2023 Hawaii Wildfires – 5.6 – The War of the Worlds (1953) Martian Fighting-Machine (Heat-Ray)



destruction of the natural environment,
especially when deliberate.


The War of the Worlds

(Original Image)

The Official Story

(The War of the Worlds, 1953)


The fighting machine, also known as a tripod and very rarely as a thing, is the main war machine used by the Martians in their attempt to conquer Earth.

Design and Function

The fighting-machines are assembled in the Martian pits by handling-machines before activation and each tripod possesses an unspecified number of tentacles, one of which can retract into the tripod when its primary weapon, the Heat-Ray, is not in use. The tentacles are also able to hold a Magnetic Acceleration Cannon. Tentacles were also used in the novel to pick up people, throw them at objects, and even rip up small trees, indicating a high degree of strength and precision.

The head is described as a “brazen” hood that holds the Martian pilot. Whether “brazen” here refers to the hood being made of a brass-like substance or its attitude is uncertain. The head can turn in any direction. The tripod as a whole appears as if it is made from a substance similar to aluminum.

The Martian tripod also is composed of a segment known as the “body”, for which there are few details. The body apparently contains a jet, which can fire pressurized steam in order to dissipate black smoke. This steam is capable of breaking glass, and would surely cause a nasty burn, but is not shown in use as a weapon. There are also three legs. The novel never shows tripod legs being used to injure anyone directly, although this is a common occurrence in later works.

On the back of each tripod is what looks like a metal fishing basket, which it uses to hold humans that it captures with its tentacles.

The tripods in the original book could be destroyed by human weapons, usually artillery, although losses were usually heavier for the humans than the Martians. A number of later works assert that this is impossible.

According to one instance in the book, the machine gives off a howl that is given as “Aloo!” However, this should not be confused with “Ulla”, a sound given off by the Martians themselves.

The assembly process of the fighting machines is somewhat uncertain. When the Martians first arrive at earth, they erect a device which functions like a heat ray to defend themselves. Later on, they are said to have moved in something like a large covered dish, which is probably the hood of a fighting machine, and some components of the vehicle itself not yet set up in a fully erect form.

The Narrator discusses the fighting machines emitting a luminous green smoke from joints. A mechanical system which mimics the motions of muscles, and a number of sliding bearings are also mentioned as being integral to fighting machine technology. The devices also apparently contain large quantities of some brown fluid, which is seen to leak out when one is destroyed at Weybridge. This brown substance may turn a more reddish colour, and clump up while in water, but this is uncertain, as so many details in the novel are left slightly ambiguous.

The Narrator describes the machine like a giant cow milking bench, rocking back and forth in its walk.  London newspapers say the fighting machines were like ovens or stoves (depending on the translation) mounted on three legs, however, the narrator denies this by stating that no one has been as close to the Martians as he was, calling  later illustrations of the Martians “not very precise”.

The War of the Worlds (1953) – “Let ’em have it!”

George Pál’s The War of the Worlds

The 1953 adaptation of The War of the Worlds by renowned sci-fi producer George Pál used models resembling manta rays topped with a heat-ray “swan-neck” to portray the fighting-machine, likely inspired by Well’s description of the Flying-machines. Appropriately, these machines also hovered in the air like a spaceship. There were originally three electromagnetic legs, which can be seen early in the film and in the climax, but were discontinued during production, most likely because the producers deemed the one million volts needed to create the effect was too dangerous. Because of this it makes its legs invisible for most of the film proving it does not hover.

George Pal’s machine had two different weapons, including two wingtip mounted “skeleton beams”(which replaced the black smoke from the novel) and a swan neck heat-ray. It also has a magnetic energy shield to protect the machine from enemy fire. This shield was powerful enough to withstand the effect of the atomic bomb.



Full Name:Martians
Origin:The War of the Worlds
Abilities:– Can transplant the blood of other creatures directly inside their own veins (along with which come all the nutrients they need).
– Need no sleep.
– Able to direct practically all of their energy to neurological processes.
– Extremely focused and productive.
– Able to disintegrate by heat everything in a range of several meters.
– Make use of the Black Smoke which is a dense substance that kills instantly if inhaled (but rendered harmless in water).
– Advanced weaponry and technologies that no state-of-the-art arsenals from Earth can stop them.
– Immunity to emotions.
– Possessing enormous mechas that enable Martians greater mobility.
– Superior intelligence.
Members:Cephalopod Martians
Humanoid Martians
Hobby:Slaughtering humans (via their machines).
Harvesting humans for consumption of blood.
Waging war.
Goals:Invade and conquer Earth, take over its natural resources, and claim it as their own planet.
Wipe out humanity and all of Earth’s life.
Conquer and rule as many planets as possible
(all failed).
Mass murder (including child murder)
Attempted genocide
Type of Hostile Species:Hegemonic Aliens

Drone footage of devastation in Maui after deadly fire

The Truth


Predictive Programming is the concept whereby conspirators plan a false flag operation, they hide references to it in the popular media before the atrocity takes place; when the event occurs, the public has softened up, and therefore passively accepts it rather than offering resistance or opposition.


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

(Original Image)



The Heat-Ray is the Martians’ primary offensive weapon.

The Book

The Heat Ray is described as a camera-type box with a circular mirror attached to one of the Tripod’s tentacles.

It was the first device to be set up and made operational when the Martians arrived on earth, and is therefore probably capable of being detached, and operated separately from a fighting machine if needed, although the two are always shown together after the first fighting machine appears.

The effect of the ray is as follows:

“Then it was as if an invisible yet intensely heated finger were drawn through the heather between me and the Martians, and all along a curving line beyond the sand pits the dark ground smoked and crackled”.

The Heat Ray is also described as “A generator of intense heat in a chamber of practically absolute non-conductivity. This intense heat they project in a parallel beam against any object they choose, by means of a polished parabolic mirror of unknown composition, much as the parabolic mirror of a lighthouse projects a beam of light.”.

The only visible element of the ray in the book is a bright white flash emitted from the box chamber while the ray is fired. This is usualy changed for other media, which often shows the heat ray been visible like a beam of coloured light. The colour of the heat ray’s light varies from adaptation to adaptation, with colours including red, green, white, yellow and blue.

The War of The Worlds (1953) – The Martains Reveal Themselves

George Pál’s The War of the Worlds

In the 1953 George Pal adaptation, the Martians used 2 types of weapons. The primary is a Disintegration Heat Ray. It is mounted on a flexible turret known by some as a swan or cobra-neck. This weapon leaves of its victims nothing but remains a charred shadow of where they once stood.

The other weapon is a “Skeleton beam” (due to their ability to create a X-Ray effect upon hitting their human target) equipped on both sides of the Martians Wingtips. In the film its effect is explained as neutralizing Mesons, the atomic glue holding matter together, By cutting across their lines of magnetic force, any object will simply cease to exist.




(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.

Dr. Judy Wood – Evidence of Directed-Energy Weapons
Used On 9/11




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