2023 Hawaii Wildfires – 2.2 – Independence Day (1996) The Harvesters (Hostile Alien Species)



destruction of the natural environment,
especially when deliberate.


Independence Day

Harvester Concept Art – Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)

The Official Story

(Hostile Alien Species – Independence Day, 1996)


The Harvesters are the main antagonists of the Independence Day franchise, appearing in the films Independence Day and Independence Day: Resurgence. They are a space-faring genocidal race of hostile alien species that destroy planets, and take their orders from their Queens, the overarching antagonists of the franchise. When they destroyed the Sphere’s race, she rescued other aliens from the Harvesters.


Becoming a Threat

In an unspecified time in the past, the Harvesters presented themselves as a threat to the universe itself, due to their plague-like nature. Attacking from their own homeworld, their empire encountered a highly-advanced civilization of trans-sentient beings which they pushed to the brink of extinction.

For thousands of years, the Harvester Empire has been at war against a coalition of many alien races, who lost their planets to the Harvesters. This war remains at a stalemate as the Harvesters could not locate their enemies’ planet of origin. Because of this, the Harvesters attempt to hunt down a sapient artificial intelligence known as the Sphere for its vital information on their enemies. The remnants from this civilization escaped with technology that they stored at a sanctuary world, where they have since actively prepared species with the necessary tools to combat the Harvesters. Recognizing the beings as a threat, the Harvesters are determined to discover the sanctuary world and prevent the spread of the means that can defeat them.

Contact with Humanity

The first recorded interaction between humanity and the aliens was in 1947, when an Attacker crashed on the Foster Ranch outside of Roswell, New Mexico. In the crash, two aliens were killed, while a third was seriously injured. The crashed ship, the two bodies and the injured alien were brought to the new Air Force installation outside of Rachel, Nevada called Homey Airport, (better known as “Area 51”). The survivor died within a matter of weeks. Over the next 49 years, scientists at Area 51 studied the Attacker, attempted to repair it and studied the physiology of the three alien corpses. However, none of the technology of the Attacker could be accessed, either for experiments or reverse engineering, as there was no Mothership nearby and human technology were unable to duplicate the power source of the Attacker.

Vietnam War veteran Russell Casse claimed to have been abducted by the aliens in 1986, with the purpose of conducting horrific experiments upon him. However, the veracity of these claims are debatable and as such, Casse was largely dismissed for suffering Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Independence Day (1996) – Harvesters

First invasion

On July 2, 1996, a Mothership arrives at the Moon and begins to transmit command signals into Earth’s satellite system. During this time, a number of satellites crash into the Mothership, which significantly disrupts terrestrial communications. After establishing a permanent position, the Mothership deploys three dozen city-sized City Destroyers to position themselves over major cities. The signal progressively becomes weaker after every new transmission, with the end of the signal indicating when each City Destroyer should fire upon cities.

On July 3, 1996, humanity is devastated, as the largest cities are now in ruins and hundreds of millions of people are dead. The City Destroyers move on to other major cities, with the intention being to destroy every last one within a matter of days. There are a number of attempts by humans to defend themselves against the City Destroyers, but each of these ends in utter failure, while the alien casualties are minimal, with only one reported crashed Attacker.

On July 4, 1996, the tide of war takes an abrupt turn. In the early Nevada morning, the captured Attacker from 1947 is deployed from Area 51 by the humans, with Captain Steven Hiller piloting and computer scientist David Levinson as a passenger. The Mothership summons the Attacker and docks it in the center of the ship. Levinson connects to the aliens’ internal network and uploads a computer virus that disrupts the Mothership’s systems and causes the shields to go down for fifteen minutes. With this slim window of opportunity, the United States Air Force manages to destroy a City Destroyer when Casse goes kamikaze into the primary weapon. This strategy is shared with other nations and the City Destroyers everywhere are destroyed. A City Destroyer that previously landed and drills into the earth’s crust in the Congo issues a distress signal, calling for other civilizations to come to their aid. Soon after, Hiller and Levinson shoot a nuclear missile into the transport hub of the Mothership and escape. The Mothership then explodes, thus ending the first invasion.


Culture and personality

As a whole, the Harvesters operate as nomadic hive minds that strategically strip planets of their resources. Based from Harvester Motherships commanded by Queens, the civilizations travel to their selected targets, then deploy their Destroyers to incapacitate any indigenous populations that could pose a threat. Once the native species are incapacitated, Troop Transport ships are deployed for the aliens to directly invade and begin harvesting the resources.

While the Motherships act as individual civilizations for the aliens, the species maintain a connection with one another. Should a mission put a Mothership in danger, a distress beacon will be activated, prompting the arrival of reinforcements.

The aliens are shown to be completely merciless and single-minded in their conquests. They destroy any indigenous lifeforms that approach them and refuse requests for parlay. Depending upon the mission, the aliens may opt to utilize the indigenous species’ tools, such as artificial satellites, as means for accelerating their invasions.



Full Name:Harvesters
Origin:Independence Day
Mind control
High intelligence
Technical wizardry
Military sophistication
Members:Supreme Commanders
Ultimate Commanders
Science officers
Weapons experts
Hobby:Following their Queens.
Harvesting molten cores from planets.
Goals:Locate and destroy the Resistance Military Center.
Exterminate life on different planets to drain their cores for resources.
Mass mundicide
Type of Hostile Species:Genocidal Aliens

Drone footage of devastation in Maui after deadly fire

The Truth


Predictive Programming is the concept whereby conspirators plan a false flag operation, they hide references to it in the popular media before the atrocity takes place; when the event occurs, the public has softened up, and therefore passively accepts it rather than offering resistance or opposition.


A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

TIME Magazine Cover – July 8th, 1996



(of a stimulus or mental process) below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone’s mind without their being aware of it.

Dr. Judy Wood – Evidence of Directed-Energy Weapons
Used On 9/11




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