New World Order – Group 4 – Europe



The Official Story



Europe is a large peninsula conventionally considered a continent in its own right because of its great physical size and the weight of its history and traditions. Europe is also considered a subcontinent of Eurasia and it is located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere. Comprising the westernmost peninsulas of Eurasia, it shares the continental landmass of Afro-Eurasia with both Africa and Asia. It is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the south and Asia to the east. Europe is commonly considered to be separated from Asia by the watershed of the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian Sea, the Greater Caucasus, the Black Sea and the waterways of the Turkish Straits.

Europe covers about 10.18 million km2 (3.93 million sq mi), or 2% of Earth’s surface (6.8% of land area), making it the second-smallest continent (using the seven-continent model). Politically, Europe is divided into about fifty sovereign states, of which Russia is the largest and most populous, spanning 39% of the continent and comprising 15% of its population. Europe had a total population of about 745 million (about 10% of the world population) in 2021. The European climate is largely affected by warm Atlantic currents that temper winters and summers on much of the continent, even at latitudes along which the climate in Asia and North America is severe. Further from the sea, seasonal differences are more noticeable than close to the coast.

European culture is the root of Western civilisation, which traces its lineage back to ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD and the subsequent Migration Period marked the end of Europe’s ancient history, and the beginning of the Middle Ages. Renaissance humanism, exploration, art, and science led to the modern era. Since the Age of Discovery, started by Portugal and Spain, Europe played a predominant role in global affairs. Between the 16th and 20th centuries, European powers colonised at various times the Americas, almost all of Africa and Oceania, and the majority of Asia.

The Age of Enlightenment, the subsequent French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars shaped the continent culturally, politically and economically from the end of the 17th century until the first half of the 19th century. The Industrial Revolution, which began in Great Britain at the end of the 18th century, gave rise to radical economic, cultural and social change in Western Europe and eventually the wider world. Both world wars took place for the most part in Europe, contributing to a decline in Western European dominance in world affairs by the mid-20th century as the Soviet Union and the United States took prominence. During the Cold War, Europe was divided along the Iron Curtain between NATO in the West and the Warsaw Pact in the East, until the Revolutions of 1989, Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Dissolution of the Soviet Union.

In 1949, the Council of Europe was founded with the idea of unifying Europe to achieve common goals and prevent future wars. Further European integration by some states led to the formation of the European Union (EU), a separate political entity that lies between a confederation and a federation. The EU originated in Western Europe but has been expanding eastward since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. The currency of most countries of the European Union, the euro, is the most commonly used among Europeans; and the EU’s Schengen Area abolishes border and immigration controls between most of its member states, and some non-member states. There exists a political movement favouring the evolution of the European Union into a single federation encompassing much of the continent.

COVID-19 pandemic in Europe

The global COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Europe with its first confirmed case in Bordeaux, France, on 24 January 2020, and subsequently spread widely across the continent. By 17 March 2020, every country in Europe had confirmed a case, and all have reported at least one death, with the exception of Vatican City.

Italy was the first European country to experience a major outbreak in early 2020, becoming the first country worldwide to introduce a national lockdown. By 13 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Europe the epicentre of the pandemic and it remained so until the WHO announced it was overtaken by South America on 22 May. By 18 March 2020, lockdowns introduced in Europe affected more than 250 million people. Despite deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, Europe became the pandemic’s epicentre once again in late 2021. On 11 January 2022, Dr. Hans Kluge, the WHO Regional Director for Europe said, “more than 50 percent of the population in the region will be infected with Omicron in the next six to eight weeks”.

As the outbreak became a major crisis across Europe, national and European Union responses have led to debate over restrictions of civil liberties and the extent of European Union solidarity.

As of 20 May 2022, Europe is the most affected continent in the world. Most affected countries in Europe include France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Russia.

Source: Wikipedia




The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.

(Official US definition)

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.”

Any US official has sworn to uphold and defend, never to subvert, the Constitution of the United States, and this is defining the US, itself, as being the continued functioning of the US Constitution. Treason is thus the supremely illegal act under US law, the act that violates any US official’s oath of office. (When treason is perpetrated by someone who is not a US official, it is still a severe crime, but less severe than it is for any US official.) The phrase “levies war against them” means war against the functioning of the Constitution that is their supreme law. “Or” means alternatively, and “adheres to their enemies” means is a follower of any person or other entity that seeks to impose a different constitution. “Enemies” is not defined — it need not be a foreign opponent; it may be a domestic opponent of the US Constitution. Thus, an American can be an enemy of the United States of America. In fact, the official definition explicitly refers ONLY to an entity “owing allegiance to the United States.” (Obviously, that especially refers to any US official.) This is how a “traitor” is understood, in US law. Obviously, the worst traitor would be one who committed the treasonous act(s) while a US official.




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Europe – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 24,741,525Confirmed cases: 163,877,845
Deaths: 537,674Deaths: 1,776,085


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023


↓ 741,869,197


Click above to view the original archived page



New World Order – Section 55 – Sweden



The Official Story

(Region B – Europe)


Estimated Population (2022): 10,566,000

Sweden, officially the Kingdom of Sweden, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe. It borders Norway to the west and north, Finland to the east, and is connected to Denmark in the southwest by a bridge–tunnel across the Öresund. At 450,295 square kilometres (173,860 sq mi), Sweden is the largest Nordic country, the third-largest country in the European Union, and the fifth-largest country in Europe. The capital and largest city is Stockholm. Sweden has a total population of 10.4 million, and a low population density of 25.5 inhabitants per square kilometre (66/sq mi), with around 87% of Swedes residing in urban areas in the central and southern half of the country.

Germanic peoples have inhabited Sweden since prehistoric times, emerging into history as the Geats (Swedish: Götar) and Swedes (Svear) and constituting the sea peoples known as the Norsemen. An independent Swedish state emerged during the early 12th century. After the Black Death in the middle of the 14th century killed about a third of the Scandinavian population, the dominance of the Hanseatic League in Northern Europe threatened Scandinavia economically and politically. This led to the forming of the Scandinavian Kalmar Union in 1397, which Sweden left in 1523. When Sweden became involved in the Thirty Years’ War on the Protestant side, an expansion of its territories began and eventually the Swedish Empire was formed, this became one of the great powers of Europe until the early 18th century.

Swedish territories outside the Scandinavian Peninsula were gradually lost during the 18th and 19th centuries, ending with the annexation of present-day Finland by Russia in 1809. The last war in which Sweden was directly involved was in 1814 when Norway was militarily forced into a personal union, which peacefully dissolved in 1905. In 2014, Sweden celebrated 200 years of peace, breaking even Switzerland’s record for peace. Sweden maintained an official policy of neutrality during wartime and non-participation in military alliances during peacetime, although Sweden secretly relied on U.S. nuclear submarines during the Cold War. Sweden has since 2008 joined EU battlegroups, provided intelligence to NATO and since 2009 openly moved towards cooperation with NATO. In 2022, Sweden applied for NATO membership and was formally invited to join the alliance at the NATO Summit in Madrid.

Sweden is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy, with legislative power vested in the 349-member unicameral Riksdag. It is a unitary state, currently divided into 21 counties and 290 municipalities. Sweden maintains a Nordic social welfare system that provides universal health care and tertiary education for its citizens. It has the world’s 12th highest per capita income and ranks very highly in quality of life, health, education, protection of civil liberties, economic competitiveness, income equality, gender equality, prosperity and human development. Sweden joined the European Union on 1 January 1995 but rejected Eurozone membership following a referendum. It is also a member of the United Nations, the Nordic Council, the Council of Europe, the World Trade Organization and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Government and politics

Constitutional framework

Sweden has four fundamental laws (Swedish: grundlagar) which together form the Constitution: the Instrument of Government (Swedish: Regeringsformen), the Act of Succession (Swedish: Successionsordningen), the Freedom of the Press Act (Swedish: Tryckfrihetsförordningen), and the Fundamental Law on Freedom of Expression (Swedish: Yttrandefrihetsgrundlagen).

The public sector in Sweden is divided into two parts: the legal person known as the State (Swedish: staten) and local authorities: the latter include Regional Councils (Swedish: regioner) (renamed from county councils (landsting) in 2020) and local Municipalities (Swedish: kommuner). The local authorities, rather than the State, make up the larger part of the public sector in Sweden. Regional Councils and Municipalities are independent of one another, the former merely covers a larger geographical area than the latter. The local authorities have self-rule, as mandated by the Constitution, and their own tax base. Notwithstanding their self-rule, local authorities are nevertheless in practice interdependent upon the State, as the parameters of their responsibilities and the extent of their jurisdiction are specified in the Local Government Act (Swedish: Kommunallagen) passed by the Riksdag.

Sweden is a constitutional monarchy, and King Carl XVI Gustaf is the head of state, but the role of the monarch is limited to ceremonial and representative functions. Under the provisions of the 1974 Instrument of Government, the King lacks any formal political power. The King opens the annual Riksdag session, chairs the Special Council held during a change of Government, holds regular Information Councils with the Prime Minister and the Government, chairs the meetings of the Advisory Council on Foreign Affairs (Swedish: Utrikesnämnden), and receives Letters of Credence of foreign ambassadors to Sweden and signs those of Swedish ambassadors sent abroad. In addition, the King pays State Visits abroad and receives those incoming as host. Apart from strictly official duties, the King and the other members of Royal Family undertake a variety of unofficial and other representative duties within Sweden and abroad.

Legislative power is vested in the unicameral Riksdag with 349 members. General elections are held every four years, on the second Sunday of September. Legislation may be initiated by the Government or by members of the Riksdag. Members are elected on the basis of proportional representation to a four-year term. The internal workings of the Riksdag are, in addition to the Instrument of Government, regulated by the Riksdag Act (Swedish: Riksdagsordningen). The fundamental laws can be altered by the Riksdag alone; only an absolute majority with two separate votes, separated by a general election in between, is required.

The Government (Swedish: Regeringen) operates as a collegial body with collective responsibility and consists of the Prime Minister — appointed and dismissed by the Speaker of the Riksdag (following an actual vote in the Riksdag before an appointment can be made) — and other cabinet ministers (Swedish: Statsråd), appointed and dismissed at the sole discretion of the Prime Minister. The Government is the supreme executive authority and is responsible for its actions to the Riksdag.

Most of the State administrative authorities (Swedish: statliga förvaltningsmyndigheter) report to the Government, including (but not limited to) the Armed Forces, the Enforcement Authority, the National Library, the Swedish police and the Tax Agency. A unique feature of Swedish State administration is that individual cabinet ministers do not bear any individual ministerial responsibility for the performance of the agencies within their portfolio; as the director-generals and other heads of government agencies reports directly to the Government as a whole; and individual ministers are prohibited to interfere; thus the origin of the pejorative in Swedish political parlance term ministerstyre (English: “ministerial rule”) in matters that are to be handled by the individual agencies, unless otherwise specifically provided for in law.

The Judiciary is independent from the Riksdag, Government and other State administrative authorities. The role of judicial review of legislation is not practised by the courts; instead, the Council on Legislation gives non-binding opinions on legality. There is no stare decisis in that courts are not bound by precedent, although it is influential.

Source: Wikipedia




The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Sweden – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to October 2022:
Confirmed cases: 396,048Confirmed cases: 2,601,153
Deaths: 8,279Deaths: 20,274

Sweden – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:7,821,474
(74.72% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023


↑ 10,581,171


Click above to view the original archived page



NWO Sweden – 55.1 – Carl XVI Gustaf (King, 1973+)



Carl XVI Gustaf

The Official Story

(King of Sweden, 1973+)


Carl XVI Gustaf (Carl Gustaf Folke Hubertus; born 30 April 1946) is King of Sweden. He ascended the throne on the death of his grandfather, Gustaf VI Adolf, on 15 September 1973.

He is the youngest child and only son of Prince Gustaf Adolf, Duke of Västerbotten, and Princess Sibylla of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. His father died on 26 January 1947 in an airplane crash in Denmark when Carl Gustaf was nine months old. Upon his father’s death, he became second in line to the throne, after his grandfather, the then Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf. Following the death of his great-grandfather, King Gustaf V, in 1950, Gustaf Adolf ascended the throne and thus Carl Gustaf became Sweden’s new crown prince and heir apparent to the throne at the age of four.

Shortly after he became king in September 1973, the new 1974 Instrument of Government took effect, formally stripping Carl XVI Gustaf of his remaining executive power. As a result, he no longer performs many of the duties normally accorded to a head of state, such as the formal appointment of the prime minister, signing off on legislation, and being commander-in-chief of the nation’s military. The new instrument explicitly limited the king to ceremonial functions and, among other things, to be regularly informed of affairs of state. As head of the House of Bernadotte, Carl Gustaf has also been able to make a number of decisions about the titles and positions of its members.

The King’s heir apparent, after passage on 1 January 1980 of a new law establishing absolute primogeniture (the first such law passed in Western European history), is Crown Princess Victoria, the eldest child of the King and his wife, Queen Silvia. Before the passage of that law, Crown Princess Victoria’s younger brother, Prince Carl Philip, was briefly the heir apparent, as of his birth in May 1979. Carl XVI Gustaf is the longest-reigning monarch in Swedish history, having surpassed King Magnus IV’s reign of 44 years and 222 days on 26 April 2018.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Sweden – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 396,048Confirmed cases: 2,632,091
Deaths: 8,279Deaths: 21,127

Sweden – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:7,817,490
(74.10% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023


↑ 10,581,171


Click above to view the original archived page



NWO Sweden – 55.2 – Magdalena Andersson (Prime Minister, 2021+)



Magdalena Andersson

The Official Story

(Prime Minister of Sweden, 2021+)


Eva Magdalena Andersson (born 23 January 1967) is a Swedish politician and economist serving as Prime Minister of Sweden and leader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party since 2021.

Andersson joined the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League in 1983. In 1992, she earned a masters degree in economics from the Stockholm School of Economics. She served as an adviser and director of planning in Göran Persson’s administration and as an adviser to Mona Sahlin. After the 2014 Swedish general election, Andersson was elected to the Riksdag and became Minister for Finance in Stefan Löfven’s administration. When Löfven announced his plans to step down in August 2021, she was regarded as the main candidate to succeed him. Soon after that, she was elected leader of the Social Democrats.

Andersson was elected Prime Minister of Sweden by the Riksdag on 29 November 2021. On 24 November 2021, Andersson had been elected to that position but resigned after an announcement by her coalition partner, the Green Party, that they were leaving the government in response to losing the annual budget vote in the Riksdag to the conservative opposition. Andersson then assumed the office of Prime Minister on 30 November 2021 as Sweden’s first elected female head of government.

After her coalition lost its majority in the 2022 Swedish general election, Andersson announced her intention to resign as Prime Minister. She remains as Prime Minister in a caretaker government.

Prime Minister of Sweden (2021–present)

On 7 December, Andersson and Swedish health authorities announced new measures to contrast the COVID-19 pandemic. This included remote work to be made available by employers, adults should keep distance in public spaces, restaurants should avoid congestion, and masks should be used on public transport. Andersson emphasised that it was important for people to become vaccinated, and advised people to “take a break from hugging”. On 21 December, Andersson presented new COVID-19 measures. Asked by the press if the new measures would affect her own Christmas celebrations or other plans, Andersson responded that the measures would affect her personally, and that she had to cancel a scheduled visit to Norway.

On 8 January 2022, it was reported police had arrested a wanted woman who worked as a cleaning assistant at the private residence of Andersson. The arrest happened on 21 December, and the woman is said to be from Nicaragua, and that she had not left the county when her residence permit had expired. Several opposition politicians expressed concern over the lack of security surrounding the prime minister. Following a party leader debate on 12 January, Andersson tested positive for COVID-19. According to her press secretary, she began remote working after having gotten tested. Andersson was also reported to be in good shape.

On 2 June, the Sweden Democrats (SD) put forward a confidence vote against Minister for Justice, Morgan Johansson, alleging that he did not properly tackle gang violence and the vast recruitment of people into them. Andersson stated that if the motion against Johansson passed, she and the entire government would resign, saying: “In Sweden, we have collective decision-making in the government. If you dismiss a minister because of political decisions, then you dismiss the entire government. It goes without saying.” In August, a month before the 2022 Swedish general election, Andersson confirmed that she had confronted Christian Democrats (KD) leader Ebba Busch at Expressen about a supposed theft of campaign posters outside the Prime Minister’s residence. Busch herself denied the allegations, while Andersson claimed that she had evidence of the theft.

Heading into the general election on 11 September 2022, Andersson’s leadership moved the Social Democrats to the left after the publication of a May 2021 party report, “Distributional Policies for Equality and Fairness”, which criticised the rising inequalities that emerged from political decisions by previous left and right governments. The Social Democrats remained the largest party in the Riksdag and made gains but the left’s bloc, which also included the liberal Centre Party after breaking off with the centre-right Alliance in 2018, was narrowly defeated by the right’s bloc, led by the Moderate Party (M), KD, and the Liberals (L), which included the far-right SD. Andersson conceded defeat on 14 September and subsequently announced her resignation while remaining the head of a caretaker government. Andersson said the results were not a loss for social democracy and described her party as “the Nordics’ largest party”. At the same time, she said a right bloc’s government looked unstable and stated she would be ready to return prime minister in the future. She called upon M, KD, and L to reject SD, and said she was open to a government with M that would exclude SD.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Sweden – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 396,048Confirmed cases: 2,632,091
Deaths: 8,279Deaths: 21,127

Sweden – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:7,817,490
(74.10% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023


↑ 10,581,171


Click above to view the original archived page



NWO Sweden – 55.3 – Stefan Lofven (Prime Minister, 2014-2021)



Stefan Lofven

The Official Story

(Prime Minister of Sweden, 2014-2021)


Kjell Stefan Löfven (born 21 July 1957) is a Swedish former politician who served as the Prime Minister of Sweden from October 2014 to November 2021 and leader of the Social Democratic Party from 2012 to 2021.

After leaving school and completing military service in the Swedish Air Force, Löfven trained as a welder and began employment as a metalworker. At the same time, he became an active trade unionist. He was eventually elected as an ombudsman within the Swedish Metalworkers’ Union (SMU) and in January 2006, Löfven was elected the first Chairman of IF Metall, a new ‘super’ trade union formed after smaller unions, including the SMU, voted to merge. After the resignation of Håkan Juholt, in January 2012, Löfven was unanimously selected by the executive board of the Social Democratic Party to become the party’s new leader. This made Löfven the Leader of the Opposition, despite the fact that he did not have a seat in the Riksdag at the time.

Löfven led the Social Democrats into the 2014 election. Despite initial opinion poll leads, the party only gained a single seat; due to the poor performance of the governing Moderate Party losing 23 seats, Löfven was able to form a minority coalition government with the Green Party. He was appointed prime minister of Sweden on 3 October 2014. He went on to secure a second term in the aftermath of the inconclusive 2018 election, which saw both main parties suffer losses; after a months-long impasse that set a new record for government formation, Löfven was able to secure abstentions from MPs belonging to the Centre Party, the Left Party and the Liberals, and was re-elected as prime minister by the Riksdag in January 2019. On 21 June 2021, after the Left Party withdrew their support of the government, Löfven lost a confidence motion in the Riksdag, triggering a brief crisis, which was resolved on 5 July when Löfven announced that talks to reform the government had been successful, and two days later the Riksdag once again confirmed Löfven as prime minister in a vote. Dubbed a “political escape artist” and the “Harry Houdini of European politics”, Löfven was able to successfully remain as Prime Minister at the helm of historically weak coalition governments in the turbulent Swedish political landscape from 2014.

On 22 August 2021, Löfven announced that he would retire as leader of the Social Democrats at the November party congress, and would then resign as prime minister upon the election of his successor. In September 2021, it was confirmed that Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson would be the only candidate at the congress to replace Löfven. Andersson was elected party leader on 4 November. Löfven officially resigned as prime minister on 10 November 2021, though he continued to lead a caretaker government until his successor took office on 30 November 2021.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Sweden – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 396,048Confirmed cases: 2,632,091
Deaths: 8,279Deaths: 21,127

Sweden – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:7,817,490
(74.10% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023


↑ 10,581,171


Click above to view the original archived page



NWO Sweden – 55.4 – Parliament House (Stockholm)



Parliament House

Original Image

The Official Story



The Riksdag (lit. transl. ”diet of the realm”) or Sveriges riksdag is the legislature and the supreme decision-making body of Sweden. Since 1971, the Riksdag has been a unicameral legislature with 349 members (riksdagsledamöter), elected proportionally and serving, since 1994, fixed four-year terms. The 2022 Swedish general election is the most recent general election.

The constitutional mandates of the Riksdag are enumerated in the Instrument of Government (Regeringsformen), and its internal workings are specified in greater detail in the Riksdag Act (Riksdagsordningen). The seat of the Riksdag is at Parliament House (Riksdagshuset), on the island of Helgeandsholmen in the central parts of Stockholm. The Riksdag has its institutional roots in the feudal Riksdag of the Estates, traditionally thought to have first assembled in Arboga in 1435. In 1866, following reforms of the 1809 Instrument of Government, that body was transformed into a bicameral legislature with an upper chamber (Första Kammaren) and a lower chamber (Andra Kammaren).

Powers and structure

The Riksdag performs the normal functions of a legislature in a parliamentary democracy. It enacts laws, amends the constitution and appoints a government. In most parliamentary democracies, the head of state commissions a politician to form a government. Under the new Instrument of Government (one of the four fundamental laws of the Constitution) enacted in 1974, that task was removed from the Monarch of Sweden and given to the Speaker of the Riksdag. To make changes to the Constitution under the new Instrument of Government, amendments must be approved twice, in two successive electoral periods with a regular general election held in between.

There are 15 parliamentary committees in the Riksdag.

Parliament House, Stockholm

The Parliament House is the seat of the parliament of Sweden, the Riksdag. It is located on nearly half of Helgeandsholmen (island), in the Gamla stan (old town) district of central Stockholm.


The building complex was designed by Aron Johansson in the Neoclassical style, with a centered Baroque Revival style facade section. Parliament House was constructed between 1897 and 1905.

In 1889, a competition had been held to select a design for the new Parliament building, that Johansson won. Upon opening, it replaced the Old Riksdag Building (Gamla Riksdagshuset) on Riddarholmen (island).

The two buildings of the complex were originally constructed to house the Riksdag in one, and the Sveriges Riksbank (Swedish National Bank) in the second, of a semicircular shape.

Assembly Hall expansion

After the bicameral Riksdag was replaced by a unicameral legislature in 1971, and the bank relocated, the building housing the bank was rebuilt to house the new Assembly Hall. During the construction, the Parliament moved into temporary premises in the newly erected Kulturhuset (House of Culture) south of Sergels Torg, also in central Stockholm.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Sweden – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 396,048Confirmed cases: 2,632,091
Deaths: 8,279Deaths: 21,127

Sweden – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:7,817,490
(74.10% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023


↑ 10,581,171


Click above to view the original archived page



NWO Sweden – 55.5 – Lena Hallengren (Health Minister, 2019+)



Lena Hallengren

The Official Story

(Minister for Health and Social Affairs, 2019+)


Lena Ingeborg Hallengren (born 25 December 1973) is a Swedish politician of the Social Democratic Party who has been served as Minister for Health and Social Affairs in the cabinet of Prime Minister Stefan Löfven from 21 January 2019 until he left office in November 2021. Hallengren then continued in the same role in the Andersson Cabinet.

Political career

In the government of Prime Minister Göran Persson, Hallengren served as Deputy Minister of Education, in charge of preschool education, youth affairs and adult learning, from 2002 to 2006.

Hallengren has been a member of the Riksdag since the 2006 elections. In that capacity, she served as member of the Member of the Committee on Environment and Agriculture (2006-2009) and later chaired the Committee on Transport and Communications (2009-2010) and the Committee on Education (2014–2018).

In March 2018, Hallengren became Minister for Children, the Elderly and Equality after her predecessor Åsa Regnér left the government for a post in the United Nations. This was an office at the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs in the first Löfven Cabinet. At the formation of the second cabinet under prime minister Stefan Löfven in January 2019, Hallengren was promoted to head of the same ministry.

Since 2020, Hallengren has also been a member of the Global Leaders Group on Antimicrobial Resistance, co-chaired by Sheikh Hasina and Mia Mottley.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Sweden – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 396,048Confirmed cases: 2,632,091
Deaths: 8,279Deaths: 21,127

Sweden – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:7,817,490
(74.10% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023


↑ 10,581,171


Click above to view the original archived page



NWO Sweden – 55.6 – Anders Tegnell (Public Health Agency State Epidemiologist, 2013-2022)



Anders Tegnell

The Official Story

(State Epidemiologist of the Public Health Agency
of Sweden, 2013-2022)


Nils Anders Tegnell (born 17 April 1956) is a Swedish civil servant and physician specialising in infectious disease. From 2013 until his resignation in March 2022 he was Sweden’s state epidemiologist.

Tegnell has had key roles in the Swedish response to the 2009 swine flu pandemic and the COVID-19 pandemic. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, he became a divisive figure in Sweden and internationally due to his and the Public Health Agency of Sweden’s opposition to lockdowns, travel restrictions and face masks for general use, which were widely adopted in many countries to curb the spread of the virus, as well as for his leading role in Sweden’s controversial approach.

2009 swine flu pandemic

As head of the Infectious Disease Control department at the agency, he had a key role in the Swedish large-scale vaccination program in preparation for the H1N1 swine flu pandemic, which was declared by the WHO in June 2009. Tegnell was criticized for his role in the mass vaccination scheme of 5 million Swedes against swine flu, which caused about 500 children to develop narcolepsy. Tegnell was reported as saying of Pandemrix, the vaccine that had been known to cause neurological issues in the UK and was not approved by the US FDA, that it would have been highly unethical not to vaccinate people because hundreds of Swedes risked dying.

COVID-19 pandemic

On 2 April 2020, while the COVID-19 pandemic was widespread in most Western countries, of which many had by then imposed quarantine measures, Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail reported that there were “no lockdowns, no school closures and no ban on going to the pub” in Sweden. This was inaccurate however, as secondary schools and universities were recommended to physically close and transfer to distance education on 17 March, and on 24 March cafés, restaurants and bars were ordered to allow table service only. Moreover, gatherings of more than 50 people had been banned in Sweden as of 27 March.

Sweden’s pandemic strategy has been described as trusting the public to act responsibly: instead of wide-ranging bans and restrictions, authorities advised people to remote work if possible, maintain good hand hygiene, and practice social distancing, while those over 70 have been urged to self-isolate as a precaution.

Some Swedish scientists, medical practitioners and physicians have been highly critical of Tegnell and the public health authority. Lena Einhorn contacted Tegnell in January 2020 to express her concern over the contagiousness of the virus, and later said that she was “exasperated” by the lack of measures in Sweden. A group of 22 Swedish scientists published an op-ed in April that called for tougher restrictions. At the time, these criticisms received substantial backlash in Swedish media. In April 2020, the group suggested that 105 Swedes were dying per day from COVID-19. Tegnell disputed the numbers. Several months later, revised government data showed that the critics’ calculations were correct.

‘”It has been so, so surreal,” [said] Nele Brusselaers, a member of the Vetenskapsforum and a clinical epidemiologist at the prestigious Karolinska Institute (KI). It is strange, she [said], to face backlash “even though we are saying just what researchers internationally are saying. It’s like it’s a different universe.”‘

Another flashpoint of criticism was Tegnell’s position that there was no need to restrict travel over the school spring break, when thousands of Swedes traditionally travel to European ski resorts and other destinations. In an interview in February 2020, Tegnell said:

When it comes to this type of travel, there is absolutely no need for concern about the coronavirus. In the Alps and southern Europe, for example, there is no spread at all.

Despite scepticism and criticism from a number of doctors and medical experts, as well as international news media, Sweden defended its strategy, with Prime Minister Stefan Löfven referring to “common sense” and Tegnell saying that the strategy is rooted in a “long tradition” of respecting “free will”, as well as the high level of trust and respect Swedes have for public authorities. According to a survey conducted by Sifo, the population’s confidence in the Public Health Agency increased from 65 percent to 74 percent between 9–12 March and 21–25 March. A March 2020 survey, carried out by the same company for TV4, showed more than half (53%) of the Swedish population had trust in Tegnell, a higher number than for any of the current leaders of the Swedish political parties, while 18% said they didn’t trust the state epidemiologist. In an April survey, the share who said they trusted Tegnell had increased to 69%, while the number who said they didn’t trust their state epidemiologist had fallen to 11%.

The strategy was commonly attributed to Tegnell, who was quoted as saying:

We have so far not had very much of a spread [of the virus] into old age homes and almost no spread into the hospitals, which is very important… We know that [with] these kinds of voluntary measures that we put in place in Sweden, we can basically go on with them for months and years if necessary. [The economy] has the potential to start moving as usual very, very quickly once these things are over.


In Sweden we are following the tradition that we have in Sweden and working very much with voluntary measures, very much with informing the public about the right things to do. That has worked reasonably well so far.

On 2 April 2020, Dagens Eko reported that significant spread of COVID-19 had occurred in retirement homes in at least 90 municipalities. Previously, the government and the public health authorities had strongly advised against external visits to retirement homes, with several municipalities outright banning them. A nationwide ban on external visits to retirement homes came into force on 1 April.

On 21 April 2020, Tegnell was interviewed by Marta Paterlini of Nature. During the interview he said that:

Closing borders, in my opinion, is ridiculous, because COVID-19 is in every European country now.

and that:

closing schools is meaningless at this stage. Moreover, it is instrumental for psychiatric and physical health that the younger generation stays active.

On 28 April 2020, Tegnell was interviewed by Kim Hjelmgaard of USA Today. During the interview he “denied that herd immunity formed the central thrust of Sweden’s containment plan”. Tegnell says rather that:

We are trying to keep transmission rates at a level that the Stockholm health system can sustain… We are not calculating herd immunity in this. With various measures, we are just trying to keep the transmission rate as low as possible… Any country that believes it can keep it out (Ed. note: by closing borders, shuttering businesses, etc.) will most likely be proven wrong at some stage. We need to learn to live with this disease… At a glance it looks to me that Sweden’s economy is doing a lot better than others’. Our strategy has been successful because health care is still working. That’s the measure we look at… What the crisis has shown is that we need to do some serious thinking about nursing homes because they have been so open to transmission (Ed. note: more than a third of Sweden’s COVID-19 fatalities have been reported in nursing homes) of the disease and we had such a hard time controlling it in that setting.

Tegnell’s statements that the Public Health Agency was not pursuing a strategy of herd immunity have been challenged, however, after media uncovered email communication where he appears to confirm that herd immunity was indeed the chosen strategy.

Tegnell has also been skeptical of recommending face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, sending several emails to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control criticizing the publication of advice recommending masks for general use in April. In January 2020, he said in an interview with Dagens Nyheter:

There is no evidence that use of face masks by the public would help reduce the spread of the virus.

Sweden began recommending face masks on public transport in December 2020, as Stockholm’s healthcare system became seriously overwhelmed.

A surge in COVID-cases and deaths occurred during the winter of 2020 in Sweden. King Carl XVI Gustaf and Prime Minister Stefan Löfven both admitted they felt that Sweden’s response was a failure due to the high number of deaths. Löfven said that many experts in Sweden had failed to predict or prepare for the severity of the winter surge. Public confidence in Tegnell in Sweden fell from 72% to 59%. Political party Sweden Democrats called for his resignation over deaths in care homes.

His positions on COVID-19 gave him unwelcome fame. People have had his face tattooed on their skin. Swedish hip-hop artist Shazaam composed and released a song titled “Anders Tegnell” on April 7, 2020, portraying his stance on important issues for the Swedish society and youth. He had been frequently invited for interviews by opponents of lockdowns in US and UK media. Tegnell reportedly advised British prime minister Boris Johnson in September 2020, who is outside Johnson’s usual circle of advisers, as the government debated introducing new restrictions in the UK.

In September 2021, Tegnell said in an interview that he remained confident in Sweden’s approach. Analysts have found that although Sweden’s death rate has remained lower than most countries in Europe, Sweden faced a far higher death toll than neighbouring Norway, Denmark and Finland with similar demographics, and failed to protect the most vulnerable people.

On Dec. 21, 2021, Tegnell noted that “Omicron won’t change Sweden’s Covid strategy.”

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Sweden – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 396,048Confirmed cases: 2,632,091
Deaths: 8,279Deaths: 21,127

Sweden – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:7,817,490
(74.10% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023


↑ 10,581,171


Click above to view the original archived page



Global Genocide 2025 – Region B: Europe



The Official Story



COVID-19 pandemic in Europe

The global COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Europe with its first confirmed case in Bordeaux, France, on 24 January 2020, and subsequently spread widely across the continent. By 17 March 2020, every country in Europe had confirmed a case, and all have reported at least one death, with the exception of Vatican City.

Italy was the first European country to experience a major outbreak in early 2020, becoming the first country worldwide to introduce a national lockdown. By 13 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Europe the epicentre of the pandemic and it remained so until the WHO announced it was overtaken by South America on 22 May. By 18 March 2020, lockdowns introduced in Europe affected more than 250 million people. Despite deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, Europe became the pandemic’s epicentre once again in late 2021. On 11 January 2022, Dr. Hans Kluge, the WHO Regional Director for Europe said, “more than 50 percent of the population in the region will be infected with Omicron in the next six to eight weeks”.

As the outbreak became a major crisis across Europe, national and European Union responses have led to debate over restrictions of civil liberties and the extent of European Union solidarity.

As of 20 May 2022, Europe is the most affected continent in the world. Most affected countries in Europe include France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Russia.

Source: Wikipedia




The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.

(Official US definition)

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.”

Any US official has sworn to uphold and defend, never to subvert, the Constitution of the United States, and this is defining the US, itself, as being the continued functioning of the US Constitution. Treason is thus the supremely illegal act under US law, the act that violates any US official’s oath of office. (When treason is perpetrated by someone who is not a US official, it is still a severe crime, but less severe than it is for any US official.) The phrase “levies war against them” means war against the functioning of the Constitution that is their supreme law. “Or” means alternatively, and “adheres to their enemies” means is a follower of any person or other entity that seeks to impose a different constitution. “Enemies” is not defined — it need not be a foreign opponent; it may be a domestic opponent of the US Constitution. Thus, an American can be an enemy of the United States of America. In fact, the official definition explicitly refers ONLY to an entity “owing allegiance to the United States.” (Obviously, that especially refers to any US official.) This is how a “traitor” is understood, in US law. Obviously, the worst traitor would be one who committed the treasonous act(s) while a US official.

(Black Sun Bio-Weapons)

COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Europe – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 24,741,525Confirmed cases: 163,877,845
Deaths: 537,674Deaths: 1,776,085


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023


↓ 741,869,197


Click above to view the original archived page



What is this?




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



Global Genocide 2025 – Part 53 – Sweden




The Official Story

(Region B – Europe)


COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden

The COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden is part of the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). As of 21 September 2022, there have been 2,583,370 confirmed cumulative cases and 20,178 deaths with confirmed COVID-19 in Sweden. Sweden ranks 57th in per capita deaths worldwide, and out of 47 European countries, Sweden places 30th. A 2022 estimate of excess mortality during the pandemic using IHME COVID model estimated 18300 excess deaths during 2020-2021The Economist model value estimated 13,670 excess deaths between 16th 2020-Mar 6th 2022.

The virus was confirmed to have reached Sweden on 31 January 2020, although some evidence suggests that the virus could have arrived as early as December 2019. Community transmission was confirmed on 9 March in the Stockholm Metropolitan Area, and the first death was reported two days later. It had spread to all regions of Sweden by 13 March 2020. The authorities declared a “late pandemic phase” was beginning in June, but a surge in cases occurred in the winter of 2020. The Alpha variant, Delta variant and Omicron variant spread to Sweden in 2021.

As the outbreak reached Sweden, authorities responded with limited measures, in contrast with lockdowns and legal restrictions introduced in other countries. The Swedish public were expected to follow a series of non-voluntary recommendations from the Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten). These included working from home where possible, limiting travel within the country, social distancing, and for people above 70 and those with potential COVID-19 symptoms to self-isolate. Changes were also made to sick leave. Businesses and organizations were subject to distancing recommendations, regulations (mainly restaurants) and laws (banning public gatherings and events with more than 50 participants, as well as visits to nursing homes). Upper secondary schools and universities were closed until the end of the summer holidays.

From late 2020 amidst a surge in cases, new legislation was passed enacting international travel restrictions and again limiting participation in public events, banning nursing home visits and closing upper secondary schools. Primary schools remained open throughout the pandemic, and face masks were not generally recommended for the public or in healthcare settings. Vaccinations in Sweden began in December 2020. Spring 2021 saw a surge of the Alpha variant of the virus, and further tighetning of restrictions and recommendations. In late 2021, vaccine passports and other measures were introduced. On 9 February 2022 almost all regulations and restrictions were abolished, and from 1 April 2022 COVID-19 was no longer classified as dangerous to the general public or society at large (although reporting requirements stayed in place).

The Swedish government’s approach has attracted controversy. The impact on the country’s healthcare system and its reported death toll have been far greater than in other Nordic countries, in part due to its unique strategy. An independent commission that evaluated the response found that Sweden managed to keep excess mortality lower than 31 other European countries, but also said that it failed to protect care home residents due to the overall spread of the virus in society and that the response overall was “slow” and “insufficient”. A self organized group of 40 Swedish scientists and medical professionals had also called for stricter preventative measures throughout the pandemic.

The pandemic has put the Swedish healthcare system under severe strain, with tens of thousands of operations being postponed, and only emergency and COVID-related care being available during a surge in the winter of 2020. Initially, Swedish hospitals and other facilities reported a shortage of personal protective equipment. Swedish hospitals were able to increase their intensive care capacity during the earlier stages of the pandemic, but Stockholm’s health system still became seriously overwhelmed during the winter surge, with intensive care bed occupancy reaching 99% by 18 December 2020 and the city experiencing healthcare staff shortages. The pandemic also impacted Sweden’s economy, transportation sector, education and arts and entertainment.

COVID-19 vaccination in Sweden

Vaccination against COVID-19 in Sweden started on 27 December 2020 after the approval of the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine by the European Commission. In Sweden, the Public Health Agency has been commissioned by the government to create a vaccination plan. Sveriges riksbank, the central bank of Sweden, predicts that efficient vaccination against COVID-19 has macroeconomic benefits. As of 20 April 2022, 87.1% of people (12 years and older) in Sweden have received at least one dose, with a total of 21,491,717 doses administered. At least one vaccine has been approved for all age groups 12 and older. Children younger than 12 in high risk groups can also be vaccinated.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Sweden – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 396,048Confirmed cases: 2,632,091
Deaths: 8,279Deaths: 21,127

Sweden – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:7,817,490
(74.10% of the population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023


↑ 10,581,171


Click above to view the original archived page



What is this?




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.





United Nations – Section 2: Secretary-Generals


The Official Story



The secretary-general of the United Nations (UNSG or SG) is the chief administrative officer of the United Nations and head of the United Nations Secretariat, one of the six principal organs of the United Nations.

The role of the secretary-general and of the secretariat is laid out by Chapter XV (Articles 97 to 101) of the United Nations Charter. However, the office’s qualifications, selection process and tenure are open to interpretation; they have been established by custom.

Powers and duties

The role of the secretary-general is described as combining the functions and responsibilities of an advocate, diplomat, civil servant, and chief executive officer. The UN Charter designates the secretary-general as the “chief administrative officer” of the UN and allows them to perform “such other functions as are entrusted” by other United Nations organs. The Charter also empowers the secretary-general to inform the Security Council of “any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security”. These provisions have been interpreted as providing broad leeway for officeholders to serve a variety of roles as suited to their preferences, skill set, or circumstances.

The secretary-general’s routine duties include overseeing the activities and duties of the secretariat; attending sessions with United Nations bodies; consulting with world leaders, government officials, and other stakeholders; and travelling the world to engage with global constituents and bring attention to certain international issues. The secretary-general publishes an annual report on the work of the UN, which includes an assessment of its activities and an outline future priorities. The secretary-general is also the chairman of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB), a body composed of the heads of all UN funds, programmes and specialized agencies, which meets twice a year to discuss substantive and management issues facing the United Nations System.

Many of the secretary-general’s powers are informal and left open to individual interpretation; some appointees have opted for more activist roles, while others have been more technocratic or administrative. The secretary-general is often reliant upon the use of their “good offices”, described as “steps taken publicly and in private, drawing upon his independence, impartiality and integrity, to prevent international disputes from arising, escalating or spreading”. Consequently, observers have variably described the office as the “world’s most visible bully pulpit” or as the “world’s moderator”. Examples include Dag Hammarskjöld’s promotion of an armistice between the warring parties of Arab-Israel conflict, Javier Perez de Cuellar’s negotiation of a ceasefire in the Iran-Iraq War, and U Thant’s role in deescalating the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Source: Wikipedia




The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.




UN – 2.8 – Dag Hammarskjold (Secretary-General, 1953-1961)


Dag Hammarskjold

The Official Story

(Secretary-General of the UN, 1953-1961)


Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld (29 July 1905 – 18 September 1961) was a Swedish economist and diplomat who served as the second Secretary-General of the United Nations from April 1953 until his death in a plane crash in September 1961. As of 2022, he remains the youngest person to have held the post, having been only 47 years old when he was appointed.

Hammarskjöld’s tenure was characterized by efforts to strengthen the newly formed UN both internally and externally. He led initiatives to improve morale and organisational efficiency while seeking to make the UN more responsive to global issues. He presided over the creation of the first UN peacekeeping forces in Egypt and the Congo and personally intervened to defuse or resolve diplomatic crises. Hammarskjöld’s second term was cut short when he died in a plane crash while en route to cease-fire negotiations during the Congo Crisis.

Hammarskjöld was and remains well regarded internationally as a capable diplomat and administrator, and his efforts to resolve various global crises led to him being the only posthumous recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. He is considered one of the two best UN secretaries-general, along with his successor U Thant, and his appointment has been hailed as one of the most notable successes for the organization. U.S. President John F. Kennedy called Hammarskjöld “the greatest statesman of our century.”

United Nations Secretary-General

Nomination and election

On 10 November 1952 Trygve Lie announced his resignation as Secretary-General of the United Nations. Several months of negotiations ensued between the Western powers and the Soviet Union, without reaching an agreement on his successor. On 13 and 19 March 1953, the Security Council voted on four candidates. Lester B. Pearson of Canada was the only candidate to receive the required majority, but he was vetoed by the Soviet Union. At a consultation of the permanent members on 30 March 1953. French ambassador Henri Hoppenot suggested four candidates, including Hammarskjöld, whom he had met at the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation.

The superpowers hoped to seat a Secretary-General who would focus on administrative issues and refrain from participating in political discussion. Hammarskjöld’s reputation at the time was, in the words of biographer Emery Kelèn, “that of a brilliant economist, an unobtrusive technician, and an aristo-bureaucrat”. As a result, there was little to no controversy in his selection; the Soviet permanent representative, Valerian Zorin, found Hammarskjöld “harmless”. Zorin declared that he would be voting for Hammarskjöld, surprising the Western powers. The announcement set off a flurry of diplomatic activity. British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden was strongly in favor of Hammarskjöld and asked the United States to “take any appropriate action to induce the [Nationalist] Chinese to abstain”. (Sweden recognized the People’s Republic of China and faced a potential veto from the Republic of China.) At the U.S. State Department, the nomination “came as a complete surprise to everyone here and we started scrambling around to find out who Mr. Hammarskjold was and what his qualifications were”. The State Department authorized Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., the US Ambassador, to vote in favor after he told them that Hammarskjöld “may be as good as we can get”.

On 31 March 1953, the Security Council voted 10-0-1 to recommend Hammarskjöld to the General Assembly, with an abstention from Nationalist China. Shortly after midnight on 1 April 1953, Hammarskjöld was awakened by a telephone call from a journalist with the news, which he dismissed as an April Fool’s Day joke. He finally believed the news after the third phone call. The Swedish mission in New York confirmed the nomination at 03:00 and a communique from the Security Council was soon thereafter delivered to him. After consulting with the Swedish cabinet and his father, Hammarskjöld decided to accept the nomination. He sent a wire to the Security Council:

With strong feeling personal insufficiency I hesitate to accept candidature but I do not feel I could refuse to assume the task imposed on me should the [UN General] Assembly follow the recommendation of the Security Council by which I feel deeply honoured.

Later in the day Hammarskjöld held a press conference at the Swedish Foreign Ministry. According to diplomat Sverker Åström, he displayed an intense interest and knowledge in the affairs of the UN, which he had never shown any indication of before.

The U.N. General Assembly voted 57-1-1 on 7 April 1953 to appoint Dag Hammarskjöld as Secretary-General of the United Nations. Hammarskjöld was sworn in as Secretary-General on 10 April 1953. He was unanimously reelected on 26 September 1957 for another term, taking effect on 10 April 1958.


Immediately following the assumption of the Secretariat, Hammarskjöld attempted to establish a good rapport with his staff. He made a point of visiting every UN department to shake hands with as many workers as possible, eating in the cafeteria as often as possible, and relinquishing the Secretary-General’s private elevator for general use. He began his term by establishing his own secretariat of 4,000 administrators and setting up regulations that defined their responsibilities. He was also actively engaged in smaller projects relating to the UN working environment; for example, he spearheaded the building of a meditation room at the UN headquarters, where people can withdraw into themselves in silence, regardless of their faith, creed, or religion.

During his term, Hammarskjöld tried to improve relations between Israel and the Arab states. Other highlights include a 1955 visit to China to negotiate the release of 11 captured US pilots who had served in the Korean War, the 1956 establishment of the United Nations Emergency Force, and his intervention in the 1956 Suez Crisis. He is given credit by some historians for allowing participation of the Holy See within the United Nations that year.

In 1960, the newly independent Congo asked for UN aid in defusing the Congo Crisis. Hammarskjöld made four trips to Congo, but his efforts toward the decolonisation of Africa were considered insufficient by the Soviet Union; in September 1960, the Soviet government denounced his decision to send a UN emergency force to keep the peace. They demanded his resignation and the replacement of the office of Secretary-General by a three-man directorate with a built-in veto, the “troika”. The objective was, citing the memoirs of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, to “equally represent interests of three groups of countries: capitalist, socialist and recently independent”.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.


(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Rothschild Central Banking System – Region B: Europe



The Official Story



A central bank, reserve bank, or monetary authority is an institution that manages the currency and monetary policy of a state or formal monetary union, and oversees their commercial banking system. In contrast to a commercial bank, a central bank possesses a monopoly on increasing the monetary base. Most central banks also have supervisory and regulatory powers to ensure the stability of member institutions, to prevent bank runs, and to discourage reckless or fraudulent behavior by member banks.

Central banks in most developed nations are institutionally independent from political interference. Still, limited control by the executive and legislative bodies exists.

Spread around the world

Central banks were established in many European countries during the 19th century. Napoleon created the Banque de France in 1800, in an attempt to improve the financing of his wars. On the continent of Europe, the Bank of France remained the most important central bank throughout the 19th century. The Bank of Finland was founded in 1812, soon after Finland had been taken over from Sweden by Russia to become its grand duchy. A central banking role was played by a small group of powerful family banking houses, typified by the House of Rothschild, with branches in major cities across Europe, as well as the Hottinguer family in Switzerland and the Oppenheim family in Germany.

Although central banks today are generally associated with fiat money, the 19th and early 20th centuries central banks in most of Europe and Japan developed under the international gold standard. Free banking or currency boards were common at this time. Problems with collapses of banks during downturns, however, led to wider support for central banks in those nations which did not as yet possess them, most notably in Australia.

Australia established its first central bank in 1920, Peru in 1922, Colombia in 1923, Mexico and Chile in 1925 and Canada, India and New Zealand in the aftermath of the Great Depression in 1934. By 1935, the only significant independent nation that did not possess a central bank was Brazil, which subsequently developed a precursor thereto in 1945 and the present Central Bank of Brazil twenty years later. After gaining independence, African and Asian countries also established central banks or monetary unions. The Reserve Bank of India, which had been established during British colonial rule as a private company, was nationalized in 1949 following India’s independence.

The People’s Bank of China evolved its role as a central bank starting in about 1979 with the introduction of market reforms, which accelerated in 1989 when the country adopted a generally capitalist approach to its export economy. Evolving further partly in response to the European Central Bank, the People’s Bank of China had by 2000 become a modern central bank. The most recent bank model was introduced together with the euro, and involves coordination of the European national banks, which continue to manage their respective economies separately in all respects other than currency exchange and base interest rates.

Source: Wikipedia



CountryEst. Population (2022)
ALBANIA: Bank of Albania2.8 million
AUSTRIA: Austrian National Bank8.9 million
BELARUS: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus9.5 million
BELGIUM: National Bank of Belgium11.6 million
BOSNIA: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina3.2 million
BULGARIA: Bulgarian National Bank6.7 million
CROATIA: Croatian National Bank4.0 million
CYPRUS: Central Bank of Cyprus1.2 million
CZECH REPUBLIC: Czech National Bank10.4 million
DENMARK: National Bank of Denmark5.8 million
ESTONIA: Bank of Estonia1.3 million
EUROPEAN UNION: European Central Bank
FINLAND: Bank of Finland5.5 million
FRANCE: Bank of France64.6 million
GEORGIA: National Bank of Georgia3.7 million
GERMANY: Deutsche Bundesbank83.3 million
GREECE: Bank of Greece10.3 million
HUNGARY: Magyar Nemzeti Bank9.9 million
ICELAND: Central Bank of Iceland0.3 million
IRELAND: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland5.0 million
ITALY: Bank of Italy59.0 million
LATVIA: Bank of Latvia1.8 million
LITHUANIA: Bank of Lithuania2.7 million
LUXEMBOURG: Central Bank of Luxembourg0.6 million
MACEDONIA: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia2.0 million
MALTA: Central Bank of Malta0.5 million
MOLDOVA: National Bank of Moldova3.2 million
MONTENEGRO: Central Bank of Montenegro0.6 million
NETHERLANDS: Netherlands Bank17.5 million
NORWAY: Central Bank of Norway5.4 million
POLAND: National Bank of Poland39.8 million
PORTUGAL: Bank of Portugal10.2 million
ROMANIA: National Bank of Romania19.6 million
RUSSIA: Central Bank of Russia144.7 million
SAN MARINO: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino0.03 million
SERBIA: National Bank of Serbia7.2 million
SLOVAKIA: National Bank of Slovakia5.6 million
SLOVENIA: Bank of Slovenia2.1 million
SPAIN: Bank of Spain47.5 million
SWEDEN: Sveriges Riksbank10.5 million
SWITZERLAND: Swiss National Bank8.7 million
UKRAINE: National Bank of Ukraine39.6 million
UNITED KINGDOM: Bank of England67.5 million
TOTAL POPULATION:708.3 million

Titanic: The Shocking Truth (2012)
[Full Documentary — Highly Recommended]


Titanic (1997) – Stern Sinking Scene



A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.




Titanic – 10.31 – Sveriges Riksbank (Stockholm, Sweden)



Sveriges Riksbank


The Official Story

(Stockholm, Sweden)


Sveriges riksbank, or simply the Riksbank, is the central bank of Sweden. It is the world’s oldest central bank and the fourth oldest bank in operation.


The Riksbank began operations in 1668. Previously, Sweden was served by the Stockholms Banco (also known as the Bank of Palmstruch), founded by Johan Palmstruch in 1656. Although the bank was private, it was the king who chose its management: in a letter to Palmstruch, he gave permission to its operations according to stated regulations. But Stockholms Banco collapsed as a result of the issuing of too many notes without the necessary collateral. Palmstruch, who was considered responsible for the bank’s losses, was condemned to death, but later received clemency. On 17 September 1668, the privilege of Palmstruch to operate a bank was transferred to the Riksens Ständers Bank (“Bank of the Estates of the Realm”) and was run under the auspices of the parliament of the day. Due to the failure of Stockholm Banco, the new bank was managed under the direct control of the Riksdag of the Estates to prevent the interference from the king. When a new Riksdag was instituted in 1866, the name of the bank was changed to Sveriges Riksbank.

Having learned the lesson of the Stockholms Banco experience, the Riksbank was not permitted to issue bank-notes. Nevertheless, in 1701, permission was granted to issue so called “credit-notes.” Some time in the middle of the 18th century, counterfeit notes began appearing, which caused serious problems. To prevent forgeries, it was decided that the Riksbank should produce its own paper for bank-notes and a paper-mill, Tumba Bruk, was founded in Tumba, on the outskirts of Stockholm.

A few years later, the first commercial banks were founded and these were also allowed to issue bank-notes. The bank-notes represented a claim to the bank without interest paid, and thus became a considerable source of income for banks. Nonetheless, security in the form of a deposit at the Riksbank was required to cover the value of all notes issued.

During the 19th century, the Riksbank maintained a dominant position as a credit institution and issuer of bank-notes. The bank also managed national trade transactions as well as continuing to provide credit to the general public. The first branch-office was opened in 1824, later followed with subsidiary branches opening in each county (län). The present operational activities as a central bank differ from those during the 19th century. For example, no interest-rate-related activities were conducted.

The position of the Riksbank as a central bank dates back to 1897, when the first Riksbank Act was accepted concurrently with a law giving the Riksbank the exclusive right to issue bank-notes. This copyright concluded its role and importance regarding monetary policy in a modern sense, as the exclusive right to issue notes is a condition when conducting monetary policy and defending the value of a currency. Behind the decision were repeated demands that the private banks should cease to issue notes as it was considered that the ensuing profits should befall the general public.

The Swedish currency was backed by gold and the paper-certificates could be exchanged for gold coins until 1931, when a specialized temporary law freed the bank from this obligation. This law was renewed every year until the new constitution was ratified in 1975 which split the bank from the government into a stand-alone organization not obligated to exchange notes for gold.

In November 1992, the fixed exchange rate regime of the Swedish Krona collapsed. A few months later, in January 1993, the Governing Board of the Riksbank developed a new monetary policy regime based on a floating exchange rate and an inflation target. These policies were extensively influenced by assistance from the Bank of Canada, which had extensive previous experience controlling inflation, while being a similar small open economy, heavily subject to foreign exchange rate swings.

From 1991 to 1993, Sweden experienced its most severe recession since the 1930s termed the “Swedish banking rescue”. It forced inflation down to around 2%, and inflation continued to be low during the subsequent years of strong growth in the late 1990s.

During the 2000s, the operations and administrative departments were downsized on behalf of the policy departments Financial Stability Department and Monetary Policy Department. A direct consequence of the changing times was that the Riksbank closed down all its branches in Sweden and outsourced the handling of coins and bills to a private company. Today the policy departments are the core of the central bank and they employ about half of the bank’s 350 full-time posts.

Source: Wikipedia

Titanic (1997) – Stern Sinking Scene

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Titanic – 10.32 – Stefan Ingves (Governor, Sveriges Riksbank)



Stefan Ingves


The Official Story

(Governor of Sveriges Riksbank, 2006+)


Stefan Nils Magnus Ingves (born 23 May 1953) is a Finnish-born Swedish banker, economist and civil servant currently serving as the Governor of Sveriges Riksbank, the central bank of Sweden. Also, currently serves as the Vice-Chairman of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), since November 2021. In June 2022, Ingves announced that he will resign as Governor of Sveriges Riksbank on 31 December 2022. He will be replaced in the role by the current director of the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Erik Thedéen.


Ingves was named Governor of Sveriges Riksbank in 2006. In response to the Icelandic financial crisis of 2008, Ingves argued that “in times of uncertainty and turmoil, the central banks have a responsibility to cooperate.” Ingves confronted the “task of safeguarding macroeconomic and financial stability” in 2008; and in 2009, he presided over a decline to the lowest official Swedish interest rate since records began in 1907.

From 2011 until 2019, Ingves served as the Chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.

Source: Wikipedia

Titanic (1997) – Stern Sinking Scene

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.