New World Order – Group 4 – Europe



The Official Story



Europe is a large peninsula conventionally considered a continent in its own right because of its great physical size and the weight of its history and traditions. Europe is also considered a subcontinent of Eurasia and it is located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere. Comprising the westernmost peninsulas of Eurasia, it shares the continental landmass of Afro-Eurasia with both Africa and Asia. It is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the south and Asia to the east. Europe is commonly considered to be separated from Asia by the watershed of the Ural Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian Sea, the Greater Caucasus, the Black Sea and the waterways of the Turkish Straits.

Europe covers about 10.18 million km2 (3.93 million sq mi), or 2% of Earth’s surface (6.8% of land area), making it the second-smallest continent (using the seven-continent model). Politically, Europe is divided into about fifty sovereign states, of which Russia is the largest and most populous, spanning 39% of the continent and comprising 15% of its population. Europe had a total population of about 745 million (about 10% of the world population) in 2021. The European climate is largely affected by warm Atlantic currents that temper winters and summers on much of the continent, even at latitudes along which the climate in Asia and North America is severe. Further from the sea, seasonal differences are more noticeable than close to the coast.

European culture is the root of Western civilisation, which traces its lineage back to ancient Greece and ancient Rome. The fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD and the subsequent Migration Period marked the end of Europe’s ancient history, and the beginning of the Middle Ages. Renaissance humanism, exploration, art, and science led to the modern era. Since the Age of Discovery, started by Portugal and Spain, Europe played a predominant role in global affairs. Between the 16th and 20th centuries, European powers colonised at various times the Americas, almost all of Africa and Oceania, and the majority of Asia.

The Age of Enlightenment, the subsequent French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars shaped the continent culturally, politically and economically from the end of the 17th century until the first half of the 19th century. The Industrial Revolution, which began in Great Britain at the end of the 18th century, gave rise to radical economic, cultural and social change in Western Europe and eventually the wider world. Both world wars took place for the most part in Europe, contributing to a decline in Western European dominance in world affairs by the mid-20th century as the Soviet Union and the United States took prominence. During the Cold War, Europe was divided along the Iron Curtain between NATO in the West and the Warsaw Pact in the East, until the Revolutions of 1989, Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Dissolution of the Soviet Union.

In 1949, the Council of Europe was founded with the idea of unifying Europe to achieve common goals and prevent future wars. Further European integration by some states led to the formation of the European Union (EU), a separate political entity that lies between a confederation and a federation. The EU originated in Western Europe but has been expanding eastward since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. The currency of most countries of the European Union, the euro, is the most commonly used among Europeans; and the EU’s Schengen Area abolishes border and immigration controls between most of its member states, and some non-member states. There exists a political movement favouring the evolution of the European Union into a single federation encompassing much of the continent.

COVID-19 pandemic in Europe

The global COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Europe with its first confirmed case in Bordeaux, France, on 24 January 2020, and subsequently spread widely across the continent. By 17 March 2020, every country in Europe had confirmed a case, and all have reported at least one death, with the exception of Vatican City.

Italy was the first European country to experience a major outbreak in early 2020, becoming the first country worldwide to introduce a national lockdown. By 13 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Europe the epicentre of the pandemic and it remained so until the WHO announced it was overtaken by South America on 22 May. By 18 March 2020, lockdowns introduced in Europe affected more than 250 million people. Despite deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, Europe became the pandemic’s epicentre once again in late 2021. On 11 January 2022, Dr. Hans Kluge, the WHO Regional Director for Europe said, “more than 50 percent of the population in the region will be infected with Omicron in the next six to eight weeks”.

As the outbreak became a major crisis across Europe, national and European Union responses have led to debate over restrictions of civil liberties and the extent of European Union solidarity.

As of 20 May 2022, Europe is the most affected continent in the world. Most affected countries in Europe include France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Russia.

Source: Wikipedia




The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.

(Official US definition)

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.”

Any US official has sworn to uphold and defend, never to subvert, the Constitution of the United States, and this is defining the US, itself, as being the continued functioning of the US Constitution. Treason is thus the supremely illegal act under US law, the act that violates any US official’s oath of office. (When treason is perpetrated by someone who is not a US official, it is still a severe crime, but less severe than it is for any US official.) The phrase “levies war against them” means war against the functioning of the Constitution that is their supreme law. “Or” means alternatively, and “adheres to their enemies” means is a follower of any person or other entity that seeks to impose a different constitution. “Enemies” is not defined — it need not be a foreign opponent; it may be a domestic opponent of the US Constitution. Thus, an American can be an enemy of the United States of America. In fact, the official definition explicitly refers ONLY to an entity “owing allegiance to the United States.” (Obviously, that especially refers to any US official.) This is how a “traitor” is understood, in US law. Obviously, the worst traitor would be one who committed the treasonous act(s) while a US official.




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Europe – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 24,741,525Confirmed cases: 163,877,845
Deaths: 537,674Deaths: 1,776,085


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023


↓ 741,869,197


Click above to view the original archived page



New World Order – Section 33 – France



The Official Story

(Region B – Europe)


Estimated Population (2022): 64,662,000

France, officially the French Republic, is a transcontinental country predominantly located in Western Europe and spanning overseas regions and territories in the Americas and the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Its metropolitan area extends from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea; overseas territories include French Guiana in South America, Saint Pierre and Miquelon in the North Atlantic, the French West Indies, and many islands in Oceania and the Indian Ocean. Due to its several coastal territories, France has the largest exclusive economic zone in the world. France borders Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Monaco, Italy, Andorra, and Spain in continental Europe, as well as the Netherlands, Suriname, and Brazil in the Americas via its overseas territories in French Guiana and Saint Martin. Its eighteen integral regions (five of which are overseas) span a combined area of 643,801 km2 (248,573 sq mi) and close to 68 million people (as of July 2022). France is a unitary semi-presidential republic with its capital in Paris, the country’s largest city and main cultural and commercial centre; other major urban areas include Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Lille, Bordeaux, and Nice.

Inhabited since the Palaeolithic era, the territory of Metropolitan France was settled by Celtic tribes known as Gauls during the Iron Age. Rome annexed the area in 51 BC, leading to a distinct Gallo-Roman culture that laid the foundation of the French language. The Germanic Franks formed the Kingdom of Francia, which became the heartland of the Carolingian Empire. The Treaty of Verdun of 843 partitioned the empire, with West Francia becoming the Kingdom of France in 987. In the High Middle Ages, France was a powerful but highly decentralised feudal kingdom. Philip II successfully strengthened royal power and defeated his rivals to double the size of the crown lands; by the end of his reign, France had emerged as the most powerful state in Europe. From the mid-14th to the mid-15th century, France was plunged into a series of dynastic conflicts involving England, collectively known as the Hundred Years’ War, and a distinct French identity emerged as a result. The French Renaissance saw art and culture flourish, conflict with the House of Habsburg, and the establishment of a global colonial empire, which by the 20th century would become the second-largest in the world. The second half of the 16th century was dominated by religious civil wars between Catholics and Huguenots that severely weakened the country. France again emerged as Europe’s dominant power in the 17th century under Louis XIV following the Thirty Years’ War. Inadequate economic policies, inequitable taxes and frequent wars (notably a defeat in the Seven Years’ War and costly involvement in the American War of Independence), left the kingdom in a precarious economic situation by the end of the 18th century. This precipitated the French Revolution of 1789, which overthrew the Ancien Régime and produced the Declaration of the Rights of Man, which expresses the nation’s ideals to this day.

France reached its political and military zenith in the early 19th century under Napoleon Bonaparte, subjugating much of continental Europe and establishing the First French Empire. The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars shaped the course of European and world history. The collapse of the empire initiated a period of relative decline, in which France endured a tumultuous succession of governments until the founding of the French Third Republic during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. Subsequent decades saw a period of optimism, cultural and scientific flourishing, as well as economic prosperity known as the Belle Époque. France was one of the major participants of World War I, from which it emerged victorious at great human and economic cost. It was among the Allied powers of World War II, but was soon occupied by the Axis in 1940. Following liberation in 1944, the short-lived Fourth Republic was established and later dissolved in the course of the Algerian War. The current Fifth Republic was formed in 1958 by Charles de Gaulle. Algeria and most French colonies became independent in the 1960s, with the majority retaining close economic and military ties with France.

France retains its centuries-long status as a global centre of art, science and philosophy. It hosts the fifth-largest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites and is the world’s leading tourist destination, receiving over 89 million foreign visitors in 2018. France is a developed country with the world’s seventh-largest economy by nominal GDP and tenth-largest by PPP; in terms of aggregate household wealth, it ranks fourth in the world. France performs well in international rankings of education, health care, life expectancy and human development. It remains a great power in global affairs, being one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and an official nuclear-weapon state. France is a founding and leading member of the European Union and the Eurozone, as well as a key member of the Group of Seven, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and La Francophonie.

Politics & Government

France is a representative democracy organised as a unitary, semi-presidential republic. As one of the earliest republics of the modern world, democratic traditions and values are deeply rooted in French culture, identity and politics. The Constitution of the Fifth Republic was approved by referendum on 28 September 1958, establishing a framework consisting of executive, legislative and judicial branches. It sought to address the instability of the Third and Fourth Republics by combining elements of both parliamentary and presidential systems, whilst greatly strengthening the authority of the executive relative to the legislature.

The executive branch has two leaders. The President of the Republic, currently Emmanuel Macron, is the head of state, elected directly by universal adult suffrage for a five-year term. The Prime Minister, currently Élisabeth Borne, is the head of government, appointed by the President of the Republic to lead the Government of France. The President has the power to dissolve Parliament or circumvent it by submitting referendums directly to the people; the President also appoints judges and civil servants, negotiates and ratifies international agreements, as well as serves as commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. The Prime Minister determines public policy and oversees the civil service, with an emphasis on domestic matters. In the 2022 presidential election president Macron was re—elected.

The legislature consists of the French Parliament, a bicameral body comprising a lower house, the National Assembly (Assemblée nationale) and an upper house, the Senate. Legislators in the National Assembly, known as députés, represent local constituencies and are directly elected for five-year terms. The Assembly has the power to dismiss the government by majority vote. Senators are chosen by an electoral college for six-year terms, with half the seats submitted to election every three years. The Senate’s legislative powers are limited; in the event of disagreement between the two chambers, the National Assembly has the final say. The parliament is responsible for determining the rules and principles concerning most areas of law, political amnesty, and fiscal policy; however, the government may draft the specific details concerning most laws.

Until World War II, Radicals were a strong political force in France, embodied by the Republican, Radical and Radical-Socialist Party which was the most important party of the Third Republic. Since World War II, they were marginalised while French politics became characterised by two politically opposed groupings: one left-wing, centred on the French Section of the Workers’ International and its successor the Socialist Party (since 1969); and the other right-wing, centred on the Gaullist Party, whose name changed over time to the Rally of the French People (1947), the Union of Democrats for the Republic (1958), the Rally for the Republic (1976), the Union for a Popular Movement (2007) and The Republicans (since 2015). In the 2017 presidential and legislative elections, radical centrist party La République En Marche! (LREM) became the dominant force, overtaking both Socialists and Republicans. LREM’s main opponent in both the 2017 and 2022 elections has been the growing far-right party National Rally.

The electorate is constitutionally empowered to vote on amendments passed by the Parliament and bills submitted by the president. Referendums have played a key role in shaping French politics and even foreign policy; voters have decided on such matters as Algeria’s independence, the election of the president by popular vote, the formation of the EU, and the reduction of presidential term limits. Waning civic participation has been a matter of rigorous public debate, with a majority of the public reportedly supporting mandatory voting as a solution in 2019. However, at least as of 2017, voter turnout was 75 percent during recent elections, higher than the OECD average of 68 percent.

Source: Wikipedia




The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

France – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 2,607,688Confirmed cases: 36,837,205
Deaths: 62,694Deaths: 155,507

France – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:54,645,751
(80.58% of population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




Click above to view the original archived page



NWO France – 33.1 – Emmanuel Macron (President, 2017+)



Emmanuel Macron

The Official Story

(President of France, 2017+)


Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron (born 21 December 1977) is a French politician who has served as the president of France and the co-prince of Andorra since 2017. Prior to his presidency, he served as Minister of Economics, Industry and Digital Affairs (Finance Minister) between 2014 and 2016.

Born in Amiens, he read philosophy at Paris Nanterre University, later completing a master’s degree in public affairs at Sciences Po and graduating from the École nationale d’administration in 2004. Macron worked as a senior civil servant at the Inspectorate General of Finances and later became an investment banker at Rothschild & Co.

Macron was appointed a deputy secretary-general by President François Hollande shortly after his election in May 2012, making Macron one of Hollande’s senior advisers. He was appointed to the French Cabinet as Minister of Economics, Industry and Digital Affairs in August 2014 by prime minister Manuel Valls. In this role, Macron championed a number of business-friendly reforms. He resigned from the cabinet in August 2016, launching a campaign for the 2017 French presidential election. Although Macron had been a member of the Socialist Party from 2006 to 2009, he ran in the election under the banner of En Marche!, a centrist and pro-European political movement he founded in April 2016.

Partly thanks to the Fillon affair, Macron topped the ballot in the first round of voting, and was elected President of France on 7 May 2017 with 66.1% of the vote in the second round, defeating Marine Le Pen. At the age of 39, Macron became the youngest president in French history. In the 2017 French legislative election in June, Macron’s party, renamed La République En Marche (LREM), secured a majority in the National Assembly. He appointed Édouard Philippe as prime minister until his resignation in 2020, when he appointed Jean Castex. Macron was elected to a second term in the 2022 presidential election, again defeating Le Pen, thus becoming the first French presidential candidate to win re-election since 2002. Ex officio, he is also a co-prince of Andorra; this is a ceremonial role.

During his presidency, Macron has overseen several reforms to labour laws, taxation, and pensions, and pursued a renewable energy transition. Dubbed “president of the rich” by political opponents, increasing protests against his domestic reforms and demanding his resignation marked the first years of his presidency, culminating in 2019 with the yellow vests protests, the climate strike and the pension reform strike. From 2020, he has led France’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination rollout. In foreign policy, he called for reforms to the European Union and signed bilateral treaties with Italy and Germany. Macron conducted $45 billion trade and business agreements with China during the China–United States trade war and oversaw a dispute with Australia and the United States over the AUKUS security pact. He continued Opération Chammal in the war against the Islamic State and joined in the international condemnation of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.

President of France

Macron qualified for the runoff after the first round of the election on 23 April 2017. He won the second round of the presidential election on 7 May 2017 by a landslide according to preliminary results, making the candidate of the National Front, Marine Le Pen, concede. At 39, he became the youngest president in French history and the youngest French head of state since Napoleon. He is also the first president of France born after the establishment of the Fifth Republic in 1958.

Macron formally became president on 14 May. He appointed Patrick Strzoda as his chief of staff and Ismaël Emelien as his special advisor for strategy, communication and speeches. On 15 May, he appointed Édouard Philippe of the Republicans as Prime Minister. On the same day, he made his first official foreign visit, meeting in Berlin with Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany. The two leaders emphasised the importance of France–Germany relations to the European Union. They agreed to draw up a “common road map” for Europe, insisting that neither was against changes to the Treaties of the European Union.

In the 2017 legislative election, Macron’s party La République En Marche and its Democratic Movement allies secured a comfortable majority, winning 350 seats out of 577. After The Republicans emerged as the winners of the Senate elections, government spokesman Christophe Castaner stated the elections were a “failure” for his party.

On 3 July 2020, Macron appointed the centre-right Jean Castex as the Prime Minister of France. Castex has been described as being seen to be a social conservative and was a member of The Republicans. The appointment was described as a “doubling down on a course that is widely seen as centre-right in economic terms”.

In the 2022 election, Macron again defeated Le Pen in the second round on 24 April 2022. He is the first president to win a second term since Jacques Chirac in 2002.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

France – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 2,607,688Confirmed cases: 36,837,205
Deaths: 62,694Deaths: 155,507

France – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:54,645,751
(80.58% of population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




Click above to view the original archived page



NWO France – 33.2 – Jean Castex (Prime Minister, 2020-2022)



Jean Castex

The Official Story

(Prime Minister of France, 2020-2022)


Jean Castex (born 25 June 1965) is a French politician who was the country’s Prime Minister from 3 July 2020 to 16 May 2022. He was a member of The Republicans (LR) until 2020, when he joined La République En Marche! (LREM). Castex served for twelve years as mayor of the small town of Prades prior to his appointment as Prime Minister by President Emmanuel Macron. He resigned his post in May 2022.

Political career

Elected in 2008 as the mayor of Prades, Pyrénées-Orientales, Castex served under Health Minister Xavier Bertrand as Chief of Staff in François Fillon’s ministry from 2010 until 2011. He succeeded Raymond Soubie as Secretary-General of the Élysée under President Nicolas Sarkozy between 2011 and 2012. In the UMP 2012 leadership primaries, he endorsed Fillon.

On the local level, Castex was a regional councillor of Languedoc-Roussillon from 2010 to 2015, and has served as department councillor of Pyrénées-Orientales since 2015. In September 2017, Castex was appointed interdepartmental delegate to the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics; he was also appointed as President of the National Sports Agency. On 2 April 2020, he was appointed coordinator of the phasing out of the lockdown implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic in France.

Castex was a member of The Republicans until early 2020, where he was regarded as being socially conservative. Following Édouard Philippe’s resignation on 3 July 2020, Castex was appointed Prime Minister by President Emmanuel Macron. His appointment was described as a “doubling down on a course that is widely seen as centre-right in economic terms”. Castex subsequently named his government on 6 July.

On 25 April 2022, following Macron’s re-election as President, Castex agreed to resign as Prime Minister. Castex had previously pledged to do so if Macron was re-elected. Upon his resignation, Castex’s government resigned as well, effective on 16 May.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

France – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 2,607,688Confirmed cases: 36,837,205
Deaths: 62,694Deaths: 155,507

France – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:54,645,751
(80.58% of population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




Click above to view the original archived page



NWO France – 33.3 – The Palace of Versailles (Paris)



The Palace of Versailles

Original Image

The Official Story



The French Parliament is the bicameral legislature of the French Republic, consisting of the Senate (Sénat) and the National Assembly (Assemblée nationale). Each assembly conducts legislative sessions at separate locations in Paris: the Senate meets in the Palais du Luxembourg and the National Assembly convenes at Palais Bourbon.

Each house has its own regulations and rules of procedure. However, occasionally they may meet as a single house known as the Congress of the French Parliament (Congrès du Parlement français), convened at the Palace of Versailles, to revise and amend the Constitution of France.

Congress of the French Parliament

The Congress of the French Parliament is the name given to the body created when both houses of the present-day French Parliament—the National Assembly and the Senate—meet at the Palace of Versailles to vote on revisions to the Constitution or to listen to an address by the President of the French Republic.

Palace of Versailles

The Palace of Versailles is a former royal residence built by King Louis XIV located in Versailles, about 12 miles (19 km) west of Paris, France. The palace is owned by the French Republic and since 1995 has been managed, under the direction of the French Ministry of Culture, by the Public Establishment of the Palace, Museum and National Estate of Versailles. 15,000,000 people visit the Palace, Park, or Gardens of Versailles every year, making it one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world.

Louis XIII built a simple hunting lodge on the site of the Palace of Versailles in 1623 and replaced it with a small château in 1631–34. Louis XIV expanded the château into a palace in several phases from 1661 to 1715. It was a favorite residence for both kings, and in 1682, Louis XIV moved the seat of his court and government to Versailles, making the palace the de facto capital of France. This state of affairs was continued by Kings Louis XV and Louis XVI, who primarily made interior alterations to the palace, but in 1789 the royal family and capital of France returned to Paris. For the rest of the French Revolution, the Palace of Versailles was largely abandoned and emptied of its contents, and the population of the surrounding city plummeted.

Napoleon Bonaparte, following his takeover of France, used Versailles as a summer residence from 1810 to 1814, but did not restore it. When the French Monarchy was restored, it remained in Paris and it was not until the 1830s that meaningful repairs were made to the palace. A museum of French history was installed within it, replacing the apartments of the southern wing.

The palace and park were designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1979 for its importance as the center of power, art, and science in France during the 17th and 18th centuries. The French Ministry of Culture has placed the palace, its gardens, and some of its subsidiary structures on its list of culturally significant monuments.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

France – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 2,607,688Confirmed cases: 36,837,205
Deaths: 62,694Deaths: 155,507

France – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:54,645,751
(80.58% of population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




Click above to view the original archived page



NWO France – 33.4 – Olivier Veran (Health Minister, 2020-2022)



Olivier Veran

The Official Story

(Minister of Solidarity and Health, 2020-2022)


Dr. Olivier Véran (born 22 April 1980) is a French neurologist and politician who has been serving as Minister Delegate for Relations with Parliament and Citizen Participation in the government of Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne since 2022.

Véran was Minister of Solidarity and Health in the governments of Prime Ministers Édouard Philippe and Jean Castex from 2020 to 2022. A member of La République En Marche! (LREM), he previously was the member of the National Assembly for the 1st constituency of the Isère department from 2017 until 2020.

Minister of Health, 2020–2022

Véran first became Minister for Solidarity and Health in the government of Prime Minister Édouard Philippe from 16 February 2020. In October 2020, he was one of several current and former government officials whose home was searched by French authorities following complaints about the government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in France.

During his time in office, Véran implemented the government’s decision to make access to birth control free for women aged up to 25 years old from 2022 onwards.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

France – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 2,607,688Confirmed cases: 36,837,205
Deaths: 62,694Deaths: 155,507

France – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:54,645,751
(80.58% of population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




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NWO France – 33.5 – Jerome Salomon (Health Directorate-General, 2018+)



Jerome Salomon

The Official Story

(Directorate-General for Health, 2018+)


Jérôme Salomon (born 4 April 1969) is a French infectious diseases physician and high-ranking civil servant. He is the French Directeur général de la Santé since 8 January 2018. He became known in France since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Public service career

He was a counselor of Bernard Kouchner at the beginning of the 2000 years. In 2010, he became health expert in the Marisol Touraine (then Social Affairs and Health) cabinet, then counselor from 2013 to 2015.

In 2016, he rallied the then beginning Macron’s campaign for the 2017 French presidential election and participated in the redaction of the health part of the candidate program.

In January 2018, he was chosen by Agnès Buzyn to become Directeur général de la Santé.

Coronavirus pandemic

Jérôme Salomon became known in France since the COVID-19 pandemic, making daily statements about the daily trend analysis and situation within the country, the status of those diagnosed. It was said in March 2020 that his position was very difficult because he warned Emmanuel Macron as soon as 2016 that France was unprepared about the consequences of a possible pandemic but now was required to justify the current French government actions.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

France – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 2,607,688Confirmed cases: 36,837,205
Deaths: 62,694Deaths: 155,507

France – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:54,645,751
(80.58% of population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




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NWO France – 33.6 – TousAntiCovid (COVID-19 Smartphone App)




Original Image

The Official Story

(COVID-19 Smartphone App)


TousAntiCovid (French for Everyone against Covid, and originally released as StopCovid) is a voluntary contact tracing app for monitoring the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in France. It was first released on 2 June 2020 and is available on Android and iOS smartphones.


Initial release

On 8 April 2020, the French government announced that it was working on a contact-tracing app, in co-operation with Inria. The app (as StopCovid) was initially released on 2 June 2020, relying on a centralised contact tracing system (known as ROBERT) instead of the contact tracing system created by Google and Apple. By 22 June, the app had been downloaded 1.8 million times; however, it was rather controversial, with many criticising the potential privacy issues surrounding the ROBERT system.

Re-release as TousAntiCovid

Due to the controversies surrounding StopCovid, on 23 October 2020, the French government announced that it would be rebranding the app as TousAntiCovid. In addition to the rebrand, the app would gain several new features, including the ability to see daily case numbers and a news feed. The app later gained more features, including the ability to show the user’s vaccination status for check in at venues.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

France – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 2,607,688Confirmed cases: 36,837,205
Deaths: 62,694Deaths: 155,507

France – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:54,645,751
(80.58% of population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




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Global Genocide 2025 – Region B: Europe



The Official Story



COVID-19 pandemic in Europe

The global COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Europe with its first confirmed case in Bordeaux, France, on 24 January 2020, and subsequently spread widely across the continent. By 17 March 2020, every country in Europe had confirmed a case, and all have reported at least one death, with the exception of Vatican City.

Italy was the first European country to experience a major outbreak in early 2020, becoming the first country worldwide to introduce a national lockdown. By 13 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Europe the epicentre of the pandemic and it remained so until the WHO announced it was overtaken by South America on 22 May. By 18 March 2020, lockdowns introduced in Europe affected more than 250 million people. Despite deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, Europe became the pandemic’s epicentre once again in late 2021. On 11 January 2022, Dr. Hans Kluge, the WHO Regional Director for Europe said, “more than 50 percent of the population in the region will be infected with Omicron in the next six to eight weeks”.

As the outbreak became a major crisis across Europe, national and European Union responses have led to debate over restrictions of civil liberties and the extent of European Union solidarity.

As of 20 May 2022, Europe is the most affected continent in the world. Most affected countries in Europe include France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Russia.

Source: Wikipedia




The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.

(Official US definition)

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.”

Any US official has sworn to uphold and defend, never to subvert, the Constitution of the United States, and this is defining the US, itself, as being the continued functioning of the US Constitution. Treason is thus the supremely illegal act under US law, the act that violates any US official’s oath of office. (When treason is perpetrated by someone who is not a US official, it is still a severe crime, but less severe than it is for any US official.) The phrase “levies war against them” means war against the functioning of the Constitution that is their supreme law. “Or” means alternatively, and “adheres to their enemies” means is a follower of any person or other entity that seeks to impose a different constitution. “Enemies” is not defined — it need not be a foreign opponent; it may be a domestic opponent of the US Constitution. Thus, an American can be an enemy of the United States of America. In fact, the official definition explicitly refers ONLY to an entity “owing allegiance to the United States.” (Obviously, that especially refers to any US official.) This is how a “traitor” is understood, in US law. Obviously, the worst traitor would be one who committed the treasonous act(s) while a US official.

(Black Sun Bio-Weapons)

COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

Europe – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 24,741,525Confirmed cases: 163,877,845
Deaths: 537,674Deaths: 1,776,085


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023


↓ 741,869,197


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What is this?




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



Global Genocide 2025 – Part 30 – France




The Official Story

(Region B – Europe)


COVID-19 pandemic in France

The COVID-19 pandemic in France has resulted in 35,453,449 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 155,181 deaths.

The virus was confirmed to have reached France on 24 January 2020, when the first COVID-19 case in both Europe and France was identified in Bordeaux. The first five confirmed cases were all individuals who had recently arrived from China. A Chinese tourist who was admitted to hospital in Paris on 28 January 2020, died on 14 February 2020, making it the first COVID-19 death in France as well as the first COVID-19 death outside Asia. A key event in the spread of the disease across metropolitan France as well as its overseas territories was the annual assembly of the Christian Open Door Church between 17 and 24 February 2020 in Mulhouse which was attended by about 2,500 people, at least half of whom are believed to have contracted the virus. On 4 May 2020, retroactive testing of samples in one French hospital showed that a patient was probably already infected with the virus on 27 December 2019, almost a month before the first officially confirmed case.

This was extended twice and ended on 11 May 2020, after a progressive lifting of lockdown and as face masks were made available to all citizens. On 2 May 2020, Health Minister Olivier Véran announced that the government would seek to extend the health emergency period until 24 July 2020. Several mayors opposed the 11 May 2020 lifting of the lockdown, which had been announced by the president a few weeks earlier in a televised address to the nation, saying it was premature. Véran’s bill was discussed in Senate on 4 May 2020.

From August 2020, there was an increase in the rate of infection and on 10 October 2020, France set a record number of new infections in a 24-hour period in Europe with 26,896 recorded. The increase caused France to enter a second nationwide lockdown on 28 October 2020. On 15 October 2020, police raided the homes and offices of key government officials, including Véran and Philippe, in a criminal negligence probe opened by the Cour de Justice de la République. According to a team of French epidemiologists, under 5% of the total population of France, or around 2.8 million people, may have been infected with COVID-19. This was believed to have been nearly twice as high in the Île-de-France and Alsace regions.

On 31 March 2021, Macron announced a third national lockdown which commenced on 3 April 2021 and which was mandated for all of April 2021; measures included the closure of non-essential shops, the suspension of school attendance, a ban on domestic travel and a nationwide curfew from 7pm-6am.

In February 2022, it was reported that no tests are required to enter the country, and children under the age of 12 are free from vaccination requirements.

COVID-19 vaccination in France

COVID-19 vaccination in France started on 27 December 2020 after the approval of Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine by the European Union commission.

According to a June 2022 study published in The Lancet, COVID-19 vaccination in France prevented an additional 631,000 deaths from December 8, 2020, to December 8, 2021.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


The New World Order (NWO) is a conspiracy theory which hypothesizes a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been alleged to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.


COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020

France – Total COVID-19 Statistics

to January 2021:to January 2023:
Confirmed cases: 2,607,688Confirmed cases: 36,837,205
Deaths: 62,694Deaths: 155,507

France – COVID-19 vaccination

Total Vaccinated:54,645,751
(80.58% of population)


(COVID-19 Vaccines unleashed in December 2020)

January 1, 2021

January 1, 2023




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What is this?




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.





ARTICLE: Princess Diana’s Death and Memorial: The Occult Meaning


Source: Vigilant Citizen – April 13, 2009

Why did Elton John dub Lady Di “England’s Rose”? Was it because she was beautiful or because the rose has a deep occult meaning? This article explores the numerous occult symbols used in the memorials to Diana’s memory. To occultists, Diana wasn’t simply a princess, she represents the Sacred Feminine.

Lady Diana was often considered by the media as the “People’s Princess”. Loving, caring and beautiful, she possessed all the attributes to become a subject of idolatry. And so she became. Images of her taking care of poor children in Africa or speaking against landmines have struck the imagination of the whole world. Time Magazine said about her:

“Diana was beautiful, in a fresh-faced, English, outdoors-girl kind of way. She used her big blue eyes to their fullest advantage, melting the hearts of men and women through an expression of complete vulnerability. Diana’s eyes, like those of Marilyn Monroe, contained an appeal directed not to any individual but to the world at large. Please don’t hurt me, they seemed to say. She often looked as if she were on the verge of tears, in the manner of folk images of the Virgin Mary.”

Similarly to the Virgin Mary, Diana had (and still has) legions of followers, worshiping her giving nature and her maternal energy. In other words, she seems to fulfill the almost inherent need in human beings to worship a female goddess, giver of life and filled with compassion. The media has been a key actor in the creation of this icon by documenting every detail of her fairytale wedding, her troubled marriage, her humanitarian activities and, finally, her untimely death. Was Diana picked and groomed to become a sort of a “modern-day Goddess” to ultimately be sacrificed, in accordance with ancient pagan practices? This might sound preposterous to the average National Inquirer reader, but not to the connoisseur of the occult practices of the world elite. Furthermore, numerous clues and symbols have been placed by this group to subtly commemorate the occult nature of Lady Di’s death. We will not go into details concerning her assassination, there are tons of sites and books discussing it. We will rather focus on the symbols that have surrounded the events of her death and memorial, which are the signature of the occult elite. These are visible to everybody yet only recognizable by those who have “eyes to see and ears to hear”.

Diana has been elevated to the level of Goddess in order to become the object of ritual sacrifice. This practice has been carefully planned by a secret group of illuminated people, often referred to as the “Illuminati”.  It comprises world leaders such as the British Monarchy and they are known to be DEEPLY versed into dark occult rituals.  If you have difficulty believing this, remember that the Nazis were in full force less than 60 years ago, displaying everywhere the esoteric symbol of the swastika, organizing massive occult rituals and bringing back pagan Germanic imagery.

The Goddess Diana

In Roman mythology, Diana was the goddess of nature, childbirth, hunting and the protector of the weak. She is the equivalent of the Greek goddess Artemis and she represents the Sacred Feminine, the female aspect of deity. Princess Diana bore the same attributes by being a protector of the environment, taking care of the weak in her missions in third world countries and by giving birth to the future heirs of England’s throne. Oaktree groves were especially sacred to the Goddess Diana. In Roman times, Diana’s groves and sanctuaries were always in the wild, outside of the boundaries of the city. Such hidden temples were found all across Europe. To further the resemblance with the Goddess bearing her name, Lady Diana was buried in a grove in her hometown (more on this later). The Goddess Diana is often depicted with deer and doves.

Goddess Diana

The female principle is often represented by the moon, where the Moon goddess is opposite to the Sun god. The feminine energy is also commonly associated with the planet Venus, represented in symbolism by a five-petal flower – the rose. The goddess figure appears unmistakably in all religions, even in Christianity as the Virgin Mary. These symbols representing the female deity exist since prehistoric times and were preserved and diffused through pagan mysteries and through mystic Judeo-Christian teachings. Today’s students of the occult easily recognize and interpret those symbols. We will later explain how they have been used to associate Lady Di with the concept of the sacred feminine.

Pont d’Alma Tunnel, the Sacrificial Site

As you might know, Princess Diana died in a limousine “accident” inside the Pont d’Alma tunnel, in Paris. Her vehicle was supposedly chased by paparazzi who caused the world-class chauffeur to lose control due to his inebriated state after consuming alcohol.   We can argue for days about the theories concerning these events, but this is not the purpose of this article. The truth lies in the symbols placed on purpose for the initiates to recognize. One of them is the actual site where Diana lost her life, the Pont D’Alma Tunnel.

The city of Paris was built by the Merovingians, a medieval dynasty which ruled France for numerous generations. Before converting to Christianity, the Merovingian religion was a mysterious brand of paganism.

“ …the Merovingian kings, from their founder Merovee to Clovis (who converted to Christianity in 496) were ‘pagan kings of the cult of Diana’.”
-Clive Prince, The Templar Revelation

The Pont D’Alma Tunnel was a sacred site dedicated to the Moon Goddess Diana, where they used to practice ritual sacrifices. During those ceremonies, it was of the utmost importance that the sacrificed victim died inside the underground temple. The assassination of Diana was a reenactment of this ancient pagan tradition. Shortly after Diana was killed, Rayelan Allan (a researcher of esoteric history since the early 1970s, who was also married to Gunther Russbacher, a deep-cover CIA/ONI operative) wrote an article called “Diana, Queen of Heaven”. The article was picked up by numerous newspapers across the United States and Europe. Several authors who have written books about the death of Princess Diana used Rayelan’s article as a reference. However, no one fully understood the deeper meaning of the article. Therefore, Rayelan decided to expand it into a book. The book states that in pre-Christian times, the Pont d’Alma area had been the site of a pagan temple of the goddess Diana and a direct gateway to heaven. Mindful of this safety net, the place was chosen by the Merovingian kings (AD500-751) to fight their duels, with the loser going directly to paradise.  “Pont” means “bridge” and “Alma” means “soul” and for Merovingians, the site was a bridge across the “river of souls”. So, Pont de L’Alma, the site of the accident which killed Princess Diana, means “Bridge of the Soul.”

The Memorial Torch of Pont d’Alma

The memorial torch

If you know a little about occult symbolism, a torch mounted on a black pentagram might make your radar go off. The torch is the ultimate symbol of the illuminated (people that have acquired the secret knowledge of the occult order). This torch is an exact replica of the one being held by the Statue of Liberty and was placed there in 1989 as a gift. So this wasn’t placed as a tribute to Princess Diana but it has become, over time, the unofficial memorial. The torch has reached this status because of its location, which is right on top of the Pont d’Alma Tunnel. After Di’s death, several memorial notes and flowers were placed, encouraging the general population to adopt this occult landmark as a memorial. Some even say that this torch was placed on purpose as an indicator of the location of this planned assassination. Whatever the case be, the symbol of the torch or the eternal flame has been used in other high profile killings, i.e. the JFK tombstone.

JFK’s tombstone

Lady Di Memorials and Rose Symbolism

Located in London, England, the park dedicated to Princess Diana contains an oval-shaped fountain and a sanctuary. The most significant symbol can, however, be found on the ground:

Diana memorial

We see here Diana represented by a five-petal flower (rose), the classic occult symbol to represent female energy. Here’s what Wikipedia has to say about it:

“The cinquefoil (from the french, five-part) is a five petalled rose found in Christian symbolism of the Middle Ages. The five-petalled rose is often found affixed to the tops of Gothic arches, the vesica pisces-shaped doorways and windows thought to represent the womb of Mary. Some historians have speculated that the rose in Gothic architecture is a secret symbol of the feminine principle, one of a multitude of hermetic symbols found in these churches.The symbol itself dates back to Roman times, where it was called the ‘Rose of Venus.’ The rose, with its characteristic five petalled shape
mimicked the pentagrammatic path traced by the planet Venus in the night sky. This, combined with the flower’s natural beauty, made it an obvious symbol of the Goddess of love.”

The five-petal flower, the rose, the five-pointed star, the moon, and Venus can all represent the female principle when we study occult symbolism. The huge rose window of Notre-Dame de Chartres in Paris represents the Virgin Mary (Notre-Dame means “Our Lady”). The symbol of the planet Venus (♀) is also used to represent the female sex. The moon is also associated with the female principle because it absorbs light from the sun (receptacle) and it has an effect on the tides of water (humidity=femininity). Those associations have existed since the beginnings of time and take their roots in ancient paganism.

There is a blatant effort to associate Princess Diana with the symbols of the female deity through the symbols used to commemorate her life. The rose is used to represent Diana in numerous instances:

Memorial coin from Royal Mint

Memorial coin

Memorial Garden in Paris

Memorial Garden

February 14, 2001 — PARIS, France (CNN) — A garden dedicated to the memory of Britain’s Princess Diana has been officially opened in Paris. French officials say the flower beds — France’s official memorial to the Princess — will eventually bloom, providing a place for children to learn about flowers, plants, vegetables and respect for the environment. But critics have scoffed at the project, laid out in a school courtyard, dubbing it “1,000 square metres of leeks.” “Through this place I wanted to pay tribute to a woman whose generous heart showed her deep fondness for nature and human relations, particularly with children,” Paris mayor Jean Tiberi said as he opened the garden on Wednesday.

Diana — the former wife of Britain’s heir to the throne, Prince Charles — died in Paris in August 1997. She was in a car which crashed at high speed while being pursued by photographers. Her companion, Dodi Fayed, and their driver, Henri Paul, were also killed. But Diana’s name is the only one featured on a plaque outside the memorial garden, in the central Marais district of Paris. One local councillor complained that the princess deserved a grander honour than a “vegetable plot.” But British officials have enthusiastically endorsed the site. “There could be no better tribute to her memory than a garden where young children can play and learn about nature,” said Michael Jay, Britain’s ambassador to France.

Memorial Medallion

So the association of Princess Diana’s memory with the rose, the occult symbol of a female deity is used ad-nauseam. Maybe this is why Elton John has dubbed Lady Di “England’s rose”.  To regular-minded people, those associations are insignificant but to initiates of the occult, symbolism is EVERYTHING.

Diana’s Burial Site

Burial site

The original plan was for Diana to be buried in the family vault at the local church in Great Brington but this was changed by her brother, Earl Spencer. He said he was concerned about public safety and security and wanted his sister to be buried where her grave could be looked after properly and visited in privacy by her sons. In actuality, Diana was buried in a grove to further her resemblance with the Goddess Diana.  The actual area for her burial is on an island in an ornamental lake known as The Oval within Althorp Park’s Pleasure Garden (is there any relation with the oval-shaped fountain in the Lady Di memorial Park?). An ancient arboretum stands nearby, which contains trees planted by Prince William and Prince Harry, other members of her family and the princess herself. Here are pictures of her burial site.

Note the flaming torch on her tombstone. The burial site of Diana cements her association with the ancient Goddess Diana who was worshiped in recluse groves outside of urban areas.

Memorial at Harrod’s Store

This is the 1st memorial dedicated to the unfortunate couple, on display at Harrods – a huge department store located in London. The store also happens to be owned by Dodi’s father. The symbolism here is extremely esoteric and significant. It surely deserves an in-depth analysis.


The yoni and phallus were worshiped by nearly all ancient peoples as appropriate symbols of God’s creative power. The Garden of Eden, the Ark, the Gate of the Temple, the Veil of the Mysteries, the vesica piscis or oval nimbus, and the Holy Grail are important yonic symbols; the pyramid, the obelisk, the cone, the candle, the tower, the Celtic monolith, the spire, the campanile, the Maypole, and the Sacred Spear are symbolic of the phallus.

-Manly P. Hall

First, we see pictures of Lady Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed in two interlocking circles. In occultism, the name for the two interlocking circles is “vesica piscis” and represents feminine energy. John Yarker  interprets this ancient symbol in his book “The Arcane Schools”:

The Vesica Piscis, two interlinked circles, is also known as “the Yoni”. The name “yoni” refers to the middle portion of the interlocking circles, is derived from the Sanskrit meaning, “divine passage”. That the yoni is the feminine, the yoni should be viewed such that the divine passage becomes a correlation to sex, or male/female union. It is this correlation, and its relation to rebirth and regeneration that remains a basic truth at the very core of Occult structural foundations.

The pointed oval is a universal symbol of the Divine Feminine and in this context, the vesica piscis is the vulva of the Goddess, surrounded by the crescents of the waxing and the waning moon. This is yet another powerful symbol to associate Princess Diana with the female goddess principle. The vesica piscis was used by ancient pagans to represent the goddess Venus and was found in churches.


Below the pictures, we find a pyramid with a capstone flanked by two candles (pillars). Look closely inside the pyramid:

It contains the wine glass – still bearing lipstick traces – used by Lady Di on her last supper. The symbol of the empty vase within a pyramid is another powerful image representing the union of the masculine and feminine principles. The wine glass carries the same meaning as the Holy Grail: the sacred feminine.

What more feminine symbol is there than the image of the vessel, the sacred womb of the mother? In patriarchal times, the Grail legends speak to the deepest parts of our souls in an archetypal quest for the feminine aspects of divinity.

In more abstract symbolism, a triangle pointing upwards represents the phallus and masculinity while a triangle pointing downwards represents the vagina, the womb, the receptacle, and femininity.  Therefore, in this memorial, we have a feminine symbol within a phallic symbol. The Goddess Diana joining with the masculine  –  Dodi. This union is further represented by the engagement ring (given by Dodi the night before their death) placed underneath the wine glass.

Memorial Statue at Harrods

This bronze statue is very odd. If the official cause of death of Diana and Dodi is a car accident, why does it say “Innocent Victims”? What were the victims of? Drunk driving?  Or did we mean that they were innocent victims of a sick occult ritual? More probable. Notice under Dodi’s foot is a dead bird. What does it represent?


To Conclude

What is the purpose of elevating Diana to the level of the goddess through mystic symbolism? Numerous theories state that one of Diana’s sons will eventually become the much prophesied Antichrist. Are we making Diana the Virgin Mary of the Antichrist? Is the assassination of Diana, the “Moon Goddess” the response to JFK, the “Sun God” ‘s death? Was she part of a blood ritual due to the royal status of her family’s genealogy? Is the Queen of England actually a reptilian creature that can shape-shift into a 6-foot tall lizard? You can google any of these theories and you’ll find more essays than you can read. I have no proof about any of them so I won’t give a definite answer. One thing is for sure, symbols do not lie. Diana has been surrounded by the world’s most powerful people, and these people have deep knowledge of the occult. Initiates are fully aware of the fact that symbolism is the only true language of humanity and it can only be understood by those who are worthy. Diana’s memorials are PACKED with blatant symbolism, all referring to the same concept of female divinity. The symbols presented in this report weren’t destined to the average population, who still think that Diana died in a car accident. These esoteric codes serve the purpose of the elite, who carry out its rituals according to the secret knowledge it possesses.

This article has very summarily covered very deep and intricate symbols, each of which can be further studied. If you are unfamiliar with the concepts discussed here, do yourself a favor and learn the language of the powerful.




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.





The Death of Diana, Princess of Wales – Section 1: Diana & Car Accident


The Official Story

(August 31, 1997 – Paris, France)


In the early hours of 31 August 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales, died from injuries sustained earlier that day in a car crash in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris, France. Dodi Fayed, Diana’s partner, and Henri Paul, the driver of the Mercedes-Benz W140 S-Class, were pronounced dead at the scene. Her bodyguard, Trevor Rees-Jones, was severely injured, but survived the crash.

Some media claimed the erratic behaviour of the paparazzi following the car, as reported by the BBC, had contributed to the crash. In 1999, a French investigation found that Paul, who lost control of the vehicle at high speed while intoxicated by alcohol and under the effects of prescription drugs, was solely responsible for the crash. He was the deputy head of security at the Hôtel Ritz and had earlier goaded paparazzi waiting for Diana and Fayed outside the hotel. Anti-depressants and traces of an anti-psychotic in his blood may have worsened Paul’s inebriation. In 2008, the jury at a British inquest, Operation Paget, returned a verdict of unlawful killing through grossly negligent driving by Paul and the following paparazzi vehicles. Some media reports claimed Rees-Jones survived because he was wearing a seat belt, but other investigations revealed that none of the occupants of the car were wearing them.

Diana was 36 years old when she died. Her death caused an unprecedented outpouring of public grief in the United Kingdom and worldwide, and her funeral was watched by an estimated 2.5 billion people. The royal family were criticised in the press for their reaction to Diana’s death. Public interest in Diana has remained high and she has retained regular press coverage in the years after her death.

Conspiracy theories about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales

After 1998, it was theorised that there was an orchestrated criminal conspiracy surrounding the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. Official investigations in both Britain and France found that Diana died in a manner consistent with media reports following the fatal car crash in Paris on 31 August 1997. In 1999, a French investigation concluded that Diana died as the result of a crash. The French investigator, Judge Hervé Stephan, concluded that the paparazzi were some distance from the Mercedes S280 when it crashed and were not responsible. After hearing evidence at the British inquest, a jury in 2008 returned a verdict of “unlawful killing” by driver Henri Paul and the paparazzi pursuing the car. The jury’s verdict also stated: “In addition, the death of the deceased was caused or contributed to by the fact that the deceased were not wearing a seat belt and by the fact that the Mercedes struck the pillar in the Alma Tunnel rather than colliding with something else”.

Active in disputing the official version of events were the British tabloid newspaper, the Daily Express, and Egyptian businessman Mohamed Al-Fayed, whose son, Dodi, was Diana’s partner at the time and also died in the crash. In 2003, Diana’s butler Paul Burrell published a note that he claimed had been written by Diana in October 1993, in which there were allegations that her husband was “planning ‘an accident’ in [Diana’s] car, brake failure and serious head injury” so that he could marry again. She had allegedly expressed similar concerns in October 1995 to Lord Mishcon, her solicitor, that “reliable sources” had told her “that she and Camilla would be put aside” for Charles to marry Tiggy Legge-Bourke. A special Metropolitan Police inquiry team was established in 2004, Operation Paget, headed by Commissioner John Stevens to investigate the various conspiracy theories which led up to the British inquest. This investigation looked into 175 conspiracy claims that had been made by Fayed. In 2005, Prince Charles, as a witness, told Stevens that he did not know about his former wife’s note from 1995 and could not understand why she had these feelings. Fayed has persistently propounded what were found to be conspiracy theories at the inquest and has repeatedly claimed that he believes his son was murdered with Diana.

Source: Wikipedia




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.





Death of Princess Diana – 1.1 – Diana, Princess of Wales (1997)


Diana, Princess of Wales

The Official Story



Diana, Princess of Wales (born Diana Frances Spencer; 1 July 1961 – 31 August 1997), was a member of the British royal family. She was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales (later Charles III), and mother of Princes William and Harry. Diana’s activism and glamour made her an international icon and earned her enduring popularity as well as unprecedented public scrutiny, exacerbated by her tumultuous private life.

Diana was born into the British nobility and grew up close to the royal family on their Sandringham estate. In 1981, while working as a nursery teacher’s assistant, she became engaged to Prince Charles, the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II. Their wedding took place at St Paul’s Cathedral in 1981 and made her Princess of Wales, a role in which she was enthusiastically received by the public. They had two sons, William and Harry, who were then second and third in the line of succession to the British throne. Diana’s marriage to Charles suffered due to their incompatibility and extramarital affairs. They separated in 1992, soon after the breakdown of their relationship became public knowledge. Their marital difficulties became increasingly publicised, and they divorced in 1996.

As Princess of Wales, Diana undertook royal duties on behalf of the Queen and represented her at functions across the Commonwealth realms. She was celebrated in the media for her unconventional approach to charity work. Her patronages initially centred on children and the elderly, but she later became known for her involvement in two particular campaigns: one involved the social attitudes towards and the acceptance of AIDS patients, and the other for the removal of landmines, promoted through the International Red Cross. She also raised awareness and advocated for ways to help people affected by cancer and mental illness. Diana was initially noted for her shyness, but her charisma and friendliness endeared her to the public and helped her reputation survive the acrimonious collapse of her marriage. Considered photogenic, she was a leader of fashion in the 1980s and 1990s. Diana’s death in a car crash in Paris led to extensive public mourning and global media attention. An inquest by the Metropolitan Police returned a verdict of “unlawful killing”. Her legacy has had a deep impact on the royal family and British society.


Journalist Martin Bashir interviewed Diana for the BBC current affairs show Panorama. The interview was broadcast on 20 November 1995. Diana discussed her own and her husband’s extramarital affairs. Referring to Charles’s relationship with Camilla, she said: “Well, there were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.” She also expressed doubt about her husband’s suitability for kingship. Authors Tina Brown, Sally Bedell Smith, and Sarah Bradford support Diana’s admission in the interview that she had suffered from depression, “rampant bulimia” and had engaged numerous times in the act of self mutilation; the show’s transcript records Diana confirming many of her mental health problems, including that she had “hurt [her] arms and legs”. The combination of illnesses from which Diana herself said she suffered resulted in some of her biographers opining that she had borderline personality disorder. It was later revealed that Bashir had used forged bank statements to win Diana and her brother’s trust to secure the interview, falsely indicating people close to her had been paid for spying.

The interview proved to be the tipping point. On 20 December, Buckingham Palace announced that the Queen had sent letters to Charles and Diana, advising them to divorce. The Queen’s move was backed by the Prime Minister and by senior Privy Counsellors, and, according to the BBC, was decided after two weeks of talks. Charles formally agreed to the divorce in a written statement soon after. In February 1996, Diana announced her agreement after negotiations with Charles and representatives of the Queen, irritating Buckingham Palace by issuing her own announcement of the divorce agreement and its terms. In July 1996, the couple agreed on the terms of their divorce. This followed shortly after Diana’s accusation that Charles’s personal assistant Tiggy Legge-Bourke had aborted his child, after which Legge-Bourke instructed her attorney Peter Carter-Ruck to demand an apology. Diana’s private secretary Patrick Jephson resigned shortly before the story broke, later writing that she had “exulted in accusing Legge-Bourke of having had an abortion”. The rumours of Legge-Bourke’s alleged abortion were apparently spread by Martin Bashir as a means to gain his Panorama interview with Diana.

The decree nisi was granted on 15 July 1996 and the divorce was finalised on 28 August 1996. Diana was represented by Anthony Julius in the case. She received a lump sum settlement of £17 million (equivalent to £33,947,736 in 2021) as well as £400,000 per year. The couple signed a confidentiality agreement that prohibited them from discussing the details of the divorce or of their married life. Days before, letters patent were issued with general rules to regulate royal titles after divorce. Diana lost the style “Her Royal Highness” and instead was styled Diana, Princess of Wales. As the mother of the prince expected to one day ascend to the throne, she continued to be regarded as a member of the royal family and was accorded the same precedence she enjoyed during her marriage. The Queen reportedly wanted to let Diana continue to use the style of Royal Highness after her divorce, but Charles had insisted on removing it. Prince William was reported to have reassured his mother: “Don’t worry, Mummy, I will give it back to you one day when I am King.” Almost a year before, according to Tina Brown, Prince Philip had warned Diana: “If you don’t behave, my girl, we’ll take your title away.” She is said to have replied: “My title is a lot older than yours, Philip.”


On 31 August 1997, Diana died in a car crash in the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in Paris while the driver was fleeing the paparazzi. The crash also resulted in the deaths of her companion Dodi Fayed and the driver, Henri Paul, who was the acting security manager of the Hôtel Ritz Paris. Trevor Rees-Jones, who was employed as a bodyguard by Dodi’s father, survived the crash; he suffered a serious head injury. The televised funeral, on 6 September, was watched by a British television audience that peaked at 32.10 million, which was one of the United Kingdom’s highest viewing figures ever. Millions more watched the event around the world.

Source: Wikipedia

The Funeral of Princess Diana (1997)

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Death of Princess Diana – 1.2 – Coat of Arms of Diana, Princess of Wales (1981-1996)


Coat of Arms of Diana,
Princess of Wales

The Official Story



During her marriage, Diana used the arms of the Prince of Wales impaled (side by side) with those of her father. After her divorce, she resumed her paternal arms with the addition of a royal coronet.


Quarterly 1st and 4th gules three lions passant guardant in pale or armed and langed azure 2nd or a lion rampant gules armed and langued azure within a double tressure flory counterflory of the second 3rd azure a harp or stringed argent (the Royal Arms of the United Kingdom), the whole difference with a label of three points Argent; with an inescutcheon of four lions passant guardant, in gold and red, counterchanged, surmounted by the coronet of the heir (for the Principality of Wales); impaled with a shield quarterly 1st and 4th Argent 2nd and 3rd Gules a fret Or overall a bend Sable charged with three escallops Argent.


Dexter a lion rampant guardant Or crowned with the coronet of the Prince of Wales Proper, sinister a griffin Ermine winged Erminois unguled and gorged with a coronet composed of crosses patée and fleurs de lis a chain affixed thereto passing between the forelegs and reflexed over the back of the First.


DIEU DEFEND LE DROIT (Anglo-Norman: God defends the right)


The Spencers were granted a coat of arms in 1504 (Azure a fess Ermine between 6 sea-mews’ heads erased Argent), which bears no resemblance to that used by the family after c. 1595, which was derived from the Despencer arms. Writer J. H. Round argued that the Despencer descent was fabricated by Richard Lee, a corrupt Clarenceux King of Arms.

Previous versions

Diana’s coat of arms before her marriage was based on the Spencer coat of arms. It depicted a lozenge shaped shield of arms hanging from a blue ribbon, which symbolised her unmarried state. It included three escallops argent of the Spencer coat of arms. This version was used only before her marriage and was also applied by her sisters.

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.



Death of Princess Diana – 1.3 – Queen Elizabeth II (1959)


Queen Elizabeth II

The Official Story

(Queen of the United Kingdom, 1952-2022)


Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; 21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022) was Queen of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms from 6 February 1952 until her death in 2022. She was queen regnant of 32 sovereign states during her lifetime and 15 at the time of her death. Her reign of 70 years and 214 days is the longest of any British monarch and the longest recorded of any female head of state in history.

Elizabeth was born in Mayfair, London, as the first child of the Duke and Duchess of York (later King George VI and Queen Elizabeth). Her father acceded to the throne in 1936 upon the abdication of his brother, King Edward VIII, making Elizabeth the heir presumptive. She was educated privately at home and began to undertake public duties during the Second World War, serving in the Auxiliary Territorial Service. In November 1947, she married Philip Mountbatten, a former prince of Greece and Denmark, and their marriage lasted 73 years until his death in April 2021. They had four children: Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward.

When her father died in February 1952, Elizabeth—then 25 years old—became queen of seven independent Commonwealth countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon (known today as Sri Lanka), as well as Head of the Commonwealth. Elizabeth reigned as a constitutional monarch through major political changes such as the Troubles in Northern Ireland, devolution in the United Kingdom, the decolonisation of Africa, and the United Kingdom’s accession to the European Communities and withdrawal from the European Union. The number of her realms varied over time as territories gained independence and some realms became republics. Her many historic visits and meetings include state visits to China in 1986, Russia in 1994, and the Republic of Ireland in 2011, and meetings with five popes.

Significant events include Elizabeth’s coronation in 1953 and the celebrations of her Silver, Golden, Diamond, and Platinum jubilees in 1977, 2002, 2012, and 2022, respectively. Elizabeth was the longest-lived British monarch and the second-longest reigning sovereign in world history, behind only Louis XIV of France. She faced occasional republican sentiment and media criticism of her family, particularly after the breakdowns of her children’s marriages, her annus horribilis in 1992, and the death of her former daughter-in-law Diana, Princess of Wales, in 1997. However, support for the monarchy in the United Kingdom remained consistently high, as did her personal popularity. Elizabeth died aged 96 at Balmoral Castle, Aberdeenshire, and was succeeded by her eldest son, Charles III.

Reign (Turbulent 1990s)

In August 1997, a year after the divorce, Diana was killed in a car crash in Paris. Elizabeth was on holiday with her extended family at Balmoral. Diana’s two sons, Princes William and Harry, wanted to attend church, so Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh took them that morning. Afterwards, for five days the royal couple shielded their grandsons from the intense press interest by keeping them at Balmoral where they could grieve in private, but the royal family’s silence and seclusion, and the failure to fly a flag at half-mast over Buckingham Palace, caused public dismay. Pressured by the hostile reaction, Elizabeth agreed to return to London and address the nation in a live television broadcast on 5 September, the day before Diana’s funeral. In the broadcast, she expressed admiration for Diana and her feelings “as a grandmother” for the two princes. As a result, much of the public hostility evaporated.


On 8 September 2022, Buckingham Palace announced that Elizabeth was under medical supervision at Balmoral Castle after doctors expressed concern. The statement read, “Following further evaluation this morning, the Queen’s doctors are concerned for Her Majesty’s health and have recommended she remain under medical supervision. The Queen remains comfortable and at Balmoral.” Elizabeth’s four children, along with her daughters-in-law, and grandsons Prince William and Prince Harry, travelled to Balmoral. Her death was confirmed that evening at 18:30 BST, setting in motion Operation London Bridge and, because she died in Scotland, Operation Unicorn.

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.







Death of Princess Diana – 1.4 – Charles, Prince of Wales (2021)


Charles, Prince of Wales

The Official Story

(King of the United Kingdom, 2022+)


Charles III (Charles Philip Arthur George; born 14 November 1948) is King of the United Kingdom and 14 other Commonwealth realms. He acceded to the throne on 8 September 2022 upon the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. As Duke of Cornwall and Duke of Rothesay from 1952 to his accession, he was the oldest and the longest-serving heir apparent in British history, and the longest-serving Prince of Wales, having held the title from 26 July 1958 until his accession. At 73, Charles is also the oldest person ever to assume the British throne. The record was previously held by William IV at age 64.

Charles was born in Buckingham Palace, the first child of his mother and Philip, Duke of Edinburgh; he was the first grandchild of King George VI and his consort, Queen Elizabeth. He was educated at Cheam and Gordonstoun schools, both of which his father attended as a child. He later spent a year at the Timbertop campus of Geelong Grammar School in Victoria, Australia. After earning a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Cambridge, Charles served in the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy from 1971 to 1976. In 1981, he married Lady Diana Spencer, with whom he had two sons, Prince William and Prince Harry. In 1996, the couple divorced after they had each engaged in well-publicised extramarital affairs. Diana died as the result of a car crash in Paris the following year. In 2005, Charles married his long-time partner, Camilla Parker Bowles.

As Prince of Wales, Charles undertook official duties on behalf of Elizabeth II. He founded the youth charity The Prince’s Trust in 1976, sponsors The Prince’s Charities, and is a patron, president, or a member of over 400 other charities and organisations. He has advocated for the conservation of historic buildings and the importance of architecture in society. A critic of modernist architecture, Charles has worked on the creation of Poundbury, an experimental new town based on his architectural tastes. He is also an author or co-author of a number of books.

A self-described environmentalist, Charles has supported organic farming and action to prevent climate change as the manager of the Duchy of Cornwall estates, which has earned him awards and recognition from environmental groups. He is also a prominent critic of the adoption of genetically modified food. Charles’s support for alternative medicine, including homeopathy, has been the subject of criticism. The conduct of his charities has also attracted criticism, having faced allegations of offering of British citizenship to donors, and with The Prince’s Foundation subject to an ongoing Metropolitan Police investigation into cash-for-honours allegations.


Marriage to Lady Diana Spencer

Charles first met Lady Diana Spencer in 1977 while he was visiting her home, Althorp. He was the companion of her elder sister, Sarah, and did not consider Diana romantically until mid-1980. While Charles and Diana were sitting together on a bale of hay at a friend’s barbecue in July, she mentioned that he had looked forlorn and in need of care at the funeral of his granduncle Lord Mountbatten. Soon, according to Charles’s chosen biographer, Jonathan Dimbleby, “without any apparent surge in feeling, he began to think seriously of her as a potential bride”, and she accompanied Charles on visits to Balmoral Castle and Sandringham House.

Charles’s cousin Norton Knatchbull and his wife told Charles that Diana appeared awestruck by his position and that he did not seem to be in love with her. Meanwhile, the couple’s continuing courtship attracted intense attention from the press and paparazzi. When Prince Philip told him that the media speculation would injure Diana’s reputation if Charles did not come to a decision about marrying her soon, and realising that she was a suitable royal bride (according to Mountbatten’s criteria), Charles construed his father’s advice as a warning to proceed without further delay.

Charles proposed to Diana in February 1981; she accepted and they married in St Paul’s Cathedral on 29 July of that year. Upon his marriage, Charles reduced his voluntary tax contribution from the profits generated by the Duchy of Cornwall from 50% to 25%. The couple lived at Kensington Palace and at Highgrove House, near Tetbury, and had two children: Princes William (b. 1982) and Henry (known as “Harry”) (b. 1984). Charles set a precedent by being the first royal father to be present at his children’s births.

Within five years, the marriage was in trouble due to the couple’s incompatibility and near 13-year age difference. By November 1986, Charles had fully resumed his affair with Camilla Parker Bowles. In a videotape recorded by Peter Settelen in 1992, Diana admitted that by 1986, she had been “deeply in love with someone who worked in this environment.” It is thought she was referring to Barry Mannakee, who was transferred to the Diplomatic Protection Squad in 1986 after his managers had determined that his relationship with Diana had been inappropriate. Diana later commenced a relationship with Major James Hewitt, the family’s former riding instructor. Charles and Diana’s evident discomfort in each other’s company led to them being dubbed “The Glums” by the press. Diana exposed Charles’s affair with Camilla in a book by Andrew Morton, Diana, Her True Story. Audio tapes of her own extramarital flirtations also surfaced. Persistent suggestions that Hewitt is Prince Harry’s father have been based on a physical similarity between Hewitt and Harry. However, Harry had already been born by the time Diana’s affair with Hewitt began.

Legal separation and divorce

In December 1992, British prime minister John Major announced the couple’s legal separation in Parliament. Earlier that year, the British press had published transcripts of a passionate bugged telephone conversation between Charles and Camilla from 1989, which was dubbed Camillagate by the press. Charles sought public understanding in a television film, Charles: The Private Man, the Public Role, with Jonathan Dimbleby that was broadcast on 29 June 1994. In an interview in the film, he confirmed his own extramarital affair with Camilla, saying that he had rekindled their association in 1986 only after his marriage to Diana had “irretrievably broken down”. This was followed by Diana’s own admission of marital troubles in an interview with the BBC current affairs show Panorama, broadcast on 20 November 1995. Referring to Charles’s relationship with Camilla, she said: “Well, there were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.” She also expressed doubt about her husband’s suitability for kingship. Charles and Diana divorced on 28 August 1996, after being formally advised by the Queen in December 1995 to end the marriage. Diana was killed in a car crash in Paris on 31 August of the following year; Charles flew to Paris with Diana’s sisters to accompany her body back to Britain.

Marriage to Camilla Parker Bowles

The engagement of Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles was announced on 10 February 2005; he presented her with an engagement ring that had belonged to his grandmother. The Queen’s consent to the marriage (as required by the Royal Marriages Act 1772) was recorded in a Privy Council meeting on 2 March. In Canada, the Department of Justice announced its decision that the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada was not required to meet to give its consent to the marriage, as the union would not result in offspring and would have no impact on the succession to the Canadian throne.

Charles was the only member of the royal family to have a civil rather than a church wedding in England. Government documents from the 1950s and 1960s, published by the BBC, stated that such a marriage was illegal, though these were dismissed by Charles’s spokesman, and explained to be obsolete by the sitting government.

The marriage was scheduled to take place in a civil ceremony at Windsor Castle, with a subsequent religious blessing at St George’s Chapel. The venue was subsequently changed to Windsor Guildhall, because a civil marriage at Windsor Castle would oblige the venue to be available to anyone who wished to be married there. Four days before the wedding, it was postponed from the originally scheduled date of 8 April until the following day in order to allow Charles and some of the invited dignitaries to attend the funeral of Pope John Paul II.

Charles’s parents did not attend the civil marriage ceremony; the Queen’s reluctance to attend possibly arose from her position as Supreme Governor of the Church of England. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh did attend the service of blessing and later held a reception for the newlyweds at Windsor Castle. The blessing, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, was televised.

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






Death of Princess Diana – 1.5 – Camilla Parker Bowles (Wife of Prince Charles, 2018)


Camilla Parker Bowles

The Official Story

(Queen Consort Of The United Kingdom)


Camilla (born Camilla Rosemary Shand, later Parker Bowles, 17 July 1947) is the current Queen consort of the United Kingdom and 14 other Commonwealth realms as the wife of King Charles III.

Camilla was brought up in East Sussex and South Kensington in England, and was educated in England, Switzerland, and France. In 1973, she married British Army officer Andrew Parker Bowles, with whom she has two children. They divorced in 1995. Camilla was periodically romantically involved with Charles both before and during each of their first marriages. Their relationship became highly publicised in the media and attracted worldwide scrutiny. In 2005, Camilla married Charles in the Windsor Guildhall, which was followed by a televised Anglican blessing at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle.

As Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla carried out public engagements, often alongside her husband. She is also a patron, president, or a member of numerous charities and organisations. Since 1994, Camilla has campaigned to raise awareness of osteoporosis, which has earned her several honours and awards. She has also raised awareness of issues such as rape, sexual abuse, literacy, animal welfare, and poverty. On 8 September 2022, Camilla became queen consort upon the death of her mother-in-law.

Relationship with Charles

Camilla and Charles reportedly met in mid-1971. Andrew Parker Bowles had ended his relationship with Camilla in 1970 and was courting Princess Anne, Charles’s sister. Though Camilla and Charles belonged to the same social circle and occasionally attended the same events, they had not formally met. Their biographer Brandreth states the couple did not first meet at a polo match, as has been commonly believed. Instead, they first met at the home of their friend Lucía Santa Cruz, who formally introduced them. They became close friends and eventually began a romantic relationship, which was well known within their social circle. As a couple, they regularly met at polo matches at Smith’s Lawn in Windsor Great Park, where Charles often played polo. They also became part of a set at Annabel’s in Berkeley Square. As the relationship grew more serious, Charles met Camilla’s family in Plumpton and he introduced her to some members of his family. The relationship was put on hold after Charles travelled overseas to join the Royal Navy in early 1973, and ended abruptly afterward.

There have been different explanations for why the couple’s relationship ended. Robert Lacey wrote in his 2008 book Royal: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II that Charles had met Camilla too early, and that he had not asked her to wait for him when he went overseas for military duties. Sarah Bradford wrote in her 2007 book Diana that a member of the close circle of his great-uncle Lord Mountbatten claimed Mountbatten arranged for Charles to be taken overseas to end the relationship with Camilla, to make way for an engagement between Charles and his granddaughter Amanda Knatchbull. Some sources suggest Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother did not approve of the match with Camilla because she wanted Charles to marry one of the Spencer family granddaughters of her close friend Lady Fermoy. Other sources also suggest Camilla did not want to marry Charles but instead wanted to marry Andrew Parker Bowles, having had an on-and-off relationship with Parker Bowles since the late 1960s, or that Charles had decided he would not marry until he was 30 years old.

Overall, the majority of royal biographers have agreed that even if Charles and Camilla wanted to marry or did try for approval to get married, it would have been declined, because according to Charles’s cousin and godmother Patricia Knatchbull, 2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma, some palace courtiers at that time found Camilla unsuitable as a wife for the future king. In 2005, she stated, “With hindsight, you can say that Charles should have married Camilla when he first had the chance. They were ideally suited, we know that now. But it wasn’t possible.”[…] “it wouldn’t have been possible, not then.”[…] Nevertheless, they remained friends. In August 1979, Lord Mountbatten was assassinated by the Provisional Irish Republican Army. Charles was grief-stricken by his death, and reportedly relied heavily on Camilla for solace. During this period rumours began circulating, among close friends of the Parker Bowleses and in polo-playing communities, that they had rekindled their intimate relationship. A source close to Camilla confirmed that by 1980 they had indeed rekindled as lovers. There are also claims by royal staff that it occurred earlier. Reportedly, Camilla’s husband approved of the affair, while he had numerous lovers throughout their marriage. Nevertheless, Charles soon began a relationship with Lady Diana Spencer, and the two married in 1981.

The affair became public knowledge in the press a decade later, with the publication of Diana: Her True Story in 1992, followed by the “Camillagate” tape scandal in 1993, when an intimate telephone conversation between Camilla and Charles was secretly recorded and the transcripts were published in the tabloid press. The book and tape immediately damaged Charles’s public image. Meanwhile, the media vilified Camilla. In 1994, Charles finally spoke about his relationship with Camilla in Charles: The Private Man, the Public Role with Jonathan Dimbleby. He told Dimbleby in the interview, “Mrs. Parker Bowles is a great friend of mine…a friend for a very long time. She will continue to be a friend for a very long time.” He later admitted in the interview that the relationship between him and Camilla was rekindled after his marriage had “irretrievably broken down” in 1986.

Second marriage

On 10 February 2005, Clarence House announced that Camilla and the Prince of Wales were engaged; as an engagement ring, Charles gave Camilla a diamond ring that was believed to have been given to his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, when she gave birth to her daughter, Queen Elizabeth II. The ring comprised a square-cut diamond with three diamond baguettes on each side. As the future Supreme Governor of the Church of England, the prospect of Charles marrying a divorcée was seen as controversial, but with the consent of the Queen, the government, and the Church of England, the couple were able to wed. The Queen, Prime Minister Tony Blair, and Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams offered their best wishes in statements to the media. In the two months following the announcement of their engagement, Clarence House received 25,000 letters with “95 or 99 per cent being supportive”; 908 hate mail letters were also received, with the more threatening and personal ones sent to the police for investigation.

The marriage was to have been on 8 April 2005, and was to take place in a civil ceremony at Windsor Castle, with a subsequent religious service of blessing at St George’s Chapel. However, to conduct a civil marriage at Windsor Castle would oblige the venue to obtain a licence for civil marriages, which it did not have. A condition of such a licence is that the licensed venue must be available for a period of one year to anyone wishing to be married there, and as the royal family did not wish to make Windsor Castle available to the public for civil marriages, the venue was changed to the town hall at Windsor Guildhall. On 4 April, it was announced that the marriage would be delayed by one day to allow the Prince of Wales and some of the invited dignitaries to attend the funeral of Pope John Paul II.

On 9 April 2005, the marriage ceremony was held. The parents of Charles and Camilla did not attend; instead, Camilla’s son Tom and Charles’s son Prince William acted as witnesses to the union. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh did attend the service of blessing. Afterwards, a reception was held by the Queen for the newlyweds at Windsor Castle. Performers included the St George’s Chapel Choir, Philharmonia Orchestra, and Welsh composer Alun Hoddinott. As a wedding gift, The Marinsky Theatre Trust in St. Petersburg brought a Belarusian mezzo-soprano singer, Ekaterina Semenchuk, to the UK to perform a special song for the couple. Following the wedding, the couple travelled to the Prince’s country home in Scotland, Birkhall, and carried out their first public duties together during their honeymoon.

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






Death of Princess Diana – 1.6 – Combined Coat of Arms (Prince of Wales & the Duchess of Cornwall)


Combined Coat of Arms

The Official Story



The coat of arms of the Prince of Wales is the official heraldic insignia of the Prince of Wales, a title traditionally granted to the heir apparent of the reigning monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, formerly the Kingdom of Great Britain and before that the Kingdom of England.

The coat of arms, in its current form, was devised for Charles, Prince of Wales, in 1958. It contains the badges and elements taken from all four of the constituent countries of the United Kingdom as well as from the many titles the prince holds as heir apparent.

The history of the coat of arms is closely linked with those of the Royal coat of arms of England and the Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom. However, as the noted antiquarian and heraldist Charles Boutell wrote in 1863, “The Arms of the Prince of Wales have a distinct individuality of their own, with which nothing ought to be directly associated.”

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Death of Princess Diana – 1.7 – Ritz CCTV Footage (Hours before her death)


Ritz CCTV Footage

The Official Story

1st Arrondissement, Paris, France)


The Ritz Paris is a hotel in central Paris, overlooking the Place Vendôme in the city’s 1st arrondissement. A member of the Leading Hotels of the World marketing group, the Ritz Paris is ranked among the most luxurious hotels in the world.

The hotel was founded in 1898 by the Swiss hotelier César Ritz in collaboration with the French chef Auguste Escoffier. The hotel was constructed behind the façade of an eighteenth-century townhouse. It was among the first hotels in Europe to provide an en suite bathroom, electricity, and a telephone for each room. It quickly established a reputation for luxury and attracted a clientele that included royalty, politicians, writers, film stars, and singers. Several of its suites are named in honour of famous guests of the hotel including Coco Chanel, and the cocktail lounge Bar Hemingway pays tribute to writer Ernest Hemingway.

Beginning in 2012, the 159-room hotel underwent a four-year, multimillion-euro renovation, reopening on 6 June 2016. While the hotel has not applied for the ‘Palace’ distinction from the French ministry of economy, industry and employment, its Suite Impériale has been listed by the French government as a national monument.

Because of its status as a symbol of high society and luxury, the hotel is featured in many notable works of fiction including novels (F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Tender Is The Night and Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises), a play (Noël Coward’s play Semi-Monde), and films (Billy Wilder’s 1957 comedy Love in the Afternoon and William Wyler’s 1966 comedy How to Steal a Million).

Noteworthy historical occurrences

On 31 August 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales and Al-Fayed’s son Dodi Al-Fayed, and their chauffeur Henri Paul, dined in the Imperial Suite of the hotel before leaving the hotel with bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones, only to have a fatal car accident in the Pont de l’Alma underpass.

Events preceding the crash

On Saturday, 30 August 1997, Diana left at Olbia Airport, Sardinia on a private jet and arrived at Le Bourget Airport in Paris with Egyptian film producer Dodi Fayed, the son of businessman Mohamed Al-Fayed. They had stopped there en route to London, having spent the preceding nine days together on board Mohamed’s yacht Jonikal on the French and Italian Riviera. They had intended to stay there for the night. Mohamed was and remains the owner of the Hôtel Ritz Paris and resided in an apartment on Rue Arsène Houssaye, a short distance from the hotel, just off the Avenue des Champs Elysées.

Henri Paul, the deputy head of security at the Ritz, had been instructed to drive the hired black 1994 armoured Mercedes-Benz S280 sedan (W140 S-Class) in order to elude the paparazzi; a decoy vehicle left the Ritz first from the main entrance on Place Vendôme, attracting a throng of photographers. Diana and Fayed then departed from the hotel’s rear entrance, Rue Cambon, at around 00:20 on 31 August CEST (22:20 on 30 August UTC), heading for the apartment in Rue Arsène Houssaye. They did this to avoid the nearly thirty photographers waiting in front of the hotel. Diana and Fayed were the rear passengers; Trevor Rees-Jones, a member of the Fayed family’s personal protection team, was in the (right) front passenger seat. The occupants were not wearing seat belts. After leaving the Rue Cambon and crossing the Place de la Concorde, they drove along Cours la Reine and Cours Albert 1er – the embankment road along the right bank of the River Seine – into the Place de l’Alma underpass.

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.



Death of Princess Diana – 1.8 – Henri Paul (Driver of the Mercedes-Benz)


Henri Paul

The Official Story

(Deputy Head of Security at the Ritz
& Driver of the Mercedes-Benz)


Events preceding the crash

On Saturday, 30 August 1997, Diana left at Olbia Airport, Sardinia on a private jet and arrived at Le Bourget Airport in Paris with Egyptian film producer Dodi Fayed, the son of businessman Mohamed Al-Fayed. They had stopped there en route to London, having spent the preceding nine days together on board Mohamed’s yacht Jonikal on the French and Italian Riviera. They had intended to stay there for the night. Mohamed was and remains the owner of the Hôtel Ritz Paris and resided in an apartment on Rue Arsène Houssaye, a short distance from the hotel, just off the Avenue des Champs Elysées.

Henri Paul, the deputy head of security at the Ritz, had been instructed to drive the hired black 1994 armoured Mercedes-Benz S280 sedan (W140 S-Class) in order to elude the paparazzi; a decoy vehicle left the Ritz first from the main entrance on Place Vendôme, attracting a throng of photographers. Diana and Fayed then departed from the hotel’s rear entrance, Rue Cambon, at around 00:20 on 31 August CEST (22:20 on 30 August UTC), heading for the apartment in Rue Arsène Houssaye. They did this to avoid the nearly thirty photographers waiting in front of the hotel. Diana and Fayed were the rear passengers; Trevor Rees-Jones, a member of the Fayed family’s personal protection team, was in the (right) front passenger seat. The occupants were not wearing seat belts. After leaving the Rue Cambon and crossing the Place de la Concorde, they drove along Cours la Reine and Cours Albert 1er – the embankment road along the right bank of the River Seine – into the Place de l’Alma underpass.

The crash

At 00:23, Paul lost control of the car at the entrance to the Pont de l’Alma underpass. The car struck a passing Fiat, swerved to the left of the two-lane carriageway and collided head-on with the thirteenth pillar that supported the roof, as there are no guard rails. It was travelling at an estimated speed of 105 km/h (65 mph) – more than twice the tunnel’s 50 km/h (31 mph) speed limit. It spun, hit the stone wall of the tunnel backwards and came to a stop. The impact caused substantial damage, particularly to the front half of the vehicle. Witnesses arriving shortly after the crash reported smoke. Witnesses also reported that photographers on motorcycles “swarmed the Mercedes sedan before it entered the tunnel”.

Henri Paul (Conspiracy Theories)

Security service connections

Theorists have alleged that the driver of the Mercedes-Benz W140, Henri Paul, was in the pay of a national security service, though different versions of the allegation name the country of the security service alternately as Britain, France or the United States. Evidence purported to support this arises mainly from money in his possession at the time of his death and his personal wealth. These allegations are covered in chapter four of the Operation Paget criminal investigation report. Mohamed Al-Fayed claims that Henri Paul was working for MI6 and that they set him up. The inquiry found no evidence Henri Paul was an agent for any security service.

Blood samples

Another allegation concerns the reliability of blood tests carried out, which indicated Paul had been drinking before he took the controls of the car. The French investigators’ conclusion that Paul was drunk was made on the basis of an analysis of blood samples, which were said to contain an alcohol level that (according to Jay’s September 1997 report) was three times the French legal limit. This initial analysis was challenged by a British pathologist hired by Al-Fayed. In response, French authorities carried out a third test, this time using the more medically conclusive vitreous fluid from inside the eye, which confirmed the level of alcohol measured by blood and also showed Paul had been taking antidepressants.

It has been claimed that the level of alcohol reported to have been found in Paul’s blood was inconsistent with his sober demeanour, as captured on the CCTV of the Ritz that evening. Professor Robert Forrest, a forensic pathologist, said that an alcoholic like Paul, with a higher tolerance for alcohol, would be able to appear more sober than he actually was. The families of Dodi Fayed and Henri Paul did not accept the findings of the French investigation.

It was disclosed in 2006 that Lord Stevens had met with Paul’s elderly parents telling them that their son was not drunk. Just prior to Stevens’s appearance at the inquest, a source close to Stevens stated that this inconsistency could be explained as him being “considerate” and “sensitive” towards the elderly couple, an assessment Scott Baker suggested might be credible in his opening comments to the jury. Under cross-examination at the British inquest in 2008, Stevens denied “deliberately misleading” Paul’s parents and said that the chauffeur’s condition at the time of the crash did not match the police’s definition of being drunk, which he said relied upon someone’s physical responses. Stevens said that the available evidence suggested Paul had consumed only two alcoholic drinks, but this was not necessarily all that Paul had consumed, and that he was indeed “under the influence” of alcohol at the time of the crash. An expert cited in the report estimated that Paul had drunk the equivalent of five measures of Ricard, his favourite liquorice-flavoured French aperitif, before driving.

In two French TOXLAB tests, Paul was found to have 12.8% carbon monoxide haemoglobin saturation, which occurs when blood’s iron-carrying pigment (haemoglobin) is bound with carbon monoxide (instead of oxygen). Smokers normally have about 10% of haemoglobin bound with carbon monoxide, so the results in Paul’s case were not unusual. Paul had been smoking small Cigarillo cigars in the hours before the crash. Another test, backed by the opponents of the official findings, showed Paul had a carbon monoxide haemoglobin saturation of 20.7% at the time of his death; that result, if accurate, combined with the rate of dispersal of carbon monoxide from the bloodstream, would have meant that Paul’s blood had 40% saturation a few hours earlier, and he would scarcely have been able to function at all.

In 2009, it was reported that DNA samples confirm the blood samples with high alcohol levels were indeed from Paul. This was established by a comparison with samples provided by Paul’s parents, demonstrating that the blood tested was that of Paul and that he had three times the French legal limit of alcohol in his blood.

Inquests into the Crash

Under English law, an inquest is required in cases of sudden or unexplained death. A French judicial investigation had already been carried out but the 6,000-page report was never published. On 6 January 2004, six years after Diana’s death, an inquest into the crash opened in London held by Michael Burgess, the Coroner of the Queen’s Household. The coroner asked the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir John Stevens, to make inquiries in response to speculation that the deaths were not an accident. The police investigation reported its findings in Operation Paget in December 2006.

In January 2006, Lord Stevens explained in an interview on GMTV that the case is substantially more complex than once thought. The Sunday Times wrote on 29 January 2006 that agents of the British secret service were cross-examined because they were in Paris at the time of the crash. It was suggested in many journals that these agents might have exchanged the blood test from Henri Paul with another blood sample (although no evidence for this has been forthcoming).

The inquests into the deaths of Diana and Fayed opened on 8 January 2007, with Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss acting as Deputy Coroner of the Queen’s Household for the Diana inquest and Assistant Deputy Coroner for Surrey in relation to the Fayed inquest. Butler-Sloss originally intended to sit without a jury; this decision was later overturned by the High Court of Justice, as well as the jurisdiction of the Coroner of the Queen’s Household. On 24 April 2007, Butler-Sloss stepped down, saying she lacked the experience required to deal with an inquest with a jury. The role of Coroner for the inquests was transferred to Lord Justice Scott Baker, who formally took up the role on 13 June as Coroner for Inner West London.

On 27 July 2007, Baker, following representations for the lawyers of the interested parties, issued a list of issues likely to be raised at the inquest, many of which had been dealt with in great detail by Operation Paget:

  1. Whether driver error on the part of Henri Paul caused or contributed to the cause of the collision
  2. Whether Henri Paul’s ability to drive was impaired through drink or drugs
  3. Whether a Fiat Uno or any other vehicle caused or contributed to the collision
  4. Whether the actions of the Paparazzi caused or contributed to the cause of the collision
  5. Whether the road/tunnel layout and construction were inherently dangerous and, if so, whether this contributed to the collision
  6. Whether any bright/flashing lights contributed to or caused the collision and, if so, their source
  7. Whose decision it was that the Princess of Wales and Dodi Al Fayed should leave from the rear entrance to the Ritz and that Henri Paul should drive the vehicle
  8. Henri Paul’s movements between 7 and 10 pm on 30 August 1997
  9. The explanation for the money in Henri Paul’s possession on 30 August 1997 and in his bank account
  10. Whether Andanson, a photographer who followed the princess in the week before her death, was in Paris on the night of the collision
  11. Whether Diana’s life would have been saved if she had reached hospital sooner or if her medical treatment had been different
  12. Whether Diana was pregnant
  13. Whether Diana and Dodi Al Fayed were about to announce their engagement
  14. Whether and, if so in what circumstances, the Princess of Wales feared for her life
  15. The circumstances relating to the purchase of the ring
  16. The circumstances in which Diana’s body was embalmed
  17. Whether the evidence of Tomlinson throws any light on the collision
  18. Whether the British or any other security services had any involvement in the collision
  19. Whether there was anything sinister about (i) the Cherruault burglary or (ii) the disturbance at the Big Pictures agency
  20. Whether correspondence belonging to the Princess of Wales (including some from Prince Philip) has disappeared, and if so the circumstances.

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Death of Princess Diana – 1.9 – Mercedes-Benz W140


Mercedes-Benz W140

The Official Story

(Mercedes-Benz W140)


The Mercedes-Benz W140 is a series of flagship vehicles manufactured by Mercedes-Benz from 1991 to 1998 in sedan/saloon and coupe body styles and two wheelbase lengths (SE and SEL). Mercedes-Benz unveiled the W140 S-Class at Geneva Motor Show in March 1991 with sales launch in April 1991 and North American launch on 6 August 1991.

All models were renamed in June 1993 as part of the corporate-wide nomenclature changes for 1994 model year on, becoming S regardless of wheelbase length or body style as well as fuel type. Diesel models carried a TURBODIESEL trunk/boot lid label. In 1996, the S-Class coupé was renamed again as CL-Class into its own model range.

The W140 series S-Class was superseded by the W220 S-Class sedan and C215 CL-Class coupé in 1998 after an eight-year production run.

Production of the W140 reached 432,732, with 406,710 sedans and 26,022 coupés.


The W140 received notoriety when Diana, Princess of Wales died in a car crash, involving an S 280 model, in a Paris tunnel in 1997.

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Death of Princess Diana – 1.10 – Trevor Rees-Jones & Henri Paul (Diana’s Bodyguard & Driver)


Trevor Rees-Jones
& Henri Paul

The Official Story

(British Bodyguard of Princess Diana)


Trevor Rees-Jones (also known as Trevor Rees; born 3 March 1968) is a British bodyguard who was the sole survivor of the car crash in Paris that killed Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997. Because he suffered a serious head injury, he does not recall any details from the crash.

Some media reports claimed he was wearing a seat belt and survived, but investigations revealed that none of the occupants of the car were wearing their seat belts.

Car crash, injuries and aftermath

On 31 August 1997, Rees-Jones was seriously injured in the crash that resulted in the death of Princess Diana. The Princess’s boyfriend, Dodi Fayed, and the driver of the car, Henri Paul (aged 41), were pronounced dead at the scene; Rees-Jones was the only survivor.

Hospital care costs were paid by Dodi’s father, Mohamed Al-Fayed, Rees-Jones’s employer at the time of the crash, and the rest by the British National Health Service (NHS). At first, it was widely rumoured that Rees-Jones had lost his tongue in the crash, but this was not the case. He underwent a 10-hour operation to restore his jaw to a normal condition.

After spending a month in hospital, he returned to the United Kingdom on 3 October 1997. At the time, he was able to communicate only by whispering and writing down answers. He resigned from his job as a bodyguard on 19 May 1998. Al-Fayed was reported as saying that his job would be available if he wished to return.

Recovery and later life

Following recovery from his injuries, he moved to north Shropshire and for some time worked in a small family-run sportswear shop in Oswestry. He remarried on 15 February 2003, to Ann Scott, a teacher at Belvidere School, Shrewsbury. The ceremony took place in Welshpool, Wales.

He wrote a book, published in 2000 and titled The Bodyguard’s Story: Diana, the Crash, and the Sole Survivor (ISBN 0-446-61004-6), about his experiences, with the help of ghostwriter Moira Johnston. The book reconstructed the events from Rees-Jones’s partial memories and those of his family and friends. He decided to write the book because many bizarre stories had circulated about the crash and because his former employer, Al-Fayed, had accused him of not doing his job properly.

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Death of Princess Diana – 1.11 – James Andanson (French Photographer)


James Andanson

The Official Story

(French Photographer)


White Fiat Uno and James Andanson

Analysis of the wreckage of the Mercedes revealed it had glancing contact with a white Fiat Uno car which left traces of paint on the Mercedes bodywork. Extensive attempts by the French police to find the vehicle involved were unsuccessful. Although no one had seen the Fiat in the tunnel, some witnesses reported seeing an Uno exiting the tunnel.

Mohamed Al-Fayed alleged in his July 2005 statement to Operation Paget, and at other times, that the white Fiat Uno was being used by MI6 as a means of causing the Mercedes to swerve and thereby crash into the side of the tunnel. Al-Fayed further alleged that the Fiat Uno was owned by a French photojournalist named Jean-Paul James Andanson, a security services agent according to Al-Fayed, who had photographed Diana while she was at his villa in St. Tropez in July 1997. Andanson’s death in May 2000, Al-Fayed claimed, was either due to guilt over what he had done or because he was assassinated by the French or British security services to silence him.

Operation Paget found that the white Fiat Uno Andanson owned was in an unroadworthy condition, being nine years old at the time, with 325,000 km on the odometer (suggesting that the car had been driven 27,000 miles per annum) and had not been maintained for several years prior. Andanson’s neighbours confirmed the veracity of this evidence. Andanson had sold the car in October 1997. Operation Paget concluded it was extremely unlikely due to the car’s condition and the fact Andanson had so openly disposed of it that it was the one at the scene of the crash in Paris. French police had examined Andanson’s car as part of their effort to trace the one that had come into contact with the Mercedes with a view to prosecuting the driver for failing to render assistance and had reached the same conclusion. The French police spent a year after the crash searching for the vehicle and eliminated over 4,000 white Fiat Unos from their inquiry. Operation Paget decided it would be unlikely that renewed enquiries would identify the vehicle involved, as such a long period had elapsed since the crash. It concluded the threat of prosecution for a custodial offence probably deterred the driver from coming forward at the time.

A retired major in the French Brigade Criminelle, Jean Claude Mules, gave evidence to the inquest in February 2008. Andanson had been interviewed by French police in February 1998, and had been able to provide documentary evidence about his movements on the previous 30 and 31 August which had satisfied them that he could not have been the driver of the Fiat Uno involved. These demonstrated that Andanson could only have been at his home in Lignieres, 177 mi (285 km) from Paris, at the time of the crash. Elizabeth, his widow, said at the London inquest in February 2008 that her husband had been at home in bed with her at the time of the crash.

Andanson’s suicide

Andanson died in May 2000. The official verdict was suicide. His body was found in a black, burnt-out BMW in a forest near the town of Nant, near Millau, in Southern France. Andanson’s death was attributed to problems in his private life. The 2008 inquest into the death of the Princess of Wales heard that evidence was uncovered from his friends and associates that prior to his death he had talked of suicide by pouring petrol in a car and lighting a cigar, as noted by Richard Horwell QC, for the Metropolitan Commissioner.

The Paget report states that when the car was found, Andanson’s body was in the driver’s seat of the car, and his head was detached and lay between the front seats. There was a hole in his left temple. The French pathologist concluded this hole was caused by the intense heat of the fire rather than, for example, a bullet wound.

Operation Paget found no evidence Andanson was known to any security service and, contrary to Al-Fayed’s claims, his death was thoroughly investigated by French police (although the whereabouts of the car keys has never been explained). A break-in at his former workplace in June 2000 alleged to have been carried out by security services was found to be unconnected to his death, as no items related to him were stolen.

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Death of Princess Diana – 1.12 – Pont de l’Alma Tunnel Entrance (1998)


Pont de l’Alma
Tunnel Entrance

The Official Story

(Paris, France)


The Pont de l’Alma (English: Alma Bridge) is a road bridge in Paris, France across the Seine. It was named to commemorate the Battle of Alma during the Crimean War, in which the Ottoman-Franco-British alliance achieved victory over the Russian army, on 20 September 1854.

Death of Diana, Princess of Wales

The bridge is close to the Pont de l’Alma tunnel where Diana, Princess of Wales and three others were involved in a fatal car crash on 31 August 1997. They were being chased by paparazzi, and their chauffeur was driving under the influence of alcohol. The Flame of Liberty (completed in 1987), at the bridge’s north end has become an unofficial memorial to Diana. The square is now officially named place Diana. The tunnel is known as an accident black spot from 1982 to 1997 as there were 11 deaths in the area.

Absence of CCTV images

The absence of CCTV images showing the Mercedes’s journey from the hotel to the crash site has been frequently cited as evidence of an organised conspiracy. According to The Independent newspaper in 2006, there were more than 14 CCTV cameras in the Pont de l’Alma underpass, though none recorded footage of the fatal collision.

Judge Hervé Stéphan was appointed as Examining Magistrate in this case on 2 September 1997. On that day, by Judicial Order, he tasked the Brigade Criminelle with identifying all video and photographic images along the route taken by the Mercedes. Lieutenant Eric Gigou of the Brigade Criminelle led the team that carried out that work, initially by retracing the route several times and drawing up a list of possible locations. His report showed that the team identified ten locations of CCTV cameras. None of these had any images relevant to the inquiry, since they were principally security cameras facing the entrances to buildings. Most of the cameras were not maintained by the City of Paris; the owners of the buildings to which they were attached operated them privately. There was a traffic-monitoring camera above the underpass in the Place de l’Alma itself but this was under the control of la Compagnie de Circulation Urbaine de Paris (Paris Urban Traffic Unit). That department closed down at about 11 p.m., had no night duty staff and made no recordings. Officers in the Police Headquarters Information and Command Centre could continue to view the pictures shown by the traffic camera in real time but could not control it.

The subject of the CCTV cameras is dealt with in Chapter 5 of the Operation Paget report. It was also found that a photograph that was published in a book by David Cohen Diana, Death of a Goddess and captioned as having been taken just before the car entered the tunnel was in fact taken by a photographer as the car left the back of the Paris Ritz.

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Death of Princess Diana – 1.13 – Pont de l’Alma Tunnel (West Entrance, 2007)


Pont de l’Alma Tunnel

The Official Story

(Paris, France)


The Pont de l’Alma (English: Alma Bridge) is a road bridge in Paris, France across the Seine. It was named to commemorate the Battle of Alma during the Crimean War, in which the Ottoman-Franco-British alliance achieved victory over the Russian army, on 20 September 1854.

Death of Diana, Princess of Wales

The bridge is close to the Pont de l’Alma tunnel where Diana, Princess of Wales and three others were involved in a fatal car crash on 31 August 1997. They were being chased by paparazzi, and their chauffeur was driving under the influence of alcohol. The Flame of Liberty (completed in 1987), at the bridge’s north end has become an unofficial memorial to Diana. The square is now officially named place Diana. The tunnel is known as an accident black spot from 1982 to 1997 as there were 11 deaths in the area.

Absence of CCTV images

The absence of CCTV images showing the Mercedes’s journey from the hotel to the crash site has been frequently cited as evidence of an organised conspiracy. According to The Independent newspaper in 2006, there were more than 14 CCTV cameras in the Pont de l’Alma underpass, though none recorded footage of the fatal collision.

Judge Hervé Stéphan was appointed as Examining Magistrate in this case on 2 September 1997. On that day, by Judicial Order, he tasked the Brigade Criminelle with identifying all video and photographic images along the route taken by the Mercedes. Lieutenant Eric Gigou of the Brigade Criminelle led the team that carried out that work, initially by retracing the route several times and drawing up a list of possible locations. His report showed that the team identified ten locations of CCTV cameras. None of these had any images relevant to the inquiry, since they were principally security cameras facing the entrances to buildings. Most of the cameras were not maintained by the City of Paris; the owners of the buildings to which they were attached operated them privately. There was a traffic-monitoring camera above the underpass in the Place de l’Alma itself but this was under the control of la Compagnie de Circulation Urbaine de Paris (Paris Urban Traffic Unit). That department closed down at about 11 p.m., had no night duty staff and made no recordings. Officers in the Police Headquarters Information and Command Centre could continue to view the pictures shown by the traffic camera in real time but could not control it.

The subject of the CCTV cameras is dealt with in Chapter 5 of the Operation Paget report. It was also found that a photograph that was published in a book by David Cohen Diana, Death of a Goddess and captioned as having been taken just before the car entered the tunnel was in fact taken by a photographer as the car left the back of the Paris Ritz.

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Death of Princess Diana – 1.14 – Wreckage of the Mercedes-Benz


Wreckage of the

The Official Story

(Crash Aftermath)


With the four occupants still in the wrecked car, the photographers, who had been driving slower and were some distance behind the Mercedes, reached the scene. Some rushed to help, tried to open the doors and help the victims, while some of them took pictures. Police arrived around ten minutes after the crash at 00:30 and an ambulance was on site five minutes later, according to witnesses. France Info radio reported that one photographer was beaten by witnesses who were horrified by the scene. Five of the photographers were arrested directly. Later, two others were detained and around twenty rolls of film were taken directly from the photographers. Police also impounded their vehicles afterwards. Firefighters also arrived at the scene to help remove the victims.

Rees-Jones was still conscious, with multiple serious facial injuries and a head contusion. The front occupants’ airbags had functioned normally. Diana, who had been sitting in the right rear passenger seat, was also still conscious but critically injured. The crash mostly affected the righthand side of her body, indicating that she was sitting sideways in her seat at the time of impact. Her ribs and arm were fractured and her right collar bone was dislocated, and she suffered from swelling and bruising to the brain. She was reported to murmur repeatedly, “Oh my God”, and after the photographers and other helpers were pushed away by police, “Leave me alone.” In June 2007, the Channel 4 documentary Diana: The Witnesses in the Tunnel claimed that the first person to touch Diana was off-duty physician Frederic Mailliez, who chanced upon the scene. Mailliez reported that Diana had no visible injuries but was in shock. She was reported to have been extremely disturbed and removed a drip by force while shouting incoherently. After being sedated and removed from the car at 01:00, she went into cardiac arrest and, following external cardiopulmonary resuscitation, her heart started beating again. Diana was moved to the SAMU ambulance at 01:18, left the scene at 01:41 and arrived at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital at 02:06.

Fayed had been sitting in the left rear passenger seat and was pronounced dead shortly afterwards. Paul was also pronounced dead on removal from the wreckage. Both were taken directly to the Institut Médico-Légal (IML), the Paris mortuary, not to a hospital. Paul was later found to have a blood alcohol level of 1.75 grams per litre of blood, about 3.5 times the legal limit in France.

Diana’s injuries were extensive, and resuscitation attempts, including internal cardiac massage, were unsuccessful. Her heart had been displaced to the right side of the chest, which tore the upper left pulmonary vein and the pericardium. Diana died at the hospital at 03:00. The anaesthetist Bruno Riou announced her death at 06:00 at a news conference held at the hospital.

Later that morning, French prime minister Lionel Jospin and Interior Minister Jean-Pierre Chevènement visited the hospital. At around 17:00, Diana’s former husband, Charles, who was then Prince of Wales, and her two older sisters, Lady Sarah McCorquodale and Lady Jane Fellowes, arrived in Paris. The group visited the hospital along with French president Jacques Chirac and thanked the doctors for trying to save her life. Charles accompanied Diana’s body to the UK later the same day. They departed from Vélizy – Villacoublay Air Base and landed at RAF Northolt and a bearer party from the Queen’s Colour Squadron transferred her coffin, which was draped with the royal standard with an ermine border, to a hearse. Her remains were finally taken to the Hammersmith and Fulham mortuary in London for a post-mortem examination later that day.

Initial media reports stated Diana’s car had collided with the pillar at 190 km/h (120 mph), and that the speedometer’s needle had jammed at that position. It was later announced that the car’s speed upon collision was 95–110 km/h (59–68 mph), about twice as fast as the speed limit of 50 km/h (31 mph). In 1999, a French investigation concluded the Mercedes had come into contact with another vehicle (a white Fiat Uno) in the tunnel. The driver of the Fiat was never conclusively traced, although many believed the driver was Le Van Thanh. The specific vehicle was not identified.

It was remarked by Robin Cook, the British Foreign Secretary, that if the crash had been caused in part by being hounded by paparazzi, it would be “doubly tragic”. Diana’s younger brother, the Earl Spencer, also blamed tabloid media for her death. An eighteen-month French judicial investigation concluded in 1999 that the crash was caused by Paul, who lost control at high speed while intoxicated.

“No charges were brought against the paparazzi who had been pursuing the princess’ car.”

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Death of Princess Diana – 1.15 – Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital Entrance (Paris, France)


Hospital Entrance

The Official Story

(Paris, France)


Pitié-Salpêtrière University Hospital is a teaching hospital in the 13th arrondissement of Paris. Part of the Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris and a teaching hospital of Sorbonne University, it is one of Europe’s largest hospitals. It is also France’s largest hospital.


Numerous celebrities have been treated at the Salpêtrière, including Michael Schumacher, Ronaldo, Prince Rainier of Monaco, Alain Delon, Gérard Depardieu, and Valérie Trierweiler. Former president Jacques Chirac had a pacemaker fitted at the Salpêtrière in 2008. Celebrities have also died at the Pitié-Salpêtrière, including the singer Josephine Baker in 1975, following a cerebral haemorrhage; philosopher Michel Foucault (from complications of AIDS) on 25 June 1984; Diana, Princess of Wales following a car crash in 1997; and French bicycle racer Laurent Fignon in 2010 (from the metastatic spread of lung cancer).

The death of Diana, Princess of Wales

Transport to the hospital

The first call to the emergency services’ switchboard was logged at 12.26 a.m. The SAMU ambulance carrying the Princess arrived at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital at 2.06 a.m. The French system of emergency care adhered to the “stay and play” mantra, which meant that the patient needed to be stabilised first at a fully equipped medical ambulance before being directed to a specialised hospital that could treat his or her injuries, no matter how far away it was. Nevertheless, this length of time has prompted much conspiracy-related comment.

The period between the crash and the arrival at the hospital takes into account the following: the time taken for emergency services to arrive; the time taken by the Sapeurs-Pompiers (fire service) of Paris to remove Diana from the damaged car; and the actual journey time from the crash site to the hospital. Police Officers Sébastien Dorzee and Lino Gagliadorne were the first emergency officials to arrive at the scene at around 12:30 a.m. Sergeants Xavier Gourmelom and Philippe Boyer of the Sapeurs-Pompiers arrived at around 12:32 a.m. Doctor Jean-Marc Martino, a specialist in anaesthetics and intensive care treatment and the doctor in charge of the SAMU ambulance, arrived at around 12:40 a.m. Diana was removed from the car at 1:00 a.m. She then went into cardiac arrest. Following external cardiopulmonary resuscitation, her heart started beating again. She was moved to the SAMU ambulance at 1:18 a.m.

The ambulance departed the crash scene at 1:41 a.m. and arrived at the hospital at 2:06 a.m.—a journey time of approximately 26 minutes. This included a stop at the Gare d’Austerlitz ordered by Dr Martino because of the drop in the blood pressure of the Princess of Wales and the necessity to deal with it. The ambulance was travelling slowly on his express instructions. The doctor was concerned about Diana’s blood pressure and the effects on her medical condition of deceleration and acceleration.

The SAMU ambulance carrying Diana passed the Hôtel-Dieu Hospital on the Ile de la Cité en route to the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital. The decision to transfer her to the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital was taken by Dr Marc Lejay who was on despatch duty in SAMU Control on that night, in consultation with Dr Derossi, who was at the scene. The Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital was the main reception centre for multiple trauma patients in Paris. The Hôtel-Dieu was not equipped to deal with the injuries Diana had sustained. Lejay stated: “The Hôtel-Dieu hospital on the ‘Ile de la Cité’ is closer but not equipped with heart surgery teams or neurosurgical teams or teams trained to take patients with multiple injuries.” Lejay was also aware that Professor Bruno Riou was on duty at the Pitié-Salpêtrière that night and was particularly skilled to treat her injuries. Dr Jean-Marc Martino supported this view.

Embalming of the body

Mohamed Al-Fayed alleged that Diana’s body was deliberately embalmed shortly after her death to ensure that any pregnancy test at the post-mortem would produce a false result. Dr. Robert Chapman, who carried out the post-mortem examination, stated that the embalming fluids would have had no effect on determining whether Diana was pregnant or not as the physical evidence would have been present in her womb and ovaries.

Operation Paget found that 31 August 1997 was a very hot day in Paris. Diana’s body had been stored in an empty room adjacent to the emergency room where she had been treated at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, as the mortuary was on the other side of the hospital grounds and some distance away. Dry ice and air conditioning units were placed in the room to keep it cool but appeared to have had little success.

Diana’s two sisters and Prince Charles were scheduled to view the body later that afternoon before bringing it back to the United Kingdom. President Jacques Chirac and his wife also wished to pay their respects. This meant there was very little time to prepare the body for viewing, and it was deemed unacceptable to present Diana’s body to her family and the President of France in the state it was in. Faced with this situation, the hospital staff decided to press ahead with embalming with only verbal authority from Madame Martine Monteil, the local superintendent of police, who assured Jean Monceau “that everything would be in order”. Under French law, paperwork must be completed before undertaking the embalming of any corpse likely to be subject to a post-mortem. This paperwork was completed, but only after the embalming had been carried out, giving rise to allegations of suspicious circumstances. The allegations were made despite there being no way the hospital staff could have known whether or not Diana was pregnant, as a pregnancy test would have been irrelevant to her post crash treatment and accordingly was not carried out.

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Death of Princess Diana – 1.16 – Pont de l’Alma Tunnel Crash Site (Satellite Imagery)


Pont de l’Alma Tunnel
Crash Site

The Official Story

(Paris, France)


The Pont de l’Alma (English: Alma Bridge) is a road bridge in Paris, France across the Seine. It was named to commemorate the Battle of Alma during the Crimean War, in which the Ottoman-Franco-British alliance achieved victory over the Russian army, on 20 September 1854.

Death of Diana, Princess of Wales

The bridge is close to the Pont de l’Alma tunnel where Diana, Princess of Wales and three others were involved in a fatal car crash on 31 August 1997. They were being chased by paparazzi, and their chauffeur was driving under the influence of alcohol. The Flame of Liberty (completed in 1987), at the bridge’s north end has become an unofficial memorial to Diana. The square is now officially named place Diana. The tunnel is known as an accident black spot from 1982 to 1997 as there were 11 deaths in the area.

Source: Wikipedia

Unlawful Killing (2011) – Full Documentary

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




The Death of Diana, Princess of Wales – Section 2: Funeral & Memorials


The Official Story

(September 6th, 1997 – Westminster Abbey)


The funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, started on Saturday 6 September 1997 at 9:08 am in London, when the tenor bell of Westminster Abbey started tolling to signal the departure of the cortège from Kensington Palace. The coffin was carried from the palace on a gun carriage by riders of the King’s Troop and escorted by mounted police along Hyde Park to St James’s Palace, where Diana’s body had remained for five days before being taken to Kensington Palace. The Union Flag on top of the palace was lowered to half mast. The official ceremony was held at Westminster Abbey in London and finished at the resting place in Althorp.

Two thousand people attended the ceremony in Westminster Abbey while the British television audience peaked at 32.10 million, one of the United Kingdom’s highest viewing figures ever. An estimated 2 to 2.5 billion people watched the event worldwide, making it one of the biggest televised events in history.


Diana’s coffin, draped with the royal standard with an ermine border (i.e. the Other Members’ standard), was brought to London from the Salpêtrière Hospital, via Vélizy – Villacoublay Air Base, Paris, to RAF Northolt by Diana’s former husband Charles, Prince of Wales, and her two sisters on 31 August 1997. After being taken to a private mortuary it was placed at the Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace, and later taken to Kensington Palace the night before the funeral.

The funeral plan for the Queen Mother, codenamed Operation Tay Bridge, had been rehearsed for 22 years and was used as the basis for Diana’s funeral. However, the event was not a state funeral; instead, it was a royal ceremonial funeral that included royal pageantry and Anglican funeral liturgy. A large display of flowers was installed at the gates of Kensington Palace and Buckingham Palace. Eight members of the Welsh Guards accompanied Diana’s coffin, draped in the royal standard with an ermine border, on the one-hour-forty-seven-minute ride through London streets. On top of the coffin were three wreaths of white flowers from her brother, the Earl Spencer, and her sons, Prince William and Prince Harry. There was also a letter from Prince Harry on her coffin addressed to “Mummy”. At St James’s Palace, the Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales, her sons, and her brother joined to walk behind. Five hundred representatives of various charities the Princess had been involved with joined behind them in the funeral cortège. Alastair Campbell later revealed in his diaries that the government and the royal household feared for the security of Prince Charles, believing that he would possibly get attacked by the crowd, thus they ensured that he would be accompanied by his sons. The Duke of Edinburgh, who opposed the idea of William and Harry taking part in the funeral procession, decided to walk besides them, telling his grandsons “I’ll walk if you walk.” William later described the experience as “one of the hardest things I’ve ever done”, and Harry mentioned no child “should be asked to do” what they did. Nevertheless, William saw the act as a necessity to maintain “balance between duty and family” and Harry said that he was “very glad” that he took part in the procession.

The coffin then passed Buckingham Palace where members of the Royal Family were waiting outside. Queen Elizabeth II bowed her head as it went by. More than one million people lined the streets of London, and flowers rained down onto the cortège from bystanders. Two screens were erected to relay the Westminster Abbey service in Hyde Park.

The ceremony at Westminster Abbey opened at 11:00 BST and lasted one hour and ten minutes. The royal family placed wreaths alongside Diana’s coffin in the presence of Britain’s living former prime ministers – John Major, Margaret Thatcher, James Callaghan and Edward Heath – and former Conservative MP Winston Churchill, the grandson of World War II-era Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill. International guests included Sir Cliff Richard, US First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, William J. Crowe, French First Lady Bernadette Chirac, Egyptian First Lady Suzanne Mubarak, Queen Noor of Jordan, Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Sir Elton John, George Michael, Chris de Burgh, Michael Barrymore, Mariah Carey, Richard Branson, Luciano Pavarotti, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Richard Attenborough, Ruby Wax, as well as Imran Khan and his then wife, Jemima Khan. The prime minister, Tony Blair, read an excerpt from First Epistle to the Corinthians, Chapter 13: “And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love”. Among other invitees were the King of Spain, Princess Margriet of the Netherlands, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Japan, the deposed King Constantine II of Greece, and South Africa president Nelson Mandela.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, and the Dean of Westminster, Wesley Carr, were also present in the abbey and delivered the bidding, the prayers, and the commendation. The service was sung by the Choir of Westminster Abbey and conducted by Organist and Master of the Choristers, Martin Neary; the organist was Martin Baker. Music before the service included the hymn tune “Eventide”, “Adagio in E”, the hymn tune “Rhosymedre”, Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 639, “Fantasia in C minor, BWV 537”, “Adagio in G minor”, “Symphony No. 9”, Pachelbel’s Canon (which was misidentified by the commentator as Albinoni’s Adagio), and Variation IX (Adagio) “Nimrod”. The Anglican service opened with the traditional singing of “God Save the Queen”. The funeral started with the choir singing the Funeral Sentences, composed by William Croft and Henry Purcell. Pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach, Antonín Dvořák, Camille Saint-Saëns, Gustav Holst, and other composers were played throughout the ceremony. The hymns were I Vow to Thee, My Country, by Sir Cecil Spring Rice to the tune by Gustav Holst; The King of Love My Shepherd Is by Henry Baker to the tune Dominus Regit Me by John Bacchus Dykes; Make Me a Channel of Your Peace to the tune by Sebastian Temple and Guide me, O thou great Redeemer, by William Williams to the tune Cwm Rhondda by John Hughes. The chant Libera me was sung by the BBC Singers, together with Lynne Dawson, to the tune by Giuseppe Verdi.

During the service, Elton John sang a 1997 rendition of “Candle in the Wind”, with new lyrics written as a tribute to Diana. He had contacted his writing partner Bernie Taupin, asking him to revise the lyrics of his 1973 Marilyn Monroe tribute song “Candle in the Wind” to honour Diana, and Taupin rewrote the song accordingly. Only a month before Diana’s death she had been photographed comforting John at the funeral of their mutual friend Gianni Versace. Files released by The National Archives showed that the Dean of Westminster, Wesley Carr, had personally appealed to senior aides at the palace to secure John’s performance at the funeral, insisting on the “inclusion of something of the modern world that the princess represented”. A solo performance by a saxophonist had been considered as a second option.

Diana’s sister Sarah gave the first reading, a poem titled Turn Again To Life by Mary Lee Hall, and her other sister Jane gave the second reading, a poem titled Time Is taken from Music and Other Poems by Henry van Dyke Jr. Her brother Charles gave the eulogy, in which he rebuked both the royal family and the press for their treatment of his sister. “It is a point to remember that of all the ironies about Diana, perhaps the greatest was this – a girl given the name of the ancient goddess of hunting was, in the end, the most hunted person of the modern age,” Spencer said during his speech.

“Song for Athene” by British composer John Tavener, with text by Mother Thekla, a Greek Orthodox nun, drawn from the Orthodox liturgy and Shakespeare’s Hamlet, was sung as Diana’s cortège departed from the main nave of Westminster Abbey. This was followed after a one-minute silence by half-muffled change ringing on the Abbey’s ten bells.

On the same day, services of commemoration and events honouring the Princess were held in various cities and towns across the United Kingdom and many streets remained deserted with the population watching the funeral broadcast at their homes. In Manchester the national minute’s silence started with “a maroon flare fired by mortar from the roof of the Victorian Town Hall” and ended “by the pealing of a single muffled bell”. People gathered in the Albert Square and visited the Town Hall to sign the book of condolences. The Lord Mayor, Gerry Carroll, laid a bouquet as a tribute to the Princess on behalf of the city. In Bolton a memorial service was held with leaders from all churches in attendance, followed by another memorial service in Blackburn Cathedral. In Liverpool people came together at the Parish Church of Our Lady and St Nicholas to pay their respects. In Scotland, the funeral was broadcast to mourners on screens set up at the Ross Theatre in Edinburgh. A memorial service was held in Diana’s honour, at which the Queen’s chaplain in Scotland, Charles Robertson, officiated. In Londonderry, the mayor and deputy mayor laid a wreath at the city Cenotaph. Large crowds showed up in the streets of Cardiff to watch the funeral on screens. A service was held at Llandaff Cathedral, attended by 700 guests, including the Secretary of State for Wales Ron Davies, Cardiff’s Lord Mayor Max Phillips, as well as MPs and volunteers from Diana’s charities. Toll booths on Severn Bridges remained closed during the national minute’s silence.

The Irish National flag was also flown at half-mast on all State buildings on the day of Diana’s funeral. On the same day, a memorial service was held at Washington National Cathedral and was attended by 2,170 people including the British ambassador John Kerr, the US ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson, and chairman of The Washington Post Co. executive committee Katharine Graham. In Tonga, a group of mourners organised a traditional wake, or pongipongi, after the funeral. On Sunday, 7 September, an additional service for Diana was held at Westminster Abbey in response to popular demand.

Television coverage of the funeral was watched by 31 million people in the United Kingdom, making it one of the most watched live broadcasts to date. The world-wide television audience for the event has been estimated between 2 to 2.5 billion people.

Source: Wikipedia




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.





Death of Princess Diana – 2.1 – Diana’s Coffin (Draped in the Royal Standard)


Diana’s Coffin

The Official Story

(September 6th, 1997)


The funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, started on Saturday 6 September 1997 at 9:08 am in London, when the tenor bell of Westminster Abbey started tolling to signal the departure of the cortège from Kensington Palace. The coffin was carried from the palace on a gun carriage by riders of the King’s Troop and escorted by mounted police along Hyde Park to St James’s Palace, where Diana’s body had remained for five days before being taken to Kensington Palace. The Union Flag on top of the palace was lowered to half mast. The official ceremony was held at Westminster Abbey in London and finished at the resting place in Althorp.

Two thousand people attended the ceremony in Westminster Abbey while the British television audience peaked at 32.10 million, one of the United Kingdom’s highest viewing figures ever. An estimated 2 to 2.5 billion people watched the event worldwide, making it one of the biggest televised events in history.


Diana’s coffin, draped with the royal standard with an ermine border (i.e. the Other Members’ standard), was brought to London from the Salpêtrière Hospital, via Vélizy – Villacoublay Air Base, Paris, to RAF Northolt by Diana’s former husband Charles, Prince of Wales, and her two sisters on 31 August 1997. After being taken to a private mortuary it was placed at the Chapel Royal, St James’s Palace, and later taken to Kensington Palace the night before the funeral.

The funeral plan for the Queen Mother, codenamed Operation Tay Bridge, had been rehearsed for 22 years and was used as the basis for Diana’s funeral. However, the event was not a state funeral; instead, it was a royal ceremonial funeral that included royal pageantry and Anglican funeral liturgy. A large display of flowers was installed at the gates of Kensington Palace and Buckingham Palace. Eight members of the Welsh Guards accompanied Diana’s coffin, draped in the royal standard with an ermine border, on the one-hour-forty-seven-minute ride through London streets. On top of the coffin were three wreaths of white flowers from her brother, the Earl Spencer, and her sons, Prince William and Prince Harry. There was also a letter from Prince Harry on her coffin addressed to “Mummy”. At St James’s Palace, Prince Philip, the Prince of Wales, her sons, and her brother joined to walk behind. Five hundred representatives of various charities the Princess had been involved with joined behind them in the funeral cortège. Alastair Campbell later revealed in his diaries that the government and the royal household feared for the security of Prince Charles, believing that he would possibly get attacked by the crowd, thus they ensured that he would be accompanied by his sons. Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, initially opposed the idea of William and Harry taking part in the funeral procession, but ultimately decided to walk besides them, telling his grandsons “I’ll walk if you walk.” William later described the experience as “one of the hardest things I’ve ever done”, and Harry mentioned no child “should be asked to do” what they did. Nevertheless, William saw the act as a necessity to maintain “balance between duty and family” and Harry said that he was “very glad” that he took part in the procession.

The coffin then passed Buckingham Palace where members of the Royal Family were waiting outside. Queen Elizabeth II bowed her head as it went by. More than one million people lined the streets of London, and flowers rained down onto the cortège from bystanders. Two screens were erected to relay the Westminster Abbey service in Hyde Park.

Source: Wikipedia

The Funeral of Princess Diana (1997)

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Death of Princess Diana – 2.2 – Queen Elizabeth & Prince Phillip (Inspect Flowers for Diana)


Queen Elizabeth
& Prince Phillip

The Official Story

(Queen of the United Kingdom, 1952-2022)


Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; 21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022) was Queen of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms from 6 February 1952 until her death in 2022. She was queen regnant of 32 sovereign states during her lifetime and 15 at the time of her death. Her reign of 70 years and 214 days is the longest of any British monarch and the longest recorded of any female head of state in history.

Elizabeth was born in Mayfair, London, as the first child of the Duke and Duchess of York (later King George VI and Queen Elizabeth). Her father acceded to the throne in 1936 upon the abdication of his brother, King Edward VIII, making Elizabeth the heir presumptive. She was educated privately at home and began to undertake public duties during the Second World War, serving in the Auxiliary Territorial Service. In November 1947, she married Philip Mountbatten, a former prince of Greece and Denmark, and their marriage lasted 73 years until his death in April 2021. They had four children: Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward.

When her father died in February 1952, Elizabeth—then 25 years old—became queen of seven independent Commonwealth countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon (known today as Sri Lanka), as well as Head of the Commonwealth. Elizabeth reigned as a constitutional monarch through major political changes such as the Troubles in Northern Ireland, devolution in the United Kingdom, the decolonisation of Africa, and the United Kingdom’s accession to the European Communities and withdrawal from the European Union. The number of her realms varied over time as territories gained independence and some realms became republics. Her many historic visits and meetings include state visits to China in 1986, Russia in 1994, and the Republic of Ireland in 2011, and meetings with five popes.

Significant events include Elizabeth’s coronation in 1953 and the celebrations of her Silver, Golden, Diamond, and Platinum jubilees in 1977, 2002, 2012, and 2022, respectively. Elizabeth was the longest-lived British monarch and the second-longest reigning sovereign in world history, behind only Louis XIV of France. She faced occasional republican sentiment and media criticism of her family, particularly after the breakdowns of her children’s marriages, her annus horribilis in 1992, and the death of her former daughter-in-law Diana, Princess of Wales, in 1997. However, support for the monarchy in the United Kingdom remained consistently high, as did her personal popularity. Elizabeth died aged 96 at Balmoral Castle, Aberdeenshire, and was succeeded by her eldest son, Charles III.

Reign (Turbulent 1990s)

In August 1997, a year after the divorce, Diana was killed in a car crash in Paris. Elizabeth was on holiday with her extended family at Balmoral. Diana’s two sons, Princes William and Harry, wanted to attend church, so Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh took them that morning. Afterwards, for five days the royal couple shielded their grandsons from the intense press interest by keeping them at Balmoral where they could grieve in private, but the royal family’s silence and seclusion, and the failure to fly a flag at half-mast over Buckingham Palace, caused public dismay. Pressured by the hostile reaction, Elizabeth agreed to return to London and address the nation in a live television broadcast on 5 September, the day before Diana’s funeral. In the broadcast, she expressed admiration for Diana and her feelings “as a grandmother” for the two princes. As a result, much of the public hostility evaporated.


(Husband of Queen Elizabeth II)


Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (born Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark, later Philip Mountbatten; 10 June 1921– 9 April 2021), was the husband of Queen Elizabeth II and served as the consort of the British monarch from her accession as queen on 6 February 1952 until his death in 2021, making him the longest-serving royal consort in history.

Philip was born in Greece, into the Greek and Danish royal families; his family was exiled from the country when he was eighteen months old. After being educated in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, he joined the Royal Navy in 1939, when he was 18 years old. In July 1939, he began corresponding with the 13-year-old Princess Elizabeth, the elder daughter and heir presumptive of King George VI. Philip had first met her in 1934. During the Second World War, he served with distinction in the British Mediterranean and Pacific fleets.

In the summer of 1946, the King granted Philip permission to marry Elizabeth. Before the official announcement of their engagement in July 1947, Philip relinquished his Greek and Danish royal titles and styles, became a naturalised British subject, and adopted his maternal grandparents’ surname Mountbatten. He married Elizabeth on 20 November 1947. The day prior to their wedding, the King granted Philip the style His Royal Highness. On the day of their wedding, he was additionally created Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Merioneth, and Baron Greenwich. Philip left active military service when Elizabeth ascended the throne in 1952, having reached the rank of commander. In 1957, he was created a British prince. Philip had four children with Elizabeth: Charles III; Anne, Princess Royal; Prince Andrew, Duke of York; and Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex. In 1960, the Queen issued a British Order in Council, which declared that her and Philip’s descendants who do not bear royal titles or styles may use the surname Mountbatten-Windsor, which has since also been used by titled members.

A sports enthusiast, Philip helped develop the equestrian event of carriage driving. He was a patron, president, or member of over 780 organisations, including the World Wide Fund for Nature, and served as chairman of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, a youth awards program for people aged 14 to 24. Philip is the longest-lived male member of the British royal family. He retired from his royal duties on 2 August 2017, aged 96, having completed 22,219 solo engagements and 5,493 speeches from 1952. Philip died on 9 April 2021, at the age of 99.

Charles and Diana

At the beginning of 1981, Philip wrote to his eldest son, Charles, counselling him to make up his mind to either propose to Lady Diana Spencer or break off their courtship. Charles felt pressured by his father to make a decision and did so, proposing to Diana in February. They married five months later. By 1992, the marriage of the Prince and Princess of Wales had broken down. The Queen and Philip hosted a meeting between Charles and Diana, trying to effect a reconciliation, but without success. Philip wrote to Diana, expressing his disappointment at both Charles’s and her extra-marital affairs, and asking her to examine both his and her behaviour from the other’s point of view. She found the letters hard to take but nevertheless appreciated that he was acting with good intent. Charles and Diana later separated and were divorced in 1996.

A year after the divorce, Diana was killed in a car crash in Paris on 31 August 1997. At the time, the Duke was on holiday at Balmoral with the extended royal family. In their grief, Diana’s two sons, Princes William and Harry, wanted to attend church, and so their grandparents took them that morning. For five days, the Queen and the Duke shielded their grandsons from the ensuing press interest by keeping them at Balmoral, where they could grieve in private. The royal family’s seclusion caused public dismay, but the public mood changed after a live broadcast made by the Queen on 5 September. Uncertain as to whether they should walk behind her coffin during the funeral procession, Diana’s sons hesitated. Philip told William: “If you don’t walk, I think you’ll regret it later. If I walk, will you walk with me?” On the day of the funeral, Philip, William, Harry, Charles, and Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer, walked through London behind her bier.

Over the next few years, Mohamed Al-Fayed, whose son Dodi Fayed was also killed in the crash, claimed that Prince Philip had ordered the death of Diana and that the accident was staged. The inquest into the Princess of Wales’s death concluded in 2008 that there was no evidence of a conspiracy.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.




(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






Death of Princess Diana – 2.3 – Prince Charles (with Prince William & Prince Harry)


Prince Charles

The Official Story



Royal Family

Queen Elizabeth II expressed her dismay at Diana’s death. Prince Charles woke his sons before dawn to share the news. Upon announcement of the death, the website of the Royal Family temporarily removed all its content and replaced it with a black background, displaying a picture of Diana accompanied by her name and dates of birth and death. An online book of condolence was also made available on the website for the public to post their personal tributes. On Sunday morning after Diana’s death, the Queen, Princes Charles, William and Harry all wore black to church services at Crathie Kirk near Balmoral Castle. The royal family later issued a statement, saying Charles, William and Harry were “taking strength from” and “deeply touched” by and “enormously grateful” for the public support. Princes Andrew and Edward met the mourners outside Kensington Palace as a precautionary measure to test the public mood, and Edward visited St James’s Palace to sign the book of condolences. On their way from Crathie Kirk to Balmoral, the Queen, Prince Philip, Charles, William and Harry viewed the floral tributes and messages left by the public.

Charles and his sons returned to London on Friday, 5 September. They made an unannounced visit to see the floral tributes left outside Kensington Palace. The Queen, who returned to London from Balmoral accompanied by Prince Philip, the Queen Mother, and Princess Margaret, agreed to a television broadcast to the nation. She viewed the floral tributes in front of Buckingham Palace and visited the Chapel Royal at St James’s Palace, where Diana’s body was remaining, and met crowds that were in line to sign the books of condolence. Diana’s brother, Earl Spencer, and her former sister-in-law, Sarah, Duchess of York also visited St James’s Palace.

The Royal Family was criticised for a rigid adherence to protocol, and their efforts to protect the privacy of Diana’s grieving sons were interpreted as a lack of compassion. In particular, the refusal of Buckingham Palace to fly the Royal Standard at half-mast provoked angry headlines in newspapers. The Palace’s stance was one of royal protocol: no flag could fly over Buckingham Palace, as the Royal Standard is only flown when the monarch is in residence, and the Queen was then in Scotland. The Royal Standard never flies at half-mast as it is the Sovereign’s flag and there is never an interregnum or vacancy in the monarchy, as the new monarch immediately succeeds his or her predecessor. Finally, as a compromise, the Union Flag was flown at half-mast as the Queen left for Westminster Abbey on the day of the funeral. This set a precedent, and Buckingham Palace has subsequently flown the Union Flag when the monarch is not in residence.

A rift between Prince Charles and the Queen’s private secretary, Sir Robert Fellowes (Diana’s brother-in-law), was reported in the media over the nature of the funeral, with Charles demanding a public funeral and Fellowes supporting the Queen’s idea of a private one. The Palace later issued a statement denying such rumours. Discussions were also held with the Spencer family and the British royal family as to whether Diana’s HRH style needed to be restored posthumously, but Diana’s family decided that it would be against Diana’s wishes and no formal offer was made. The funeral committee at Buckingham Palace wanted William and Harry to have a bigger role in their mother’s funeral and Downing Street officials suggested that they could walk in the funeral cortège, but faced opposition from Prince Philip, who reportedly stated “They’ve just lost their mother. You’re talking about them as if they are commodities.” Prince Harry said in 2017 that the death of his mother caused severe depression and grief. William was 15 and Harry was 12 when Diana died.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.






William, Prince of Wales KG, KT, PC, ADC (William Arthur Philip Louis; born 21 June 1982) is a member of the British royal family and the heir apparent to the British throne. He is the elder son of King Charles III by his first wife Diana, Princess of Wales.

Born in London, William was educated at Wetherby School, Ludgrove School and Eton College. He spent parts of his gap year in Belize and Chile before earning a Scottish Master of Arts degree in geography at the University of St Andrews. William then trained at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst prior to serving with the Blues and Royals. In April 2008, William graduated from Royal Air Force College Cranwell, joining RAF Search and Rescue Force in early 2009. He served as a full-time pilot with the East Anglian Air Ambulance from July 2015 for two years.

The Prince performs official duties and engagements on behalf of the King. He holds patronage with over 30 charitable and military organisations, including the Tusk Trust, Centrepoint, and London’s Air Ambulance Charity. He undertakes projects through The Royal Foundation, with his charity work revolving around mental health, conservation, and emergency workers. In December 2014, he founded the “United for Wildlife” initiative, which aims to reduce worldwide illegal wildlife trade. In April 2016, the Cambridges and Prince Harry initiated the mental health awareness campaign “Heads Together” to encourage people to open up about their mental health issues. In October 2020, William launched the Earthshot Prize, a £50 million initiative to incentivise environmental solutions over the next decade.

In 2011, William was made Duke of Cambridge preceding his marriage to Catherine Middleton. William became Duke of Cornwall and Duke of Rothesay following the accession of his father Charles III to the throne on 8 September 2022. The following day he was made Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester, titles reserved for the heir apparent of a reigning monarch, and Catherine became Princess of Wales. The couple have three children: Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.

Early life

His parents divorced in 1996. Diana died in a car accident in the early hours of 31 August 1997. William, then aged 15, together with his 12-year-old brother and their father, were staying at Balmoral Castle at the time. The Prince of Wales waited until his sons awoke the following morning to tell them about their mother’s death. At his mother’s funeral, William and his brother walked alongside their father, paternal grandfather Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and maternal uncle Charles Spencer, 9th Earl Spencer, behind the funeral cortège from Kensington Palace to Westminster Abbey.

Source: Wikipedia





Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, KCVO (Henry Charles Albert David; born 15 September 1984) is a member of the British royal family. He is the younger son of King Charles III by his first wife Diana, Princess of Wales. He is fifth in the line of succession to the British throne.

Harry was educated at Wetherby School, Ludgrove School, and Eton College. He spent parts of his gap year in Australia and Lesotho, then underwent officer training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He was commissioned as a cornet into the Blues and Royals, serving temporarily with his brother William and completed training as a troop leader. In 2007–2008, he served for over ten weeks in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. He returned to Afghanistan for a 20-week deployment in 2012–2013 with the Army Air Corps. In June 2015, he resigned from the army.

Harry launched the Invictus Games in 2014 and remains the patron of its foundation. He also gives patronage to several other organisations, including the HALO Trust and Walking With The Wounded. To encourage people to open up about their mental health issues, Harry, alongside the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, initiated the mental health awareness campaign “Heads Together” in April 2016.

In 2018, Harry was made Duke of Sussex prior to his wedding to American actress Meghan Markle. They have two children, Archie and Lilibet Mountbatten-Windsor. In January 2020, the couple stepped down as senior members of the royal family and moved to the Duchess’s native Southern California. In October 2020, they launched Archewell Inc., an American public organisation that focuses on non-profit activities and creative media ventures. Together with his wife, Harry also sat down for a much publicised interview with Oprah Winfrey in March 2021, with whom he also produced the mental health documentary series The Me You Can’t See.

Early life

Harry’s parents divorced in 1996. His mother died in a car crash in Paris the following year. Harry and William were staying with their father at Balmoral at the time, and the Prince of Wales told his sons about their mother’s death.[ At his mother’s funeral, Harry, then aged 12, accompanied his father, brother, paternal grandfather, and maternal uncle, Charles Spencer, 9th Earl Spencer, in walking behind the funeral cortège from Kensington Palace to Westminster Abbey.

Source: Wikipedia



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.






Death of Princess Diana – 2.4 – Westminster Abbey West (Venue of Diana’s Funeral)


Westminster Abbey West

The Official Story

(London, England)


Westminster Abbey, formally titled the Collegiate Church of Saint Peter at Westminster, is a large, mainly Gothic abbey church in the City of Westminster, London, England, just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. It is one of the United Kingdom’s most notable religious buildings and the traditional place of coronation and a burial site for English and, later, British monarchs. Since the coronation of William the Conqueror in 1066, all coronations of English and British monarchs have occurred in Westminster Abbey. Sixteen royal weddings have occurred at the Abbey since 1100.

According to a tradition first reported by Sulcard in about 1080, a church was founded at the site (then known as Thorn Ey (Thorn Island)) in the seventh century at the time of Mellitus, a Bishop of London. Construction of the present church began in 1245 on the orders of King Henry III.

The church was originally part of a Catholic Benedictine abbey, which was dissolved in 1539. It then served as the cathedral of the Diocese of Westminster until 1550, then as a second cathedral of the Diocese of London until 1556. The abbey was restored to the Benedictines by Mary I in 1556, then in 1559 made a royal peculiar—a church responsible directly to the sovereign—by Queen Elizabeth I.

The Abbey is the burial site of more than 3,300 people, usually of prominence in British history: at least 16 monarchs, eight prime ministers, poets laureate, actors, scientists, military leaders, and the Unknown Warrior—the first person interred in the Abbey’s Poets’ Corner was Geoffrey Chaucer in 1400.

Funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales

The ceremony at Westminster Abbey opened at 11:00 BST and lasted one hour and ten minutes. The royal family placed wreaths alongside Diana’s coffin in the presence of Britain’s living former prime ministers – John Major, Margaret Thatcher, James Callaghan and Edward Heath – and former Conservative MP Winston Churchill, the grandson of World War II-era Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill. International guests included Sir Cliff Richard, US First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, William J. Crowe, French First Lady Bernadette Chirac, Egyptian First Lady Suzanne Mubarak, Queen Noor of Jordan, Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Sir Elton John, George Michael, Chris de Burgh, Michael Barrymore, Mariah Carey, Richard Branson, Luciano Pavarotti, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Richard Attenborough, Ruby Wax, as well as Imran Khan and his then wife, Jemima Khan. The prime minister, Tony Blair, read an excerpt from First Epistle to the Corinthians, Chapter 13: “And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love”. Among other invitees were the King of Spain, Princess Margriet of the Netherlands, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Japan, the deposed King Constantine II of Greece, and South Africa president Nelson Mandela.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, and the Dean of Westminster, Wesley Carr, were also present in the abbey and delivered the bidding, the prayers, and the commendation. The service was sung by the Choir of Westminster Abbey and conducted by Organist and Master of the Choristers, Martin Neary; the organist was Martin Baker. Music before the service included the hymn tune “Eventide”, “Adagio in E”, the hymn tune “Rhosymedre”, Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 639, “Fantasia in C minor, BWV 537”, “Adagio in G minor”, “Symphony No. 9”, Pachelbel’s Canon (which was misidentified by the commentator as Albinoni’s Adagio), and Variation IX (Adagio) “Nimrod”. The Anglican service opened with the traditional singing of “God Save the Queen”. The funeral started with the choir singing the Funeral Sentences, composed by William Croft and Henry Purcell. Pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach, Antonín Dvořák, Camille Saint-Saëns, Gustav Holst, and other composers were played throughout the ceremony. The hymns were I Vow to Thee, My Country, by Sir Cecil Spring Rice to the tune by Gustav Holst; The King of Love My Shepherd Is by Henry Baker to the tune Dominus Regit Me by John Bacchus Dykes; Make Me a Channel of Your Peace to the tune by Sebastian Temple and Guide me, O thou great Redeemer, by William Williams to the tune Cwm Rhondda by John Hughes. The chant Libera me was sung by the BBC Singers, together with Lynne Dawson, to the tune by Giuseppe Verdi.

During the service, Elton John sang a 1997 rendition of “Candle in the Wind”, with new lyrics written as a tribute to Diana. He had contacted his writing partner Bernie Taupin, asking him to revise the lyrics of his 1973 Marilyn Monroe tribute song “Candle in the Wind” to honour Diana, and Taupin rewrote the song accordingly. Only a month before Diana’s death she had been photographed comforting John at the funeral of their mutual friend Gianni Versace. Files released by The National Archives showed that the Dean of Westminster, Wesley Carr, had personally appealed to senior aides at the palace to secure John’s performance at the funeral, insisting on the “inclusion of something of the modern world that the princess represented”. A solo performance by a saxophonist had been considered as a second option.

Diana’s sister Sarah gave the first reading, a poem titled Turn Again To Life by Mary Lee Hall, and her other sister Jane gave the second reading, a poem titled Time Is taken from Music and Other Poems by Henry van Dyke Jr. Her brother Charles gave the eulogy, in which he rebuked both the royal family and the press for their treatment of his sister. “It is a point to remember that of all the ironies about Diana, perhaps the greatest was this – a girl given the name of the ancient goddess of hunting was, in the end, the most hunted person of the modern age,” Spencer said during his speech.

“Song for Athene” by British composer John Tavener, with text by Mother Thekla, a Greek Orthodox nun, drawn from the Orthodox liturgy and Shakespeare’s Hamlet, was sung as Diana’s cortège departed from the main nave of Westminster Abbey. This was followed after a one-minute silence by half-muffled change ringing on the Abbey’s ten bells.

On the same day, services of commemoration and events honouring the Princess were held in various cities and towns across the United Kingdom and many streets remained deserted with the population watching the funeral broadcast at their homes. In Manchester the national minute’s silence started with “a maroon flare fired by mortar from the roof of the Victorian Town Hall” and ended “by the pealing of a single muffled bell”. People gathered in the Albert Square and visited the Town Hall to sign the book of condolences. The Lord Mayor, Gerry Carroll, laid a bouquet as a tribute to the Princess on behalf of the city. In Bolton a memorial service was held with leaders from all churches in attendance, followed by another memorial service in Blackburn Cathedral. In Liverpool people came together at the Parish Church of Our Lady and St Nicholas to pay their respects. In Scotland, the funeral was broadcast to mourners on screens set up at the Ross Theatre in Edinburgh. A memorial service was held in Diana’s honour, at which the Queen’s chaplain in Scotland, Charles Robertson, officiated. In Londonderry, the mayor and deputy mayor laid a wreath at the city Cenotaph. Large crowds showed up in the streets of Cardiff to watch the funeral on screens. A service was held at Llandaff Cathedral, attended by 700 guests, including the Secretary of State for Wales Ron Davies, Cardiff’s Lord Mayor Max Phillips, as well as MPs and volunteers from Diana’s charities. Toll booths on Severn Bridges remained closed during the national minute’s silence.

The Irish National flag was also flown at half-mast on all State buildings on the day of Diana’s funeral. On the same day, a memorial service was held at Washington National Cathedral and was attended by 2,170 people including the British ambassador John Kerr, the US ambassador to the United Nations Bill Richardson, and chairman of The Washington Post Co. executive committee Katharine Graham. In Tonga, a group of mourners organised a traditional wake, or pongipongi, after the funeral. On Sunday, 7 September, an additional service for Diana was held at Westminster Abbey in response to popular demand.

Television coverage of the funeral was watched by 31 million people in the United Kingdom, making it one of the most watched live broadcasts to date. The world-wide television audience for the event has been estimated between 2 to 2.5 billion people.

Source: Wikipedia

The Funeral of Princess Diana (1997)

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Death of Princess Diana – 2.5 – Flowers Outside Kensington Palace


Flowers Outside
Kensington Palace

The Official Story

(London, England)


Kensington Palace is a royal residence set in Kensington Gardens, in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea in London, England. It has been a residence of the British royal family since the 17th century, and is currently the official London residence of the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, and Prince and Princess Michael of Kent.

Today, the State Rooms are open to the public and managed by the independent charity Historic Royal Palaces, a nonprofit organisation that does not receive public funds. The offices and private accommodation areas of the Palace remain the responsibility of the Royal Household and are maintained by the Royal Household Property Section. The palace also displays many paintings and other objects from the Royal Collection.

Notable palace residents

In 1981, in the part of the palace that King George I had built for his mistress, the Duchess of Kendal, Apartments 8 and 9 were combined to create the London residence of the newly married Prince of Wales and his wife, Diana, Princess of Wales, and it remained the official residence of the Princess after their divorce until her death. Her sons, Princes William and Harry, were raised in Kensington Palace and went to local nursery and pre-preparatory schools in Notting Hill, which is a short drive away. According to Andrew Morton, the palace was a “children’s paradise” with its long passageways, a helicopter pad, and many outdoor gardens, including one on the roof where the family spent many hours.

Diana’s interview with Martin Bashir for the BBC’s Panorama programme was recorded in Diana’s sitting room at the palace. Upon Diana’s death on 31 August 1997, the gates at Kensington Palace became the focus of public mourning with over one million bouquets, reaching 5 feet (1.5 m) deep in places, placed as tribute before them stretching out into Kensington Gardens. The Princess’s coffin spent its last night in London at the palace. On the morning of 6 September 1997, a tenor bell signalled the departure of the funeral cortege carrying the coffin from the palace on a gun carriage to Westminster Abbey for the ceremony. Her residence was stripped bare and lay vacant for 10 years after her death until it was split back into two apartments, with Apartment 8 being used by four of Charles’s charities and Apartment 9 becoming home to the Chief of Defence Staff.

Mourning the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales

Members of the public were invited to sign a book of condolence at St James’s Palace. A book of condolence was also set up by the British embassy in the US. All 11,000 light bulbs at Harrods department store, owned by Mohamed Al-Fayed, were turned off and not switched on again until after the funeral. Throughout the night, members of the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service and the Salvation Army provided support for people queuing along the Mall. More than one million bouquets were left at her London residence, Kensington Palace, while at her family’s estate of Althorp the public was asked to stop bringing flowers as the volume of both visitors and flowers in the surrounding roads was said to be causing a threat to public safety.

By 10 September, the pile of flowers outside Kensington Gardens was 5 feet (1.5 m) deep in places and the bottom layer had started to compost. The people were quiet, queuing patiently to sign the book and leave their gifts. Fresh flowers, teddy bears, and bottles of champagne were later donated and distributed among the sick, the elderly and children. Cards, personal messages and poems were collected and given to Diana’s family.

Source: Wikipedia

The Funeral of Princess Diana (1997)

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Death of Princess Diana – 2.6 – Flowers Outside Buckingham Palace


Flowers Outside
Buckingham Palace

The Official Story

(City of Westminster, London)


Buckingham Palace is a London royal residence and the administrative headquarters of the monarch of the United Kingdom. Located in the City of Westminster, the palace is often at the centre of state occasions and royal hospitality. It has been a focal point for the British people at times of national rejoicing and mourning.

Originally known as Buckingham House, the building at the core of today’s palace was a large townhouse built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703 on a site that had been in private ownership for at least 150 years. It was acquired by King George III in 1761 as a private residence for Queen Charlotte and became known as The Queen’s House. During the 19th century it was enlarged by architects John Nash and Edward Blore, who constructed three wings around a central courtyard. Buckingham Palace became the London residence of the British monarch on the accession of Queen Victoria in 1837.

The last major structural additions were made in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including the East Front, which contains the well-known balcony on which the British royal family traditionally congregates to greet crowds. A German bomb destroyed the palace chapel during the Second World War; the Queen’s Gallery was built on the site and opened to the public in 1962 to exhibit works of art from the Royal Collection.

The original early-19th-century interior designs, many of which survive, include widespread use of brightly coloured scagliola and blue and pink lapis, on the advice of Sir Charles Long. King Edward VII oversaw a partial redecoration in a Belle Époque cream and gold colour scheme. Many smaller reception rooms are furnished in the Chinese regency style with furniture and fittings brought from the Royal Pavilion at Brighton and from Carlton House. The palace has 775 rooms, and the garden is the largest private garden in London. The state rooms, used for official and state entertaining, are open to the public each year for most of August and September and on some days in winter and spring.

Mourning the Death of Diana, Princess of Wales

Members of the public were invited to sign a book of condolence at St James’s Palace. A book of condolence was also set up by the British embassy in the US. All 11,000 light bulbs at Harrods department store, owned by Mohamed Al-Fayed, were turned off and not switched on again until after the funeral. Throughout the night, members of the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service and the Salvation Army provided support for people queuing along the Mall. More than one million bouquets were left at her London residence, Kensington Palace, while at her family’s estate of Althorp the public was asked to stop bringing flowers as the volume of both visitors and flowers in the surrounding roads was said to be causing a threat to public safety.

By 10 September, the pile of flowers outside Kensington Gardens was 5 feet (1.5 m) deep in places and the bottom layer had started to compost. The people were quiet, queuing patiently to sign the book and leave their gifts. Fresh flowers, teddy bears, and bottles of champagne were later donated and distributed among the sick, the elderly and children. Cards, personal messages and poems were collected and given to Diana’s family.

Source: Wikipedia

The Funeral of Princess Diana (1997)

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Death of Princess Diana – 2.7 – Harrods Department Store Memorial


Harrods Department
Store Memorial

The Official Story

(London, England)


Harrods Limited is a department store located on Brompton Road in Knightsbridge, London, England. It is currently owned by the state of Qatar via its sovereign wealth fund, the Qatar Investment Authority. The Harrods brand also applies to other enterprises undertaken by the Harrods group of companies, including Harrods Estates, Harrods Aviation and Air Harrods.

The store occupies a 5-acre (2 ha) site and has 330 departments covering 1.1 million sq ft (100,000 m2) of retail space. It is one of the largest and most famous department stores in the world.

The Harrods motto is Omnia Omnibus Ubique, which is Latin for “all things for all people, everywhere”. Several of its departments, including the Seasonal Christmas department and the Food Halls, are well known.

Harrods was also a founder of the International Association of Department Stores in 1928, which is still active today, and remained a member until 1935. Franck Chitham, Harrods’ president at the time, was president of the Association in 1930.


Since the deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi Fayed, Mohamed Al-Fayed’s son, two memorials commissioned by Al-Fayed have been erected inside Harrods to the couple. The first, located at the base of the Egyptian Escalator, was unveiled on 12 April 1998, consisting of photographs of the two behind a pyramid-shaped display that holds a wine glass smudged with lipstick from Diana’s last dinner as well as what is described as an engagement ring Dodi purchased the day before they died.

The second memorial, unveiled in 2005 and located by the escalator at door three is entitled Innocent Victims, a bronze statue of the two dancing on a beach beneath the wings of an albatross, a bird said to symbolise the “Holy Spirit”. The sculpture was created by William Mitchell, a close friend of Al-Fayed and artistic design advisor to Harrods for 40 years. Al-Fayed said he wanted to keep the pair’s “spirit alive” through the statue.

Source: Wikipedia

The Funeral of Princess Diana (1997)

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Death of Princess Diana – 2.8 – ‘Innocent Victims’ Statue (Harrods Department Store)


‘Innocent Victims’ Statue

The Official Story

(Harrods Department Store)


Innocent Victims is a bronze statue of Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi Fayed, which was on display at the Harrods department store in London, England, between 2005 and 2018. It was commissioned by Dodi’s father Mohamed Al-Fayed when he owned Harrods, and designed by William Mitchell.


The statue is the second of two memorials in Harrods to Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi Fayed, both commissioned by Mohamed Al-Fayed, Dodi’s father, who owned the store from 1985 to 2010. The first memorial, unveiled in April 1998, is a pyramid-shaped display containing photos of Dodi and Diana, a wine glass said to be from their last dinner, and a ring said to have been purchased by Dodi the day prior to the crash in which they both died.

Design and creation

The statue was designed by London-born sculptor William Mitchell, who had worked for the Al-Fayed family for more than 40 years, and was cast in bronze using the lost wax method at the Bronze Age Foundry in East London. It depicts Diana and Dodi facing each other, clad in loose clothing that clings to their bodies. They are said to be dancing in Mediterranean waves. Dodi’s right arm is raised and appears to be releasing a large bird, said to be an albatross symbolising “freedom and eternity”. Diana’s left arm is also raised, gripping Dodi’s hand. Their other arms are below their waists, the fingers just touching. There is a forward momentum in their poses, Diana’s right leg bent and exposed by a dress cut to the top of her thigh. Dodi’s right leg is completely off the base of the statue. Both are bare-footed. The inner curve of the wings of the bird has been described as forming a double D. The statue drew considerable criticism for its artistic merit, being widely described as “tacky” and “tasteless”.

Mitchell also designed the Egyptian escalator at Harrods and the associated carvings which form the background to both of the Dodi and Diana monuments.


At the time of its unveiling in September 2005, Al-Fayed, who had maintained that the deaths were not an accident although an official investigation ruled out foul play, said:

As we approach the eighth anniversary of Diana and Dodi’s untimely death and in the absence of any further official memorial for these two victims – apart from the highly criticised fountain in Hyde Park – I wanted to keep their spirits alive with a further gesture … I have named the sculpture Innocent Victims because for eight years I have fought to prove that my son and Princess Diana were murdered.


In January 2018, it was announced by Harrods that the statue would be returned to the Al-Fayed family, seven years after Mohamed Al-Fayed sold Harrods to the Qatar Investment Authority. The store’s current manager, Michael Ward, said it was now time to return the statue to Mohamed Al-Fayed, given that a new public memorial had been commissioned at Kensington Palace by princes William and Harry. At the time of the unveiling, Al-Fayed had claimed that the statue would stay at Harrods forever. The Qatari owners were eager to regain the patronage of the British royal family, Harrods having been Royal Warrant holders continuously from 1913 to 2000 until “the ugly aftermath” of the death of Diana and Dodi. In 2000, Mohamed Al-Fayed had broken commercial ties between Harrods and the Royal Family when he removed the royal warrants. In 2010, he revealed that he had had the warrants burned.

Source: Wikipedia

The Funeral of Princess Diana (1997)

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Death of Princess Diana – 2.9 – The Flame of Liberty (Unofficial Diana Memorial, Paris)


The Flame of Liberty

The Official Story

(Unofficial Memorial for Diana, Princess of Wales)


The Flame of Liberty (Flamme de la Liberté) in Paris is a full-sized, gold-leaf-covered replica of the flame of the torch from the Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World). The monument, which measures approximately 3.5 metres in height, is a sculpture of a flame, executed in gilded copper, supported by a pedestal of gray-and-black marble. It is located near the northern end of the Pont de l’Alma, on the Place Diana, in the 16th arrondissement.


It was offered to Paris in 1989 by the International Herald Tribune on behalf of donors who had contributed approximately $400,000 for its fabrication. It represented the culmination of that newspaper’s 1987 celebration of its hundredth anniversary of publishing an English-language daily newspaper in Paris. More importantly, the Flame was a token of thanks for the restoration work on the Statue of Liberty accomplished three years earlier by two French businesses that did artisanal work on the project, namely Métalliers Champenois, which did the bronze work, and the Gohard Studios, which applied the gold leaf. While the gift to France was prompted by the centennial of the newspaper, the Flame of Liberty, more broadly, is a lasting symbol of the friendship uniting the two countries, just as the statue itself was when it was given to the United States by France.

This project was overseen by the director of the French craft unions at that time, Jacques Graindorge. He foresaw an installation of the Flame of Liberty in a public square called Place des États-Unis (United States Square) in the 16th arrondissement, but the mayor of Paris at the time, Jacques Chirac, was opposed to it. After a protracted period of negotiations, it was decided that the Flame would be placed in an open area near the intersection of l’Avenue de New-York (New York Avenue) and the Place de l’Alma. The monument was dedicated on 10 May 1989 by Chirac.

On the base of the monument, a commemorative plaque recounts the following story:

“The Flame of Liberty. An exact replica of the Statue of Liberty’s flame offered to the people of France by donors throughout the world as a symbol of the Franco-American friendship. On the occasion of the centennial of the International Herald Tribune. Paris 1887–1987.”

Unofficial memorial for Diana, Princess of Wales

The Flame of Liberty became an unofficial memorial for Diana, Princess of Wales, after her 1997 death in the tunnel beneath the Pont de l’Alma. The flame became an attraction for tourists and followers of Diana, who fly-posted the base with commemorative material. Anthropologist Guy Lesoeurs said, “Most people who come here think this was built for her.” Since 2019, the site has been officially named Place Diana.

Source: Wikipedia

The Funeral of Princess Diana (1997)

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Death of Princess Diana – 2.10 – Diana Memorial (Round Oval Lake, Althorp)


Diana Memorial

The Official Story

(Round Oval Lake, Althorp)


In a private ceremony, Diana was buried on an island in the middle of a lake called The Oval, which is part of the Pleasure Garden at Althorp. In her coffin, she wears a black Catherine Walker dress and black tights, and is holding a rosary in her hands. The rosary had been a gift from Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a confidante of Diana, who had died the day before her funeral. A visitors’ centre is open during summer months, with an exhibition about Diana and a walk around the lake. All profits were donated to the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund.

Diana grave, memorial, and exhibition

Diana, Princess of Wales was interred on a small island in the middle of the ornamental Round Oval lake, which was created by Teulon in 1868. The island was decided as the best place to lay her to rest because the water would, according to Spencer, “act as a buffer against the interventions of the insane and ghoulish, the thick mud presenting a further line of defence. We all agreed that, with its beauty and tranquillity, this was the place for Diana to be”. The ground was consecrated by the Bishop of Peterborough prior to the burial. Her burial place is marked with a white memorial plinth and urn.

A Doric-style temple with Diana’s name inscribed on top is situated across from the lake, as a place where visitors can lay down their floral tributes to the princess. It contains a black silhouette of her in the middle, set in white marble, evocative of the Henry Holland’s material preference, with a tablet on either side. One tablet displays a quote from Diana about her love of charitable work, and the other holds Charles Spencer’s concluding tribute given at her funeral in Westminster Abbey.

Following the death of Diana on 31 August 1997 and the subsequent decision to create a memorial and open the house and estate to the public, the garden designer Dan Pearson was commissioned to update the park and gardens, to accommodate for visitors. A series of 36 oak trees was planted along the access road, symbolic of the years of Diana’s life. Thousands of plants were planted, including 100 white rambling roses on the island and 1000 white water lilies, donated by Stowe School, in the water around it.

The estate stable block was converted into a public exhibition devoted to the memory of Diana, and open between 1998 and 2013, It was designed by Rasshied Ali Din, who had to seek approval from English Heritage due to it being a Grade II listed building. Din said of the result, “You have a contrast of the modern and the new with the old and the established, which is basically a metaphor for Diana. She was a very modern woman within an established environment.” He created six rooms out of the former carriage houses and stabling areas, and the old tea room was transformed into a restaurant, and toilets installed for visitors.

The first room was called “Spencer Women”, placing Diana in context to the women of her family, with paintings and jewellery of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, and portraits of Georgiana Spencer etc. The next room contained four minutes of edited video footage of Diana as a child to show to the world that she did not simply come into being in 1980 when she became the girlfriend of Prince Charles. It featured footage of Diana at her christening, her first winter, her first birthday, her first steps, and footage displaying her affection for animals, swimming, and leaving for boarding school. The room also contained her tuck-box, toy typewriter, ballet shoes, and a childhood photo album.

A third room documented the Royal Wedding and its “glamour and excitement”, with a display of the David Emanuel wedding dress she wore on 29 July 1981. A fourth room documented her extensive charitable and humanitarian work through video footage edited by Tim Ashton, and a fifth, known as the “Tribute Room”, was an “evocation of those doom-laden days between Diana’s death and burial, when the public were reduced to shocked silence in their attempt to digest the death of a much-loved icon”.

The sixth room was the Exhibition, which was a celebration of her life, and contained large glass cases at the sides with dummies of Diana wearing her notable suits and dresses, with the occasions documented on cards on the floor in front of them. A great glass case at the end underneath a stylish black and white photograph contained a selected few hundred of the thousands of condolence books the Spencers received from around the world, designed to give a “final sense of scale to the impact of Diana’s life and of her death”. A sleek, silk-bound copy of the incendiary address that her brother Charles delivered at Diana’s funeral was available for £25.

The estate and house are open to the public during the summer months (1 July to 30 August), although the exhibition centre in the stable block was closed in August 2013. It was believed to be due to concern about the commercial exploitation of Diana’s name, and the desire to “squash the cult of Diana”. The items on display have been packed up, with the intention to give them to her sons William and Harry. All profits made were donated to the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund, which closed in 2012.

Source: Wikipedia

The Funeral of Princess Diana (1997)

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Death of Princess Diana – 2.11 – Princess Diana’s Island (Althorp)


Princess Diana’s Island

The Official Story

(West Northamptonshire, England)


Althorp is a Grade I listed stately home and estate in the civil parish of Althorp, in West Northamptonshire, England of about 13,000 acres (5,300 ha). By road it is about 6 miles (9.7 km) northwest of the county town of Northampton and about 75 miles (121 km) northwest of central London, situated between the villages of Great Brington and Harlestone. It has been held by the prominent aristocratic Spencer family for more than 500 years, and has been owned by Charles Spencer, 9th Earl Spencer since 1992. It was also the home of Lady Diana Spencer (later Princess of Wales) from her parents’ divorce until her marriage to Charles, Prince of Wales.

Burial of Diana, Princess Of Wales

The burial occurred privately later the same day. Diana’s former husband, sons, mother, siblings, a close friend, and a clergyman were present. Diana’s body was clothed in a black long-sleeved, three-quarter length woolen cocktail dress designed by Catherine Walker which she had chosen some weeks before, a pair of black pantyhose, and a pair of black shoes. A set of rosary beads was placed in her hands, a gift she had received from Mother Teresa, who died the same week as Diana. In her hands there was also a photograph of her sons, a photo which travelled around with her and had been found in her handbag. Paul Burrell reportedly also took some pictures of Prince Harry and Prince William from under her glass dressing table from her Kensington Palace apartment and put them in her coffin as well. Her grave is on an island (52.283082°N 1.000278°W) within the grounds of Althorp Park, the Spencer family home for centuries. The ground was consecrated by the Bishop of Peterborough prior to the burial.

At the ceremony, the Royal Standard which had covered the coffin was removed. Paul Burrell, Diana’s former butler, claimed that the standard had been removed by Diana’s brother moments before she was buried, and replaced with the Spencer family flag. He claimed the Earl said that “She (Diana) is a Spencer now.” Burrell also condemned the move, telling the Daily Mirror that “It had more to do with his Spencer v Windsor war than doing what Diana would have wanted. It was inappropriate and disrespectful. I knew it was not what Diana would have wanted. With that act, her brother was depriving the Princess of her proper status in life – a status of which she was proud.” Earl Spencer called Burrell’s comments “hurtful lies” and said in a statement: “The Queen’s standard was removed as part of the ceremony by her own officer in a dignified and pre-agreed manner”.

The original plan was for Diana to be buried in the Spencer family vault at the local church in nearby Great Brington, but Lord Spencer said that he was concerned about public safety and security and the onslaught of visitors that might overwhelm Great Brington. He decided that Diana would be buried where her grave could be easily cared for and visited in privacy by William, Harry, and other Spencer relatives.

The island is in an ornamental lake known as The Round Oval within Althorp Park’s gardens. A path with thirty-six oak trees, marking each year of her life, leads to the Oval. Four black swans swim in the lake. In the water there are water lilies, which, in addition to white roses, were Diana’s favourite flowers. On the southern verge of the Round Oval sits the Summerhouse, previously in the gardens of Admiralty House, London, and now adapted to serve as a memorial to Diana. An ancient arboretum stands nearby, which contains trees planted by the family. The Spencer family’s decision to bury the Princess in this secluded—and private—location has enabled them to visit her grave in private.

The burial party was provided by the 2nd Battalion, The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment (Queen’s and Royal Hampshires), who were given the honour of carrying the Princess across to the island and laying her to rest. Diana was the Regiment’s Colonel-in-Chief from 1992 to 1996.

Diana’s Grave

Diana, Princess of Wales was interred on a small island in the middle of the ornamental Round Oval lake, which was created by Teulon in 1868. The island was decided as the best place to lay her to rest because the water would, according to Spencer, “act as a buffer against the interventions of the insane and ghoulish, the thick mud presenting a further line of defence. We all agreed that, with its beauty and tranquillity, this was the place for Diana to be”. The ground was consecrated by the Bishop of Peterborough prior to the burial. Her burial place is marked with a white memorial plinth and urn.

Source: Wikipedia

The Funeral of Princess Diana (1997)

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Death of Princess Diana – 2.12 – The Queen (2006) Theatrical Posters


The Queen (2006)

The Official Story

THE QUEEN (2006)


The Queen is a 2006 British biographical drama film that depicts the events following the death of Diana, Princess of Wales in 1997. Initially, the Royal Family regard Diana’s death as a private affair and thus not to be treated as an official royal death, in contrast with the views of Prime Minister Tony Blair and Diana’s ex-husband, Prince Charles, who favour the general public’s desire for an official expression of grief. Matters are further complicated by the media, royal protocol regarding Diana’s official status, and wider issues about republicanism.

The film was written by Peter Morgan, directed by Stephen Frears, and starring Helen Mirren in the title role of Queen Elizabeth II. The film’s production and release coincided with a revival of favourable public sentiment in respect to the monarchy, a downturn in fortunes for Blair, and the British inquest into the death of Diana, Operation Paget. Actor Michael Sheen reprised his role as Blair from The Deal in 2003, and he did so again in The Special Relationship in 2010.

The Queen garnered general critical and popular acclaim for Mirren playing the title role, which earned her numerous awards, namely the Academy Award, the Volpi Cup for Best Actress, the BAFTA Award, and the Golden Globe Award. Mirren was praised by the Queen herself and was invited to dinner at Buckingham Palace. However, Mirren could not attend due to filming commitments in Hollywood.

The Queen (2006) Official Trailer


The 1997 general election has Tony Blair and the Labour Party elected as government, on a manifesto of reform and modernisation. Less than four months later, Diana, Princess of Wales, is killed in a car crash at the Alma Bridge tunnel in Paris.

Immediately, her death presents problems for her former husband, Prince Charles, and the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, to accord the mother of a future king who is no longer a member of the royal family. Queen Elizabeth II wonders if Blair will turn his modernisation pledge on to the royal family since he attempts to have her reconsider her views on the funeral plans. Diana’s family, the Spencers, calls for the funeral to be private.

In the press, Diana is dubbed the “People’s Princess”; this begins an outpouring of grief by the general public in broadcasts, and displays of floral tributes so numerous at Buckingham and Kensington Palaces that the main entrances onto the complexes have to be rerouted. The royal family’s senior members make no effort to acknowledge Diana’s significance to society and remain on holiday at Balmoral. The royal family’s popularity plummets, while Blair’s approval rises as he responds to the royal family’s public outcry of inaction.

Blair’s attempts to guide the royal family through the controversy are met with resistance: the Queen describes them as a surrender to public hysteria. Despite the Queen and Prince Philip’s indignation toward any sympathy toward Diana or acknowledgment of the country’s mourning, he is encouraged by the private secretaries of both the Prince of Wales and the Queen to continue with his attempts to change the attitude of the royal family. As Britain continues its outpouring of grief, Blair attempts to defend the royal family publicly, but his attempts are futile. Blair’s compassion earns him overwhelming praise and adoration, while the royal family’s indifference earns them fiery condemnation from the people. As Britain’s outrage hits a critical mass, Blair cannot placate the Queen’s refusal to acknowledge Diana and the public any longer, revealing to her that 70% of the country believes her actions are damaging to the monarchy, and “1 in 4” people are in favour of abolishing the monarchy altogether. Blair adamantly insists that the royal family fly the flag at Buckingham Palace at half-mast, that the Queen pay her respects to Diana, and give a public address consoling the country.

Although she is demoralised by the country’s reaction and the Prime Minister’s suggestions, the Queen comes to realise that the world has changed during her reign. She and Prince Philip return to London, despite their disagreement. The Queen finally pays public tribute on live television to Diana’s significance to the nation and society and can somewhat quell Britain’s agony. The royal family attends the public funeral for Diana at Westminster Abbey.

At Blair’s next meeting with the Queen, they exchange views about what has happened since their last meeting, including the controversy surrounding Diana’s death and the actions that followed. Then she cautions the prime minister that, just as public opinion has changed about how the royal family should react to a new Britain, so must he as he may very well find himself in the same position of changing public opinion.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




Death of Princess Diana – 2.13 – Diana: Last Days of a Princess (2007)


Diana: Last Days
of a Princess (2007)

The Official Story



Diana: Last Days of a Princess is a television movie broadcast in the United States by TLC on 12 August 2007 and subsequent dates. It also has aired on Five, UKTV History and UKTV Drama in the United Kingdom, RTÉ in Ireland, ProSieben in Germany, TF1 in France, RTP in Portugal, Channel 7 in Australia, Channel One in Russia, Jim in Finland and the History Channel in India.

The film purports to be a fairly accurate (albeit semi-fictionalized) account of the last two months in the life of Diana, Princess of Wales, leading up to her death on 31 August 1997. It is a mix of scripted scenes, actual news footage, and recent interviews with some of the principals present during the period portrayed, including Mohamed Al-Fayed and editors from The Sunday Mirror, giving it a hybrid drama-documentary feel. Much of Jenny Lecoat’s teleplay is based on testimony found in the 800-page Paget Report, published in 2006 by the United Kingdom’s Metropolitan Police Service following a four-year-long investigation.

Richard Dale directed a cast that includes Genevieve O’Reilly as Diana, Patrick Baladi as Dodi Al-Fayed, and Shaun Dooley as Al-Fayed family security guard Trevor Rees-Jones, Nadim Sawalha as Mohamed Al-Fayed, and Carlo Ferrante as Henri Paul, the driver of the car in which he, Diana, and Dodi were killed during a high-speed escape from paparazzi through the streets of Paris.

The Halton House in Wendover, Buckinghamshire, UK, served as the backdrop for scenes taking place at the Hôtel Ritz Paris. Other film locations included Hertfordshire, Paris (including the Pont de l’Alma Tunnel in which the car crashed) and Cannes.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.




The Death of Diana, Princess of Wales – Section 3: Operation Paget


The Official Story

(Inquests into the death of Princess Diana
and Dodi Fayed)


Under English law, an inquest is required in cases of sudden or unexplained death. A French judicial investigation had already been carried out but the 6,000-page report was never published. On 6 January 2004, six years after Diana’s death, an inquest into the crash opened in London held by Michael Burgess, the coroner of the Queen’s Household. The coroner asked the Metropolitan Police commissioner, Sir John Stevens, to make inquiries in response to speculation that the deaths were not an accident. Forensic scientist Angela Gallop was commissioned to examine the forensic evidence. The police investigation reported its findings in Operation Paget in December 2006.

In January 2006, Lord Stevens explained in an interview on GMTV that the case is substantially more complex than once thought. The Sunday Times wrote on 29 January 2006 that agents of the British secret service were cross-examined because they were in Paris at the time of the crash. It was suggested in many journals that these agents might have exchanged the blood test from Henri Paul with another blood sample (although no evidence for this has been forthcoming).

The inquests into the deaths of Diana and Fayed opened on 8 January 2007, with Dame Elizabeth Butler-Sloss acting as Deputy Coroner of the Queen’s Household for the Diana inquest and Assistant Deputy Coroner for Surrey in relation to the Fayed inquest. Butler-Sloss originally intended to sit without a jury; this decision was later overturned by the High Court of Justice, as well as the jurisdiction of the coroner of the Queen’s Household. On 24 April 2007, Butler-Sloss stepped down, saying she lacked the experience required to deal with an inquest with a jury. The role of coroner for the inquests was transferred to Lord Justice Scott Baker, who formally took up the role on 13 June as Coroner for Inner West London.

On 27 July 2007, Baker, following representations for the lawyers of the interested parties, issued a list of issues likely to be raised at the inquest, many of which had been dealt with in great detail by Operation Paget:

    1. Whether driver error on the part of Henri Paul caused or contributed to the cause of the collision
    2. Whether Henri Paul’s ability to drive was impaired through drink or drugs
    3. Whether a Fiat Uno or any other vehicle caused or contributed to the collision
    4. Whether the actions of the Paparazzi caused or contributed to the cause of the collision
    5. Whether the road/tunnel layout and construction were inherently dangerous and, if so, whether this contributed to the collision
    6. Whether any bright/flashing lights contributed to or caused the collision and, if so, their source
    7. Whose decision it was that Diana and Dodi Al Fayed should leave from the rear entrance to the Ritz and that Henri Paul should drive the vehicle
    8. Henri Paul’s movements between 7 and 10 pm on 30 August 1997
    9. The explanation for the money in Henri Paul’s possession on 30 August 1997 and in his bank account
    10. Whether Andanson, a photographer who followed the princess in the week before her death, was in Paris on the night of the collision
    11. Whether Diana’s life would have been saved if she had reached hospital sooner or if her medical treatment had been different
    12. Whether Diana was pregnant
    13. Whether Diana and Dodi Al Fayed were about to announce their engagement
    14. Whether and, if so in what circumstances, the Princess of Wales feared for her life
    15. The circumstances relating to the purchase of the ring
    16. The circumstances in which Diana’s body was embalmed
    17. Whether the evidence of Tomlinson throws any light on the collision
    18. Whether the British or any other security services had any involvement in the collision
    19. Whether there was anything sinister about (i) the Cherruault burglary or (ii) the disturbance at the Big Pictures agency
    20. Whether correspondence belonging to Diana (including some from Prince Philip) has disappeared, and if so the circumstances.

The inquests officially began on 2 October 2007 with the swearing of a jury of six women and five men. Lord Justice Baker delivered a lengthy opening statement giving general instructions to the jury and introducing the evidence. The BBC reported that Mohamed Al-Fayed, having earlier reiterated his claim that his son and Diana were murdered by the Royal Family, immediately criticised the opening statement as biased.

The inquest heard evidence from people connected with Diana and the events leading to her death, including Rees-Jones, Mohamed Al-Fayed, Paul Burrell, Diana’s stepmother, and the former head of MI6.

Lord Justice Baker began his summing up to the jury on 31 March 2008. He opened by telling the jury “no-one except you and I and, I think, the gentleman in the public gallery with Diana and Fayed painted on his forehead sat through every word of evidence” and concluded that there was “not a shred of evidence” that Diana’s death had been ordered by Prince Philip or organised by the security services. He concluded his summing up on Wednesday, 2 April 2008. After summing up, the jury retired to consider five verdicts, namely unlawful killing by the negligence of either or both the following vehicles or Paul; accidental death or an open verdict. The jury decided on 7 April 2008 that Diana had been unlawfully killed by the “grossly negligent driving of the following vehicles [the paparazzi] and of the Mercedes driver Henri Paul”. Princes William and Harry released a statement in which they said that they “agree with their verdicts and are both hugely grateful”. Mohamed Al-Fayed also said that he would accept the verdict and “abandon his 10-year campaign to prove that Diana and Dodi were murdered in a conspiracy“.

The cost of the inquiry exceeded £12.5 million, the coroner’s inquest cost £4.5 million; a further £8 million was spent on the Metropolitan Police investigation. It lasted 6 months and heard 250 witnesses, with the cost heavily criticised in the media.

Source: Wikipedia




A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.





Death of Princess Diana – 3.1 – Operation Paget (British Metropolitan Police Inquiry)


Operation Paget

The Official Story

(Investigation into the conspiracy theories about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales)


Operation Paget was the British Metropolitan Police inquiry established in 2004 to investigate the conspiracy theories about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, in 1997. The inquiry’s first report with the findings of the criminal investigation was published in 2006. The inquiry was wound up following the conclusion of the British inquest in 2008, in which a jury delivered its verdict of an “unlawful killing” by the driver and the pursuing paparazzi.


The criminal investigation in the United Kingdom was initiated on 6 January 2004 when the coroner of the Queen’s Household, Michael Burgess, asked the then Metropolitan Police commissioner, Sir John Stevens, to conduct enquiries into allegations of a cover-up and conspiracy: that MI6, under the orders of the royal family, deliberately caused the fatal car crash in Paris that killed Diana and Dodi.

The investigation was legally necessary; once the inquest into the deaths got under way in the United Kingdom, it became apparent to the coroner that allegations were being made that a crime had taken place on UK soil: namely, conspiracy to murder. Coroners are legally obliged to refer to the police any information or evidence that comes before them concerning a suspected or actual crime. The basis of the investigation was public statements made mainly by Dodi Fayed’s father, Mohamed Al-Fayed.

The investigation initially was confined to the general premise of the alleged conspiracy, but was eventually broadened to cover every associated allegation made through the media, in legal submissions, and in formal correspondence since the crash. The level of detail of the investigation is reflected in the report’s length at 832 pages which took a team of fourteen experienced police officers nearly three years to compile. Accident Investigation experts from TRL assisted the police enquiry.

The British police also carried out investigations in Paris. Because of public interest in Diana, the Metropolitan Police decided to publish the report on the internet, although it had been drafted as an internal police document. The criminal investigation was expected to cost at least 2 million pounds. The cost of the inquiry eventually exceeded £12.5 million, with the coroner’s inquest at £4.5 million, and a further £8 million spent on the Metropolitan Police investigation.

Criminal investigation report

The criminal investigation report’s chapter titles are:

    1. Whether driver error on the part of Henri Paul caused or contributed to the cause of the collision
    2. Whether Henri Paul’s ability to drive was impaired through drink or drugs
    3. Whether a Fiat Uno or any other vehicle caused or contributed to the collision
    4. Whether the actions of the Paparazzi caused or contributed to the cause of the collision
    5. Whether the road/tunnel layout and construction were inherently dangerous and, if so, whether this contributed to the collision
    6. Whether any bright/flashing lights contributed to or caused the collision and, if so, their source
    7. Whose decision it was that Diana and Dodi Al Fayed should leave from the rear entrance to the Ritz and that Henri Paul should drive the vehicle
    8. Henri Paul’s movements between 7 and 10 pm on 30 August 1997
    9. The explanation for the money in Henri Paul’s possession on 30 August 1997 and in his bank account
    10. Whether Andanson, a photographer who followed the princess in the week before her death, was in Paris on the night of the collision
    11. Whether Diana’s life would have been saved if she had reached hospital sooner or if her medical treatment had been different
    12. Whether Diana was pregnant
    13. Whether Diana and Dodi Al Fayed were about to announce their engagement
    14. Whether and, if so in what circumstances, the Princess of Wales feared for her life
    15. The circumstances relating to the purchase of the ring
    16. The circumstances in which Diana’s body was embalmed
    17. Whether the evidence of Tomlinson throws any light on the collision
    18. Whether the British or any other security services had any involvement in the collision
    19. Whether there was anything sinister about (i) the Cherruault burglary or (ii) the disturbance at the Big Pictures agency
    20. Whether correspondence belonging to Diana (including some from Prince Philip) has disappeared, and if so the circumstances.

Conclusion of Criminal Investigation Report

Each chapter of the report concluded that all allegations made since the crash of conspiracy were without foundation and all the evidence obtained point to the deaths of Diana and Fayed as being the result of a tragic accident. The script for the 2007 television docudrama Diana: Last Days of a Princess borrowed heavily from testimony in the Paget report.

Angela Gallop‘s analysis of Diana’s stomach content proved to Operation Paget that Diana was not pregnant when she died.

Later developments

On 3 April 2007, the deputy coroner of the Queen’s Household, Baroness Butler-Sloss, decided to grant access to the evidence collected by the criminal investigation to lawyers for Mohammed Al-Fayed to assist them in putting together their case in support of the conspiracy allegation for the inquest to begin in October 2007. On 15 May 2007, it was revealed by Baroness Butler-Sloss that the underlying material collected by the criminal investigation team ran to more than 11,000 pages when printed out and also consisted of more than 1,400 photographs, several DVDs, large-sized plans and other data. The material was substantially disclosed to the interested persons and legal teams.

Coroner’s Inquest

The coroner’s inquest opened on 2 October 2007, headed by Lord Justice Scott Baker. The opening statement was largely made up of evidence and findings in the criminal investigation report. On 7 April 2008, the jury came to the verdict that Diana and Fayed were unlawfully killed as a result of “gross negligence” of the driver Henri Paul and the paparazzi. Contributing factors cited included “the impairment of the judgment of the driver of the Mercedes [Henri Paul] through alcohol” and that none of those who died were wearing a seatbelt.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Death of Princess Diana – 3.2 – New Scotland Yard (Metropolitan Police Headquarters)


New Scotland Yard

The Official Story

(Operation Paget)


The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), formerly and still commonly known as the Metropolitan Police (and informally as the Met Police, the Met, Scotland Yard, or the Yard), is the territorial police force responsible for law enforcement and the prevention of crime in Greater London. In addition, the Metropolitan Police is also responsible for some specialised matters throughout the United Kingdom; these responsibilities include co-ordinating and leading national counter-terrorism measures and the personal safety of specific individuals, such as the Monarch and other members of the Royal Family, members of the Government, and other officials (such as the Leader of the Opposition).

The main geographical area of responsibilities of the Metropolitan Police District consists of the 32 London boroughs, but does not include the City of London proper — that is, the central financial district also known as the “Square Mile” — which is policed by a separate force, the City of London Police. As the force responsible for a police area that is also the capital of the United Kingdom, the Met has significant unique responsibilities and challenges, such as protecting 164 foreign embassies and High Commissions, policing London City and Heathrow Airports, policing and protecting the Palace of Westminster, and dealing with significantly more protests and events than any other force in the country, with 3,500 such events in 2016.

The force, by officer numbers, is the largest in the United Kingdom by a significant margin, and one of the biggest in the world. Leaving its national responsibilities aside, the Met has the eighth-smallest police area (primary geographic area of responsibility) of the territorial police forces in the United Kingdom.

The force is led by the Commissioner, whose formal title is the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis. The Commissioner is answerable, responsible and accountable to The King, the Home Office and the Mayor of London, through the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime. The post of Commissioner was first held jointly by Sir Charles Rowan and Sir Richard Mayne. Sir Stephen House is the current Acting Commissioner; he succeeded Dame Cressida Dick in April 2022.

A number of informal names and abbreviations are applied to the Metropolitan Police Service, the most common being “The Met”. The Met is also referred to as Scotland Yard after the location of its original headquarters in a road called Great Scotland Yard in Whitehall. The Met’s current headquarters is New Scotland Yard, situated on the Victoria Embankment.

Operation Paget

Operation Paget was the British Metropolitan Police inquiry established in 2004 to investigate the conspiracy theories about the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, in 1997. The inquiry’s first report with the findings of the criminal investigation was published in 2006. The inquiry was wound up following the conclusion of the British inquest in 2008, in which a jury delivered its verdict of an “unlawful killing” by the driver and the pursuing paparazzi.

New Scotland Yard

New Scotland Yard, formerly known as the Curtis Green Building and before that as Whitehall Police Station, is a building in Westminster, London. Since November 2016, it has been the Scotland Yard headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), the fourth such premises since the force’s foundation in 1829. It is located on the Victoria Embankment and is situated within the Whitehall Conservation Area. It neighbours the Norman Shaw and Ministry of Defence buildings, together with Richmond House and Portcullis House.

The New Scotland Yard building was designed in 1935 by the English architect William Curtis Green, who was commissioned to build an annexe to the existing Norman Shaw North building, which had been the Metropolitan Police’s headquarters since 1890. Together with the Norman Shaw South building, the three sites were split off in 1967, with the Norman Shaw buildings being taken over by the British Government and the Curtis Green annexe being retained by the police. The earlier annexe, built at the rear of the Norman Shaw South building in 1898 by the Met’s surveyor and principal architect John Dixon Butler, was retained as a police station and used operationally until 1992.

In 2013, as a result of an estate reorganisation, the former “New Scotland Yard” in the neighbouring Broadway was sold and the force headquarters was relocated to the Curtis Green Building after extensive renovations. It was renamed New Scotland Yard in 2016.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Death of Princess Diana – 3.3 – Michael Burgess (Coroner of the Queen’s Household)


Michael Burgess

The Official Story

(Coroner of the Queen’s Household)


Michael John Clement Burgess, CVO, OBE (born 31 March 1946) was the Coroner of the Queen’s Household. He was educated at Beaumont College and King’s College London. He was appointed deputy coroner in 1991 and was appointed coroner in 2002.

He was in charge of the inquest into the deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed until July 2006. He then announced that he wished to stand down from the case due to a “heavy and constant” workload.

He has been the Surrey coroner since 1986.

He was appointed Commander of the Royal Victorian Order (CVO) in the 2016 Birthday Honours.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Death of Princess Diana – 3.4 – John Stevens (Headed Operation Paget)


John Stevens

The Official Story

(Headed Operation Paget, the Metropolitan Police Inquiry into the death of Diana, Princess of Wales)


John Arthur Stevens, Baron Stevens of Kirkwhelpington, KStJ, QPM, DL, FRSA (born 21 October 1942) was Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis (head of the Metropolitan Police Service) from 2000 until 2005. From 1991 to 1996, he was Chief Constable of Northumbria Police before being appointed one of HM Inspectors of Constabulary in September 1996. He was then appointed Deputy Commissioner of the Met in 1998 until his promotion to Commissioner in 2000. He was a writer for the News of the World, for £7,000 an article, until his resignation as the hacking scandal progressed.

He sits in the House of Lords as a crossbencher.

Police career

Stevens was educated at St. Lawrence College, Ramsgate, the University of Leicester where he took an LL.B and the University of Southampton, where he did his MPhil. Before becoming Chief Constable of Northumbria, he served as Assistant Chief Constable of the Hampshire Constabulary (1986–88) and Deputy Chief Constable of the Cambridgeshire Constabulary (1988–91).

He presided over an external police inquiry into allegations in Northern Ireland of collusion between the British Army, the Royal Ulster Constabulary and loyalist terrorists in the murders of Irish nationalists. Stevens’s third report, published on 17 April 2003, upheld the claim and explicitly said that collusion leading to the murder of nationalists (and some unionists wrongly thought to be Catholic or nationalist) had taken place. In the aftermath of the report, David Trimble, then-leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, called for a parliamentary inquiry into the collusion, while the leaders of the SDLP and Sinn Féin called for a full public inquiry. A subsequent government ordered review by Sir Desmond de Silva, QC, announced in December 2012, confirmed the findings of the Stevens 1, 2 and 3 Inquiries regarding collusion between loyalist paramilitary groups and British intelligence in killings in Northern Ireland, which resulted in 97 convictions, and a large number of recommendations, which were accepted.


After his retirement as Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, on 6 April 2005 he was created a life peer as Baron Stevens of Kirkwhelpington, of Kirkwhelpington in the County of Northumberland. He headed a Metropolitan Police inquiry, Operation Paget, into the death of Diana, Princess of Wales on 31 August 1997, which reported its findings in 2006.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Death of Princess Diana – 3.5 – Angela Gallop (Forensic Scientist, Investigated the death of Princess Diana)


Angela Gallop

The Official Story

(Forensic Scientist, Investigated the death of Diana, Princess of Wales)


Angela Mary Cecilia Gallop CBE (born 2 January 1950) is a British forensic scientist. She began her career with the Forensic Science Service in 1974. Since 1986, she has run her own forensic service companies. Her findings helped solve notorious cases such as the deaths of Roberto Calvi, Rachel Nickell, Lynette White, Damilola Taylor, and Gareth Williams. She also took part in the investigation of the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, finding no evidence to support theories of a conspiracy. She has been awarded the Order of the British Empire for her scientific contributions, detailed in her books, and has been portrayed on television.

Forensic Alliance

Gallop founded another company, Forensic Alliance, in 1997, providing service to the police. In 1999, the company solved the 1988 murder of Lynette White by finding a microscopic flake of dried blood under two layers of new paint. The police began hiring Gallop whenever they needed to review significant cold cases. She was asked in 2003 to review the evidence in the 2000 killing of Damilola Taylor. In 2004, the Metropolitan Police commissioned her to have a look at the forensic evidence relating to the 1997 car crash deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi Fayed. Gallop found no grounds to support the claims of Fayed’s father, Mohamed Al-Fayed, that the couple were killed in a conspiracy involving the British royal family. Gallop’s analysis of Diana’s stomach content proved to Operation Paget that Diana was not pregnant when she died.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Death of Princess Diana – 3.6 – Elizabeth Butler-Sloss (Chaired the Inquests into the deaths of Princess Diana & Dodi Fayed)


Elizabeth Butler-Sloss

The Official Story

(Deputy Coroner of the Queen’s Household)


Ann Elizabeth Oldfield Butler-Sloss, Baroness Butler-Sloss, GBE, PC (born 10 August 1933), is a retired English judge. She was the first female Lord Justice of Appeal and was the highest-ranking female judge in the United Kingdom until 2004, when Baroness Hale was appointed to the House of Lords. Until June 2007, she chaired the inquests into the deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi Fayed. She stood down from that task with effect from that date, and the inquest was conducted by Lord Justice Scott Baker.

Legal career

On 7 September 2006, she was appointed as Deputy Coroner of the Queen’s Household and Assistant Deputy Coroner for Surrey for the purpose of hearing the inquest into the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.

On 2 March 2007, she was appointed as Assistant Deputy Coroner for Inner West London for the purpose of transferring the jurisdiction of the inquest to Inner West London so that the proceedings may sit in the Royal Courts of Justice. On 24 April 2007, she announced she was stepping down in June 2007, saying she lacked the experience required to deal with an inquest with a jury. The role of coroner for the inquests was transferred to Lord Justice Scott Baker. This had been preceded by the overturning by the High Court of her earlier decision to hold the inquest without a jury.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Death of Princess Diana – 3.7 – Scott Baker (Coroner, Inquests into the deaths of Princess Diana & Dodi Fayed)


Scott Baker

The Official Story

(Coroner for the inquests into the deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed, 2007-2008)


Sir Thomas Scott Gillespie Baker, PC (born 10 December 1937) is a retired English Court of Appeal judge.

He is correctly referred to in English legal writing as Scott Baker, distinguishing him from his father.

Scott Baker is the eldest son of Sir George Baker, a former High Court judge who was President of the Family Division from 1971 to 1979. One of his brothers, Judge Michael Baker, QC, was the Resident judge at St Albans Crown Court.

Scott Baker was educated at Haileybury & Imperial Service College, and studied at Brasenose College, Oxford. He was a member of Chorleywood Urban District Council from 1964 to 1967. He married (Margaret) Joy Baker on 10 February 1973. They had 2 sons and one 1 daughter together.

He was called to the bar at the Middle Temple in 1961, and practised in a range of legal areas, including family finance cases, and professional negligence.

He became a recorder in 1976, and was appointed a Queen’s Counsel in 1978. He became a Bencher at Middle Temple in 1985. He was a member of the Committee that inquired into human fertilisation in 1982 to 1984, chaired by Mary Warnock, which led to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990.

He was appointed as a High Court judge in 1988 (and was styled Mr Justice Scott Baker), receiving the customary knighthood, and allocated to the Family Division. He moved to the Queen’s Bench Division in 1993. He was Presiding Judge of the Wales and Chester Circuit from 1991 to 1995, and a member of the Parole Board from 1999 to 2002. He was the Lead Judge of the Administrative Court from 2000 to 2002. In 1999, he presided over the trial of Great Western Trains following the Southall rail crash in 1997. He dismissed charges of corporate manslaughter, as there was no identifiable individual in the company who was also guilty of gross negligence, but levied a then-record fine for health and safety offences of £1.5m. His judgment was upheld on appeal. The same year, Scott Baker presided at the trial of Jonathan Aitken on charges of perjury following the collapse of Aitken’s libel suit against The Guardian.

Scott Baker was promoted in 2002, becoming a Lord Justice of Appeal. He was Treasurer of his Inn of Court, the Middle Temple, in 2004. He sat as coroner for the inquests into the deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed from 2 October 2007 to 7 April 2008.

In March 2011, Scott Baker was sworn in as a Justice of the Court of Appeal of Bermuda, a position that he held until 2018.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Death of Princess Diana – 3.8 – David Spedding (Chief, Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), 1994-1999)


David Spedding

MI6 Headquarters

The Official Story

(Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), 1994-1999)


Sir David Rolland Spedding KCMG CVO OBE (7 March 1943 – 13 June 2001) was Head of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) from 1994 to 1999.


David Spedding joined the Secret Intelligence Service in 1967, while a postgraduate student at Oxford. He then attended the Middle East Center for Arabic Studies in Beirut, becoming a specialist on Middle East affairs. He also served in Santiago and Abu Dhabi.

In 1971 Spedding was named as the local SIS station commander in Lebanon, and was later posted to Abu Dhabi in 1977. Following his Middle East Directorate appointment in 1983, he was made the Amman Jordan station head, and was subsequently commended in that position for uncovering an Abu Nidal plan to assassinate the Queen during an upcoming Jordan visit. For this he was made Commander of the Royal Victorian Order.

In 1993, Spedding became Director of Requirements and Operations. In 1994 he became Chief of the Service, becoming the first chief to have never served in the armed forces, and the youngest to have held the position to that date. During Spedding’s tenure the SIS faced some degree of negative publicity due to unauthorized disclosures in the wake of Richard Tomlinson’s dismissal.

Sir David Spedding died of lung cancer on 13 June 2001, aged 58.

Alleged MI6 involvement in the death of Princess Diana

Richard Tomlinson, a former MI6 officer who was dismissed from the intelligence services and later served five months in prison for breaching the Official Secrets Act 1989, claimed in a sworn statement to the French inquiry in May 1999 that Britain’s MI6 had been involved in the crash, suggesting that the security service had documentation which would assist Judge Stephan in his inquiry. The previous August, he had been reported by the BBC to have claimed that Paul was working for the security services and that one of Diana’s bodyguards, either Trevor Rees-Jones (now known as Trevor Rees) or Kes Wingfield, was a contact for British intelligence. Tomlinson alleged that MI6 was monitoring Diana before her death, had told Mohamed Al-Fayed that Paul was an MI6 agent, and that her death mirrored plans he saw in 1992 for the assassination of then President of Serbia Slobodan Milošević, using a strobe light to blind his chauffeur.

On 13 February 2008, Tomlinson told the inquest that he may have misremembered and that he had no evidence that Paul was an MI6 agent, but he had said in the previous day’s court session that Paul was supplying MI6 with information. Speaking by video-link from France, Tomlinson conceded that, after the interval of 16 or 17 years, he “could not remember specifically” whether the document he had seen during 1992 had in fact proposed the use of a strobe light to cause a traffic crash as a means of assassinating Milošević, although use of lights for this purpose had been covered in his MI6 training. The Operation Paget Inquiry was given unprecedented access to the offices of both MI5 and MI6 to investigate Tomlinson’s claims. It was later revealed that the mentioned memo was a proposal written in March 1993 to assassinate another Serbian figure if he gained power, not Milošević. Furthermore, the plan did not involve anything about using flashlights.

Further evidence discrediting Tomlinson’s claims was found in drafts of a book he was writing about his time in MI6 before he was jailed in 1998 for breaching the Official Secrets Act. The draft, dating from 1996, referred to the memo and contained none of the detail about a staged car crash with flashlights in a tunnel.

The inquest was later told by an anonymous MI6 manager (referred to during proceedings as “Miss X”) that MI6 were not keeping any file on either the Princess or Dodi, and that there was no plan involving them. The inquiry concluded by dismissing Tomlinson’s claims as an embellishment. It went on to comment that this embellishment was largely responsible for giving rise to the theories Diana was murdered.

Tomlinson was arrested by French authorities in July 2006 as part of their inquiry into the death of Diana. French police were also reported to have seized computer files and personal papers from his home in Cannes.

Source: Wikipedia

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Rothschild Central Banking System – Region B: Europe



The Official Story



A central bank, reserve bank, or monetary authority is an institution that manages the currency and monetary policy of a state or formal monetary union, and oversees their commercial banking system. In contrast to a commercial bank, a central bank possesses a monopoly on increasing the monetary base. Most central banks also have supervisory and regulatory powers to ensure the stability of member institutions, to prevent bank runs, and to discourage reckless or fraudulent behavior by member banks.

Central banks in most developed nations are institutionally independent from political interference. Still, limited control by the executive and legislative bodies exists.

Spread around the world

Central banks were established in many European countries during the 19th century. Napoleon created the Banque de France in 1800, in an attempt to improve the financing of his wars. On the continent of Europe, the Bank of France remained the most important central bank throughout the 19th century. The Bank of Finland was founded in 1812, soon after Finland had been taken over from Sweden by Russia to become its grand duchy. A central banking role was played by a small group of powerful family banking houses, typified by the House of Rothschild, with branches in major cities across Europe, as well as the Hottinguer family in Switzerland and the Oppenheim family in Germany.

Although central banks today are generally associated with fiat money, the 19th and early 20th centuries central banks in most of Europe and Japan developed under the international gold standard. Free banking or currency boards were common at this time. Problems with collapses of banks during downturns, however, led to wider support for central banks in those nations which did not as yet possess them, most notably in Australia.

Australia established its first central bank in 1920, Peru in 1922, Colombia in 1923, Mexico and Chile in 1925 and Canada, India and New Zealand in the aftermath of the Great Depression in 1934. By 1935, the only significant independent nation that did not possess a central bank was Brazil, which subsequently developed a precursor thereto in 1945 and the present Central Bank of Brazil twenty years later. After gaining independence, African and Asian countries also established central banks or monetary unions. The Reserve Bank of India, which had been established during British colonial rule as a private company, was nationalized in 1949 following India’s independence.

The People’s Bank of China evolved its role as a central bank starting in about 1979 with the introduction of market reforms, which accelerated in 1989 when the country adopted a generally capitalist approach to its export economy. Evolving further partly in response to the European Central Bank, the People’s Bank of China had by 2000 become a modern central bank. The most recent bank model was introduced together with the euro, and involves coordination of the European national banks, which continue to manage their respective economies separately in all respects other than currency exchange and base interest rates.

Source: Wikipedia



CountryEst. Population (2022)
ALBANIA: Bank of Albania2.8 million
AUSTRIA: Austrian National Bank8.9 million
BELARUS: National Bank of the Republic of Belarus9.5 million
BELGIUM: National Bank of Belgium11.6 million
BOSNIA: Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina3.2 million
BULGARIA: Bulgarian National Bank6.7 million
CROATIA: Croatian National Bank4.0 million
CYPRUS: Central Bank of Cyprus1.2 million
CZECH REPUBLIC: Czech National Bank10.4 million
DENMARK: National Bank of Denmark5.8 million
ESTONIA: Bank of Estonia1.3 million
EUROPEAN UNION: European Central Bank
FINLAND: Bank of Finland5.5 million
FRANCE: Bank of France64.6 million
GEORGIA: National Bank of Georgia3.7 million
GERMANY: Deutsche Bundesbank83.3 million
GREECE: Bank of Greece10.3 million
HUNGARY: Magyar Nemzeti Bank9.9 million
ICELAND: Central Bank of Iceland0.3 million
IRELAND: Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland5.0 million
ITALY: Bank of Italy59.0 million
LATVIA: Bank of Latvia1.8 million
LITHUANIA: Bank of Lithuania2.7 million
LUXEMBOURG: Central Bank of Luxembourg0.6 million
MACEDONIA: National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia2.0 million
MALTA: Central Bank of Malta0.5 million
MOLDOVA: National Bank of Moldova3.2 million
MONTENEGRO: Central Bank of Montenegro0.6 million
NETHERLANDS: Netherlands Bank17.5 million
NORWAY: Central Bank of Norway5.4 million
POLAND: National Bank of Poland39.8 million
PORTUGAL: Bank of Portugal10.2 million
ROMANIA: National Bank of Romania19.6 million
RUSSIA: Central Bank of Russia144.7 million
SAN MARINO: Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino0.03 million
SERBIA: National Bank of Serbia7.2 million
SLOVAKIA: National Bank of Slovakia5.6 million
SLOVENIA: Bank of Slovenia2.1 million
SPAIN: Bank of Spain47.5 million
SWEDEN: Sveriges Riksbank10.5 million
SWITZERLAND: Swiss National Bank8.7 million
UKRAINE: National Bank of Ukraine39.6 million
UNITED KINGDOM: Bank of England67.5 million
TOTAL POPULATION:708.3 million

Titanic: The Shocking Truth (2012)
[Full Documentary — Highly Recommended]


Titanic (1997) – Stern Sinking Scene



A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.




Titanic – 10.17 – Bank of France (Paris, France)



The Bank of France


The Official Story

(Paris, France)


The Bank of France, headquartered in Paris, is the central bank of France. Founded in 1800, it began as a private institution for managing state debts and issuing notes. It is responsible for the accounts of the French government, managing the accounts and the facilitation of payments for the Treasury and some public companies. It also oversees the auctions of public securities on behalf of the European Central Bank.

Today, it is an independent institution, and it has been a member of the Eurosystem of central banks since 1999. This consists of the European Central Bank (ECB), and the national central banks (NCBs) of all European Union (EU) members. Its three main missions, as defined by its statuses, are to drive the French monetary strategy, ensure financial stability and provide services to households, small and medium businesses and the French state.

François Villeroy de Galhau has served as Governor of the Banque de France since 1 November 2015.


Central banking before the Bank of France

The Kingdom of France’s first experiment with a central bank was the Banque Générale (Banque Générale Privée or “General Private Bank”), set up by John Law at the behest of the Duke of Orléans after the death of Louis XIV. Law received the bank’s 20-year charter in May 1716 and its stock consisted of 1,200 shares valued at 5,000 livres apiece. It was meant to stimulate France’s stagnant economy and pay down its staggering national debt acquired from Louis XIV’s wars, including the War of the Spanish Succession. It was nationalized in December 1718 at Law’s request and formally renamed the Banque Royale a month later. It saw great initial success, increasing industry 60% in two years, but Law’s mercantilist policies saw him seek to establish large monopolies, leading to the Mississippi bubble. The bubble would ultimately burst in 1720, and on 27 November of that year, the Banque Royale officially closed.

The collapse of the Mississippi Company and the Banque Royale tarnished the word banque (“bank”) so much that France abandoned central banking for almost a century, possibly precipitating Louis XVI’s economic crisis and the French Revolution. Later successors like la Caisse d’escompte (from 1776 to 1793) and la Caisse d’escompte du commerce (from 1797 to 1803) used the word “caisse” instead, until Napoleon retook the term with la Banque de France (“Bank of France”) in 1800.

Key figures

In 2019, the main key figures of the Bank of France are as follows:

  • Number of full-time employees: 9,857

  • Regional branches: 95

  • Profit before tax : 6.5 billion euros

  • Dividend distributed to the French state : 6.1 billion euros

  • Gold reserves: 106.1 billion euros

  • Gold stock in France: 2,436 tons

Source: Wikipedia

Titanic (1997) – Stern Sinking Scene

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.





Titanic – 10.18 – Francois Villeroy de Galhau (Governor, Bank of France)



Francois Villeroy
de Galhau


The Official Story

(Governor of the Bank of France, 2015+)


François Villeroy de Galhau (born 24 February 1959) is a French civil servant and banker serving as Governor of the Bank of France and ex officio President of the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority since 2015.

Governor of the Bank of France

On 8 September 2015, the President of France, François Hollande, nominated Villeroy de Galhau as next Governor of the Bank of France, succeeding Christian Noyer. As such, he presides over the General Council, the body responsible for deliberating on all matters relating to non-Eurosystem activities. He conducts the three main missions of the Banque de France: monetary strategy, financial stability and the provision of economic service to households and small businesses.

As Bank of France governor, Villeroy de Galhau also sits in the Governing Council of the European Central Bank, which makes monetary policy decisions for the whole Eurozone.

Upon his arrival, Villeroy de Galhau amplified the transformation plan of his predecessor Christian Noyer, which he named “Ambition 2020”. During this period, the Bank of France transferred an amount of 4.5 billion euros to the French state in 2016, then 5 billion euros in 2017 and 5.6 billion euros in 2018, and 6.5 billions in 2019; most of which stemmed from the interest income earned in the context of the asset purchases programmes (quantitative easing) conducted in the whole Eurosystem as part of the ECB’s monetary policy.

In 2017, Villeroy de Galhau took part in the launch of the Network for Greening the Financial System. Under his leadership, the Banque de France announced plans to exit from coal and limit exposure to gas and oil in its investment portfolio by 2024 as part of a shift towards more environmentally friendly assets.

Source: Wikipedia

Titanic (1997) – Stern Sinking Scene

The Truth


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.