2023 Hawaii Wildfires – 3.5 – Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983) The Emperor’s Throne Room (Death Star II)



destruction of the natural environment,
especially when deliberate.


Star Wars:
Return of the Jedi (1983)

(Original Image)

The Official Story

(Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, 1983)


The Sith, also referred to as the Sith Order, was an ancient religious order of Force-wielders devoted to the dark side of the Force. Driven by their emotions, including hate, anger, and greed, the Sith were deceptive and obsessed with gaining power no matter the cost. The order reached the apex of its power under Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith who achieved his order’s goal of galactic conquest after a millennium of plotting. Within a generation, however, the deaths of Darth Sidious and Darth Vader marked the end of the Sith Lords.

Thousands of years before the Clone Wars, the Jedi Order was fractured by a schism that began when a rogue and his followers turned away from the light side of the Force, believing the dark side was the path to true power. Having relocated to the planet Korriban in the Outer Rim Territories, their movement ultimately evolved into the Sith Order, resulting in a war between the former brothers and sisters in the Force as the Jedi Knights rallied to the defense of the Old Republic. Although the Sith were driven off of the Core World Coruscant by 5000 BBY, centuries of conflict ensued between the two orders, culminating in the Old Republic’s collapse. Undermined by constant infighting and ruined by the last war against the Jedi, the Sith were rendered all but extinct with the exception of one; Darth Bane survived the ancient order’s destruction and passed his knowledge to a single apprentice, Darth Zannah, before being entombed on Korriban, which became known as Moraband. Henceforth, the Sith was governed by the Rule of Two, a new philosophy dictating that only two Sith Lords—a Sith Master and a Sith apprentice—could exist at any given time. As a result, the Sith were all but forgotten while the Jedi focused their efforts on preserving the new age of peace under the modern Galactic Republic.

The Sith remained in hiding for a millennium until the rise of Darth Sidious and Darth Maul in 32 BBY. Sidious, trained by Darth Plagueis, hid in plain sight as Senator Sheev Palpatine of Naboo. Orchestrating the blockade and invasion of his homeworld by the Trade Federation, Sidious maneuvered the Galactic Senate into electing him to the office of Supreme Chancellor. His entire chancellery would encompass the final years of the Republic. Over the next decade Sidious sowed the seeds of discontent within the galactic populace with the help of his new apprentice, the former Jedi Master Count Dooku, who adopted the name of Darth Tyranus and became the public face of the Independent Movement for Self-Determination. The Separatist Crisis culminated in the formation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the creation of the Separatist Droid Army which, in turn, compelled the Senate to support the establishment of the Grand Army of the Republic.

The Clone Wars began with the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY, after which entire armies of battle droids and clone troopers deployed across the galaxy, making war and devastation commonplace for the first time since the formation of the Republic. In the final months of the Clone Wars, Sidious sacrificed and betrayed Tyranus as part of his plot to turn Anakin Skywalker, the Jedi Order’s prophesied Chosen One, to the dark side. Playing on Skywalker’s fear of losing his secret wife, Senator Padmé Amidala, Palpatine revealed his deception and true identity, while claiming that the dark side was the path to immortality. Members of the Jedi High Council, having learned from Skywalker’s report that the chancellor was, in fact, a Sith Lord, attempted to arrest Palpatine, but the chancellor resisted. Torn between his faith in the Jedi and the fate he foresaw for his wife, Skywalker ultimately chose the Sith by betraying Mace Windu, allowing Sidious to kill the Jedi Order’s great champion.

Using the incident in the chancellor’s office to frame the Jedi Order for treason, Sidious declared Order 66 was in effect, marking all Jedi as enemies of the state. The clone troopers’ programming turned them against their Jedi Generals, who were betrayed and executed across the galaxy. With the majority of the order falling victim to the Great Jedi Purge, Sidious announced the creation of a new regime, transforming the Republic into the First Galactic Empire in 19 BBY. With the former Anakin Skywalker, renamed Darth Vader, at his side, the self-proclaimed Galactic Emperor’s rise to power was complete, and the Sith were restored to dominance after centuries of plotting.

The Sith’s control of the galaxy remained relatively unchallenged for a generation until the birth of the Alliance to Restore the Republic which, in turn, led to the Galactic Civil War in 0 BBY. The Emperor, having felt a disturbance in the Force, discovered that his apprentice’s long lost son, Luke Skywalker, was training to become Jedi. Aware of the potential Luke inherited from his father, the Emperor foresaw the possibility of his own destruction but resolved to turn the young man to the dark side as he did with Vader. During the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Emperor forced father and son into a duel, which ended with Luke disarming Vader. The Emperor subsequently betrayed Vader by ordering Luke to finish him off and be Sidious’s apprentice, but the young Jedi Knight refused. Knowing he had lost Luke to the Jedi, the Emperor proceeded to torture Luke with torrents of Force lightning. At that moment, Vader, overwhelmed by his son’s compassion for him, chose to save Luke by killing his master. The death of the now redeemed Anakin Skywalker, who succumbed to his injuries, marked the end of the Sith, bringing balance to the Force. Yet while the Chosen One prophecy foretold the Sith’s destruction, it never predicted the end of the dark side.

Philosophy (The Code of the Sith)

The Sith focused on primal emotions like anger and pain in order to gain power from the dark side of the Force. The Code of the Sith was the antithesis of the Jedi Code, although like its counterpart, it governed the actions and beliefs of the Sith. The Sith code insisted on the importance of passion and the rejection of peace.

Peace is a lie. There is only passion.

Through passion I gain strength.

Through strength I gain power.

Through power I gain victory.

Through victory my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.

The Sith wore clothing that obscured their identity while in hiding. They used the term “dark side” because they were secretive. The Sith felt it was easier to impose order if they kept their identities and knowledge a secret or, as Lona Aphra put it, “hidden—in the dark.” The hex charm was a traditional symbol of the Sith. Jedi Master Zallah Macri maintained that, in the abstract, the Sith Order’s ideals may have seemed “good” to a Jedi, but the finer details and their actions painted a clearer picture for what they truly stood for. Indeed, many who joined the Sith or related dark side groups tried to rationalize their actions at first before being fully consumed by the dark side.

The cosmic right

The most moral element of Sith philosophy seemed to be that their powers gave them the cosmic right to rule the galaxy, which they considered their property, that was based on a messiah complex that the Sith were the chosen ones to rule everything. Being the mantra of the Sith Eternal, a section of the Sith that honored the immortality of the order.


Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (1983)
– The Emperor’s Throne Room



The Emperor’s Throne Room was a room reserved for Darth Sidious, the Galactic Emperor of the Galactic Empire aboard the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station. It was located at the pinnacle of the Emperor’s Tower in the north pole of the battle station. The throne room was designed for the sole purpose of intimidating those who entered it. Four years after the Battle of Yavin, as a decisive encounter raged both in space and on the surface of Endor, the Emperor’s Throne Room hosted the fateful duel between Darth Vader and his estranged son Luke Skywalker.


Contrary to Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine’s personal quarters and offices, both on the battle station and back in the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, the second Death Star’s throne room was devoid of ornaments and symbols of plush comfort. The bleak, industrial design was meant to frighten all those would enter the chamber, be it prisoners, Imperial subjects, or even dignitaries. To approach the Emperor, visitors had to cross a narrow bridge that extended over a vast chasm. A mile below, the main reactor of the Death Star glowed an eerie blue color. Several sets of stairs had been placed in the room for no reason other than their own inconvenience. The throne itself was a simple, contoured swiveling chair set in front of a large circular viewport lined with a web-like framework and equipped with magnification scanners. The dais before the Emperor was flanked by viewscreens linked to the station’s computers and communications systems. There was a holding room, in which visitors seeking admittance in the throne room waited for the authorization.

The room was not only Palpatine’s ceremonial seat of power on the battle station, as it also served as the Emperor’s command center, and Palpatine was able to send orders to his forces from the room. Located atop the high Emperor’s Tower on the second Death Star, the throne room gave Palpatine the chance to watch over the destruction unleashed during the Battle of Endor. The room also featured some red lighting, as the Emperor favored using decor in that color. This also allowed for Imperial Royal Guards to blend into the room.


When the Emperor visited the Death Star shortly before his death during the Battle of Endor, the throne room had only just been finished. The ultimate confrontation between Jedi and the Sith took place in the throne room when Luke Skywalker, last heir of the Jedi ways, faced Palpatine and his apprentice Darth Vader. The Emperor taunted and tempted Skywalker, leading to duel Vader, who was in fact the young Jedi’s estranged father. Although Skywalker managed to cripple Vader, he refused to succumb to the dark side. Enraged at the young man’s denial, the Emperor unleashed deadly Force lightning into Skywalker. The Jedi’s pleas for help awakened the good in Vader, who then chose to renounce his connection to the dark side and turned against the Emperor. While he had suffered fatal injuries from the Emperor’s lightning, Vader managed to hurl him into the reactor shaft, which killed the tyrant, releasing a blaze of dark side energy.


(Character Profile)

Full Name:Sheev Palpatine
Alias:Emperor Palpatine
Darth Sidious
The Emperor
The Senate
The Sith Lord
Lord Sidious
Master Sidious
The Dark Lord
The Phantom Menace
The Shadow
Chancellor Palpatine
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
The Chancellor
The Supreme Chancellor
The Emperor Reborn
The One True Emperor
The Phantom Emperor
The Event Horizon
The Dark Emperor
The Sith Emperor
True Master of the Sith
Origin:Star Wars franchise
Occupation:Dark Lord of the Sith
Darth Plagueis’ apprentice (formerly)
Master of Darth Maul, Count Dooku, and Darth Vader
Kylo Ren’s secret master (both formerly)
Shadow puppeteer of Supreme Leader Snoke
Senator of Naboo
Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic (both formerly)
Secret benefactor and de-facto leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems
Emperor of the Galactic Empire
Leader of the Sith Eternal
Emperor of the Dark Empire (Legends continuity)
Powers / Skills:Mastery of the dark side of the Force
Electrokinesis (partially)
Incredible mastery of lightsabers
Genius-level intelligence
Mastery of manipulation and deception
Mastery of tactics
Life-force absorption
Hobby:Instigating conflicts.
Spreading pain and death.

Watching spectacles and artistic expositions.
Going to the opera.
Antagonizing the Jedi.
Tormenting the Skywalker family.
Goals:Bring about the downfall of both the Jedi Order and the Old Republic.
Convince Anakin Skywalker to join the dark side and force him to be his apprentice.
Reform the Republic into an Empire and rule the entire galaxy.
Restore the Sith Empire.
Become immortal.
Have his successors destroy all of galactic civilization in the event of his untimely death.
Sway Luke Skywalker to the dark side and have him replace Darth Vader as his apprentice.
Conquer the entire universe and rule over it as a living deity (all failed).
Restore the Empire to its former glory by destroying the New Republic and the New Jedi Order under Luke Skywalker (Legends continuity; partially succeeded, but ultimately failed).
Mass murder
Mass mundicide
Abuse of power
Psychological abuse
Assault and battery
Unethical experimentation
Child abuse
War crimes
Hate crimes
War instigation
Attempted omnicide
Attempted universal domination
Unlawful imprisonment
Unlawful detention
Mass property destruction
Mass breaking and entering
Animal cruelty
Crimes against humanity
Type of Villain:Tyrannical Mastermind

Drone footage of devastation in Maui after deadly fire

The Truth


Predictive Programming is the concept whereby conspirators plan a false flag operation, they hide references to it in the popular media before the atrocity takes place; when the event occurs, the public has softened up, and therefore passively accepts it rather than offering resistance or opposition.


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.

Dr. Judy Wood – Evidence of Directed-Energy Weapons
Used On 9/11




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