID-19 developed by CanSino Biologics. It conducted its Phase III trials in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia, and Saudi Arabia with 40,000 participants.

In February 2021, global data from Phase III trials and 101 COVID cases showed that the vaccine had a 65.7% efficacy in preventing moderate symptoms of COVID-19, and 91% efficacy in preventing severe disease. It has similar efficacy to the Janssen vaccine, another one-shot adenovirus vector vaccine with 66% efficacy in a global trial. Convidecia is similar to other viral vector vaccines like AZD1222, Gam-COVID-Vac, and Ad26.COV2.S. Its single-dose regimen and normal refrigerator storage requirement (2° to 8 °C) could make it a favorable vaccine option for many countries. It is currently under evaluation for emergency use listing by the WHO. On May 19 2022, WHO issued EUL for the vaccine.

A Phase I study published in The Lancet showed two doses of a nasal-spray version of Convidecia resulted in neutralising antibody responses similar to the existing one-dose injection.

Convidecia and the Pakistani version called Pakvac are approved for use by some countries in Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Production capacity for Ad5-NCov should reach 500 million doses in 2021. Manufacturing will take place in China, with filling and finishing of the vaccine additionally also taking place in Malaysia, Mexico, and Pakistan.


Convidecia is a viral vector vaccine similar to AstraZeneca’s AZD1222 and Gamaleya’s Gam-COVID-Vac.


On 25 June 2020, China approved the vaccine for limited use by the military. In February 2021, China approved the vaccine for general use.

In February 2021, Mexico approved the vaccine for emergency use.

In February 2021, Pakistan approved the vaccine for emergency use.

In March, Hungary approved the vaccine for emergency use.

In March, Moldova authorized use of the vaccine.

On 15 June 2021, Malaysia’s National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) has issued conditional registration for emergency use of the vaccine.

On 7 September 2021, National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) has issued emergency use authorization in Indonesia.

On 4 September 2022, China’s National Medical Products Administration granted approval for the Convidecia Air, an inhaled version of the Convidecia vaccine, to be used as a booster dose.

Source: Wikipedia


(Star Trek: First Contact, 1996)


Convidecia COVID-19 Vaccine

Convidecia is a viral vector vaccine produced by the Chinese company CanSino Biologics and the Beijing Institute of Biotechnology of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences.

Convidecia Worldwide Authorizations

GLOBAL GENOCIDE 2025 (Click Links Below)

Full (1)

  1. China

Emergency (9)

  1. Argentina
  2. Chile
  3. Ecuador
  4. Indonesia
  5. Malaysia
  6. Mexico
  7. Moldova
  8. Pakistan

Non-country entities

  • World Health Organization



The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





The mass murder of Jews under the German Nazi regime during the period 1941–5. More than 6 million European Jews, as well as members of other persecuted groups, were murdered at concentration camps such as Auschwitz.



Global Genocide 2025 – Region C: Asia



The Official Story



COVID-19 pandemic in Asia

The COVID-19 pandemic began in Asia in Wuhan, Hubei, China, and has spread widely through the continent. As of 14 October 2022, at least one case of COVID-19 had been reported in every country in Asia except Turkmenistan.

The Asian countries with the highest numbers of confirmed coronavirus cases are India, South Korea, Turkey, Vietnam, and Iran. Despite being the first area of the world hit by the outbreak, the early wide-scale response of some Asian states, particularly Bhutan, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam has allowed them to fare comparatively well. China was criticised for initially minimising the severity of the outbreak, but its wide-scale response has largely contained the disease since March 2020.

As of July 2021, the highest numbers of deaths are recorded in India, Indonesia, Iran, and Turkey, each with more than 90,000 deaths and more than 900,000 deaths combined. However, the death toll in Iran and Indonesia are claimed to be much higher than the official figures. Per capita, the highest deaths have been disproportionally in several Western Asian states, with Georgia having the highest figure closely followed by Armenia, and Iran in third, whereas China had the lowest.

Source: Wikipedia




The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.

(Official US definition)

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.”

Any US official has sworn to uphold and defend, never to subvert, the Constitution of the United States, and this is defining the US, itself, as being the continued functioning of the US Constitution. Treason is thus the supremely illegal act under US law, the act that violates any US official’s oath of office. (When treason is perpetrated by someone who is not a US official, it is still a severe crime, but less severe than it is for any US official.) The phrase “levies war against them” means war against the functioning of the Constitution that is their supreme law. “Or” means alternatively, and “adheres to their enemies” means is a follower of any person or other entity that seeks to impose a different constitution. “Enemies” is not defined — it need not be a foreign opponent; it may be a domestic opponent of the US Constitution. Thus, an American can be an enemy of the United States of America. In fact, the official definition explicitly refers ONLY to an entity “owing allegiance to the United States.” (Obviously, that especially refers to any US official.) This is how a “traitor” is understood, in US law. Obviously, the worst traitor would be one who committed the treasonous act(s) while a US official.

(Black Sun Bio-Weapons)

COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Asia – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 17,725,946Confirmed cases: 201,938,760
Deaths: 304,660Deaths: 1,858,735


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023


↑ 4,751,819,588


Click above to view the original archived page



What is this?




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



Global Genocide 2025 – Part 60 – China




The Official Story

(Region C – Asia)


COVID-19 pandemic in China

The COVID-19 pandemic in mainland China is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). China was the first country to experience an outbreak of the disease, the first to impose drastic measures in response (including lockdowns and face mask mandates), and one of the first countries to bring the outbreak under control.

The 2019–2020 COVID-19 outbreak in mainland China was the first wave of the disease, and was first manifested as a cluster of mysterious pneumonia cases, mostly related to the Huanan Seafood Market, in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province. It was first reported to the local government on 27 December 2019 and published on 31 December. On 8 January 2020, a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was identified as the cause of the pneumonia by Chinese scientists. By 29 January, the virus was found to have spread to all provinces of mainland China.

By late February, the pandemic had been brought under control in most Chinese provinces. On 25 February, the reported number of newly confirmed cases outside mainland China exceeded those reported from within for the first time. By the Summer of 2020, widespread community transmission in China had been ended, and restrictions were significantly eased.

The Chinese government response has included a zero-COVID strategy, which aims to eliminate transmission of the virus within the country and allow resumption of normal economic and social activity, making it one of few countries to pursue this approach.

By late 2020, China’s economy continued to broaden recovery from the recession during the pandemic, with stable job creation and record international trade growth, although retail consumption was still slower than predicted.

Infection rates increased in 2022, and on 3 April 2022, China reported 13,146 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours, which was the highest single-day total of new cases since the height of the 2020 outbreak.

COVID-19 vaccination in mainland China

COVID-19 vaccination in mainland China is an ongoing immunization campaign against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in mainland China, in response to the ongoing pandemic in the region.

As of July 2022, it is estimated that about 89.7% of the country’s population has received a vaccine, and about 56% of the population has received a booster dose.


In July 2020, the government granted an emergency use authorization for two COVID-19 vaccines. It has also pledged or provided humanitarian assistance to other countries dealing with the virus.

By June 2021, a billion doses of domestically produced vaccine had been administered in China, giving a dose rate similar to many European countries. A further billion doses had been administered by late August of the same year. Another 1 billion doses were administered by the end of January 2022. In February 2022, Pfizer’s Covid therapy tablet Paxlovid has received conditional approval in China. It is the first oral pill created exclusively to treat the disease in the country.

While public authorities have mandated lockdowns and mandatory mass testing for areas with infection, there has not been any rule to making vaccination mandatory. Some facilities within China have made vaccination mandatory for entry, including things like movie theatres, fitness centres, internet bars, museums and libraries.

In July 2022, according to official figures, while 89% had received 2 doses, only 56% of eligible people had received a booster dose. Furthermore, this was even lower among vulnerable elderly age groups, with only 19.7% of people over the age of 80 having received a booster dose. According to BBC reporting, this may have been attributed to public confidence in the ability of authorities to control outbreaks, the narrative presented by public authorities within China that the virus was mainly an overseas problem as well as some doctors within China who warned vulnerable people of the health risks of the vaccine.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

China – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 86,338Confirmed cases: 11,088,646
Deaths: 4,634Deaths: 34,739

China – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:1,310,189,000
(91.89% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




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What is this?




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.





Rothschild Central Banking System – Region C: Asia



The Official Story



A central bank, reserve bank, or monetary authority is an institution that manages the currency and monetary policy of a state or formal monetary union, and oversees their commercial banking system. In contrast to a commercial bank, a central bank possesses a monopoly on increasing the monetary base. Most central banks also have supervisory and regulatory powers to ensure the stability of member institutions, to prevent bank runs, and to discourage reckless or fraudulent behavior by member banks.

Central banks in most developed nations are institutionally independent from political interference. Still, limited control by the executive and legislative bodies exists.

Spread around the world

Central banks were established in many European countries during the 19th century. Napoleon created the Banque de France in 1800, in an attempt to improve the financing of his wars. On the continent of Europe, the Bank of France remained the most important central bank throughout the 19th century. The Bank of Finland was founded in 1812, soon after Finland had been taken over from Sweden by Russia to become its grand duchy. A central banking role was played by a small group of powerful family banking houses, typified by the House of Rothschild, with branches in major cities across Europe, as well as the Hottinguer family in Switzerland and the Oppenheim family in Germany.

Although central banks today are generally associated with fiat money, the 19th and early 20th centuries central banks in most of Europe and Japan developed under the international gold standard. Free banking or currency boards were common at this time. Problems with collapses of banks during downturns, however, led to wider support for central banks in those nations which did not as yet possess them, most notably in Australia.

Australia established its first central bank in 1920, Peru in 1922, Colombia in 1923, Mexico and Chile in 1925 and Canada, India and New Zealand in the aftermath of the Great Depression in 1934. By 1935, the only significant independent nation that did not possess a central bank was Brazil, which subsequently developed a precursor thereto in 1945 and the present Central Bank of Brazil twenty years later. After gaining independence, African and Asian countries also established central banks or monetary unions. The Reserve Bank of India, which had been established during British colonial rule as a private company, was nationalized in 1949 following India’s independence.

The People’s Bank of China evolved its role as a central bank starting in about 1979 with the introduction of market reforms, which accelerated in 1989 when the country adopted a generally capitalist approach to its export economy. Evolving further partly in response to the European Central Bank, the People’s Bank of China had by 2000 become a modern central bank. The most recent bank model was introduced together with the euro, and involves coordination of the European national banks, which continue to manage their respective economies separately in all respects other than currency exchange and base interest rates.

Source: Wikipedia



CountryEst. Population (2022)
AFGHANISTAN: Bank of Afghanistan41.1 million
BANGLADESH: Bangladesh Bank171.2 million
BHUTAN: Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan0.7 million
CAMBODIA: National Bank of Cambodia16.7 million
CHINA: The People’s Bank of China1.4 billion
HONG KONG: Hong Kong Monetary Authority7.4 million
INDIA: Reserve Bank of India1.4 billion
INDONESIA: Bank Indonesia275.5 million
JAPAN: Bank of Japan123.9 million
KAZAKHSTAN: National Bank of Kazakhstan19.4 million
KOREA: Bank of Korea51.8 million
KYRGYZSTAN: National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic6.6 million
MACAO: Monetary Authority of Macao0.6 million
MALAYSIA: Central Bank of Malaysia33.9 million
MONGOLIA: Bank of Mongolia3.3 million
NEPAL: Central Bank of Nepal30.5 million
PAKISTAN: State Bank of Pakistan235.8 million
PHILIPPINES: Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas115.5 million
SINGAPORE: Monetary Authority of Singapore5.9 million
SRI LANKA: Central Bank of Sri Lanka21.8 million
TAJIKISTAN: National Bank of Tajikistan9.9 million
THAILAND: Bank of Thailand71.6 million
VIETNAM: The State Bank of Vietnam98.1 million

Titanic: The Shocking Truth (2012)
[Full Documentary — Highly Recommended]


Titanic (1997) – Stern Sinking Scene



A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.




Titanic – 10.37 – The People’s Bank of China (Beijing, China)



The People’s Bank
of China


The Official Story

(Beijing, China)


The People’s Bank of China (officially PBC or informally PBOC) is the central bank of the People’s Republic of China responsible for carrying out monetary policy and regulation of financial institutions in mainland China, as determined by the People’s Bank Law and the Commercial Bank Law. It is a cabinet-level executive department of the State Council.

While operating with some degree of autonomy, the PBC lacks central bank independence and is politically required to implement the policies of the Chinese Communist Party.


The bank was established on December 1, 1948, based on the consolidation of the Huabei Bank, the Beihai Bank and the Xibei Farmer Bank. The headquarters was first located in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, and then moved to Beijing in 1949. Between 1950 and 1978 the PBC was the only bank in the People’s Republic of China and was responsible for both central banking and commercial banking operations. All other banks within Mainland China such as the Bank of China were either organized as divisions of the PBC or were non-deposit taking agencies.

From 1952 to 1955 government shares were added to private banks to make state-private banks, until under the first Five Year plan from 1955 to 1959 the PBC had complete control of the private banks, making them branches of the PBC, closely resembling the vision of Vladimir Lenin. With aid from the Soviet Union, the shares of private enterprises and with them industrial output followed a similar path, forming a Soviet-style planned economy.

With the exception of special allocations for rural development, the monolithic PBC dominated all business transactions and credit until 1978, when, as part of the Chinese economic reforms, the State Council split off the commercial banking functions of the PB into four independent but state-owned banks, including the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the Bank of China (BOC), the Agricultural Bank of China (ABC), and the China Construction Bank (CCB). In 1983, the State Council promulgated that the PBC would function as the central bank of China.

Chen Yuan was instrumental in modernizing the bank in the early 1990s. Its central bank status was legally confirmed on March 18, 1995 by the 3rd Plenum of the 8th National People’s Congress, and was granted a higher degree of independence than other State Council ministries by an act that year. In 1998, the PBC underwent a major restructuring. All provincial and local branches were abolished, and the PBC opened nine regional branches, whose boundaries did not correspond to local administrative boundaries. In 2003, the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress approved an amendment law for strengthening the role of PBC in the making and implementation of monetary policy for safeguarding the overall financial stability and provision of financial services.

While operating with some degree of autonomy, the PBC does not have central bank independence and is politically required to implement the policies of the Chinese Communist Party.

Source: Wikipedia

Titanic (1997) – Stern Sinking Scene

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Titanic – 10.38 – Yi Gang (Governor, The People’s Bank of China)



Yi Gang


The Official Story

(Governor of the People’s Bank of China, 2018+)


Yi Gang (born 5 March 1958) is the Governor of the People’s Bank of China since 2018. He is also the former Director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.


Yi Gang was born in Beijing, March 5, 1958. He studied at Beijing University, Hamline University in Saint Paul, Minnesota and obtained his Ph.D in Economics from the University of Illinois, with a dissertation on statistical model selection methods. He became an Associate Professor with tenure at Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) and then joined the faculty of Peking University as professor, deputy director of the Center for Economics Research, and Ph.D advisor in Economics. He went to the People’s Bank of China in 1997 and then successively served as Deputy Secretary-General and Secretary-General of the Monetary Policy Committee, Deputy Director-General and Director-General of the Monetary Policy Department, and Assistant Governor, as well as President of the Operations Office from September 2006 to October 2007. In December 2007, he was appointed Deputy Governor of the People’s Bank of China. From 2009, he served as Director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) until January 12, 2016. On April 18, 2012 Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie conferred an honorary doctorate of humane letters upon Yi Gang, who served as assistant professor and associate professor of economics at IUPUI from 1986 to 1994.

Yi has published more than 40 articles in Chinese and 20 academic papers in English that have appeared in economics journals such as the Journal of Econometrics, the China Economic Review, and Comparative Economic Studies. Yi is the author of ten books, and he served as a consultant for the Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, the Journal of Econometrics, China Economic Review, Comparative Economic Studies, Economic Theory, Contemporary Policy Issues, and the Journal of Asian Economics. He also serves on the editorial board of the China Economic Review and the Journal of Asian Economics.

In October, 2016, Yi helped represent China at the semi-annual meetings of the IMF and the World Bank in Washington, D.C., including on a panel with Bank of England governor Mark Carney. The meetings came as the yuan was for the first time being included in the IMF’s international basket of currencies known as special drawing rights. Questions about Chinese debt levels, steel production and housing production were among those addressed in the meetings.

In March 2018, Yi was appointed as the Governor of the People’s Bank of China. In July 2018, he was named Vice Chair of the Financial Stability and Development Committee.

He is also an adviser to the China Finance 40 Forum (CF40).

Source: Wikipedia

Titanic (1997) – Stern Sinking Scene

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.